Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private An Outbound Path

She had been turning over a lot of datacrons and maps the past few weeks. Finding Tanalorr was something that was going to be a problem. The world was in the Outer Rim, but that was a big place to search. And she had very little to go on. Seemed that it served the High Republic and the Jedi refugees following the Palpatine Purge as a base and haven. Perhaps that was why it was so hard to find.

She had an idea it was out by Ilum or Ahch-To, or hidden nearby.

But Kaia Starchaser was hoping for something a little better. Still, the maps she had gave her a really interesting idea.

It was from Mara Merrill, or Jorus, but she thought it was Mara.

The Blood Trail, or Outbound Trail. It was going to get her through the Unknown Regions and out to the Rim, hopefully without triggering the Sith crazies.

“Alright, Drifter, lets do another trip. Probably a few months to go, we’ll make some stops. But we’re looking for word on Tanalorr, or the Jedi River…” She had already gotten herself to Muunilinst, next stop was Kalee. Kaia wasn’t certain that they’d find anything this close to the Braztant Run, but one jump at a time in her ship to get this route established.

Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill (For awareness)
Kaia smiled as the stars reverted to real space. The world was home to a war centric race and not really somewhere the Starchaser wanted to visit. But it was on the path. Shame that she couldn’t stop to visit. The world was an interesting gem, green and blue. But a bit war ravaged, for the obvious. The Zenith floated in the real space as the engines kicked in and the ship started to move. She was excited to be here, but hoping for a bit more.

First stop, though, again, so close to somewhere else, and somewhere relatively normal, she knew there wasn’t much to find.

The next jump was plotted, Kad V. A planet with asteroids and nothing truthfully interesting to Kaia.

Didn’t it not have sentient beings?

Next stop was more interesting on the list. Esfandia… Maybe something interesting in the holo relays?
An interesting thing. The jumping between systems. Hyperspace had a specific calm and calamity to it. The Explorer was more than happy to be trail-blazing again. The destination was important, she knew the Jedi that weren’t part of the NJO could use her goal to their benefit, so could the Underground, perhaps. But the bigger part of the journey was, in fact, the travels themselves.

She was spending this time understanding her new ship, and what she was after, truly. The Mirialan had a lot to live up to. Her father was one of the great explorers following the Gulag, and she was trying to find worlds that were myth and legend, bringing them back to the fold of the galaxy. Reading the star maps, and feeling her way through the starlanes made her remember exactly who she was, what she was doing out here. Finding herself.

Finding the galaxy.

Even if she didn’t turn over a new discovery, it didn’t mean the expedition was a failure.
The ship arrived in real space.

Esfandia was a unique world. A proto world. Broken. But at the same time carrying an atmosphere. She smiled as she was finally able to put a lot of this ship's tools. It was always worth while to grab information on different worlds, and the data could always be sold to someone. Another explorer, a researcher on some University trip?

Launching out the StarHunt probes, she moved the ship out of the main travel path and looked to the engine, keeping it running slow, just allowing the Zenith to drift around. Stepping from her pilot's seat, she moved into the scanning seat. The StarMapper system was holographic and gave her a good working UI to move the probes around. Sending them closer to the proto planet and pulling scans.

This was what she was used to doing.

Turning on some music, she knew that the scans would take time, but it was always going to be worth doing. Even with her late-stage millenial vanlife goals. Anyway, the scans were occuring, she moved to grab her electric keyboard, and play along to what she had playing.
She was searching, so there was a goal in mind, but Kaia knew so many beings that were just out there for the adventure. Spacers were the first real explorers. They were the ones who got out there and just flew for the joy, the love it of. She knew that her ancestors were doing that. They were the type to explore and find the fun of the galaxy. That was why Kaia wanted to get along and do a few things. She wanted that thrill again.

Looking up to her maps, she put her keyboard down, letting it play another track on repeat, something interesting for her to listen to while she worked.


Broken but there was some energy out there. Reserves that Starchaser Enterprises could go after. Good news.

“Drifter. Mark the locations. I’m going to spool up the next stop. Another object. Sharb.”

Kaia was smiling as she moved to the navigator’s seat. A few moments of concentration and running some numbers, she nodded.

Drifter beeped a few times, and Kaia understood that be the happy tones. Locations were sent, that meant that Starchaser Enterprises Gentes freighters would be arriving soon.

“Lets jump, two more and we’ll take a break.”
Sharb was the next jump.

This one was going to be something big.

Chiss. Grysk.

She knew the people who were going to be there. She thought the last ones she knew who were associated with the world were the Thrass. It wasn’t one she spent much time at. She spent more time around the bunch of space debris formerly known as Csillia.

Coming to Sharb was going to be a reawakening of the loss that occurred with the Chiss homeworld.
The next jump was something weird. It was Csillia, on all her maps. She knew what it was out there. It was a mess. A world destroyed. An entire people lost. The Jedi Warden in her really felt for that world. But there was nothing she could do here. She could merely get her ship out there, drop her beacon and move on.

But as her ship reverted to real space, the Starchaser explorer took a moment.

“Drifter, can you do an overlay for me?” She punched in a few keys and pulled up images of Csilla with the ship traffic.

The droid beeped and the overlay was put on Kaia’s ship’s viewports. The dark haired woman stepped up to the window and nodded. It gave her chills to see this world like that.

With this, she needed to get out into the galaxy again.

Pick up where her father left off.

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