Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Eye for an Eye will Cost you an Arm and a Leg [Ask]

[member="Xilo Gale"] (OOC: I apologize for my lesser infrequent posting, I hope to rectify this for you! Still enjoyable I hope?)

"On the point of Uvek Tar, he typically resides deep within the Compound here, where his experiments take place behind closed doors. You may find it difficult to actually reach him, however. On the point of tech specialists, there are a number of them classified as such all throughout the settlement. Allow me to make you a list of the top five locations. Do you have a datapad for me to input this data to?" The protocol droid said.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the compound Uvek Tar awakens from his rest. He hadn't actually been sleeping of course, but he was in a deep almost meditative state of tranquil meditation over a course of several hours. The Dalek-Killers however were beginning to gurgle their acid saliva in hunger, and his dart shooter too would need to be fed... along with the other incessant animals locked away in their cages, and his gardens would need trimming and watering.

Today seemed to be just another boring ordinary day in this awful compound. At least he had this undisturbed sanctuary, within the security of the underground, and veterans watching the entrances.

He did not like visitors, after all.
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"] (It's fine, I am guilty of the same thing as I have been working alot more.)

"What do you mind I may find it difficult to reach him? Is he secured off from everyone else or do I need special rights to meet him?" Xilo asked the droid as he handed over his datapad waiting for the information to be inserted into the device. He would probably pay a visit to the top and last one on the list as they probably had the most potential to be the better tech designers. "If it's possible could you insert Uvek Tar's information in as well? Just in case I am able to meet with him?"
[member="Xilo Gale"]

"He doesn't like visitors, but otherwise, no, you do not require specialized access to reach him. I've downloaded his information for you as requested. Just, be careful to stay out of the reach of his experiments. They are all mostly stemming off of the lethal Dalek Beast, so expect a similar type of lethality." The droid then left the Sith acolyte to do as he pleased, and stood on standby within the station.

With this information, Xilo would be able to appear before the Keep of the Compound, enter it under the assumption that he was meeting with the vong biologist, and travel to the lowest level of the Compound. Though it might appear to be suspicious, no one would stop him unless he did something overwhelming stupid.

The doors to Uvek Tar would be locked however, and he might need to convince the vong to let him enter... or enter through other means.

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