Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An end, once and for all.... [Darth Vulcanus & Graxin final duel]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
(Yes, I know I said I was done with this site. Well, I am. But I couldn't just leave Krag hanging out in limbo like this so I'm back to kick Graxin's ass. Then i'm outtie. This is invite only by the way.)

Location: Ossus
Position: Omen Class Vong ship
Goal: Be a badass/whoopass
Time: 2 years after the fall of the New Order

The darkness of the galaxy was descending upon the world this day. From the expanding void of the stars above the Jedi world came an evil, one so tainted by the darkside that the force itself seemed to whimper at its presence. The vessel that carried this evil was a force dead monstrosity, one created by the Graug's knowledge of the twisted Vong ways. Massive tentacles surged from its bow and glowing eyes marked its predatory line of sight, the very appearance of the beast would send shivers down even the coldest man's spine.

Darth Vulcanus, the Emperor of the Sith and member of the New Order's triumvirate, watched through the view port he had installed into the armor that the organic ship wore. The beast had become more entity than being as the darkness had tore and clawed away at his very soul. Madness had also set in, stealing away his mind and causing him to sink into the shadows even as his second empire fell. Did he care though? No, he had no remorse for his actions nor did he care that his legacy had been destroyed before his eyes. He was a mad dog now, a monster with barely enough sanity to keep from eating his own excrement. It had become just as the curse foretold, he had become more powerful than he could possibly imagine but it came at a cost. A cost of mind, body and soul.

Across the bridge, where Vulcanus now stood, were the bodies of those who used to call themselves his crew. Their corpses were rotted and their stench filled the tight space, enough to turn the sturdiest of stomachs. Their flesh had been torn and clawed away by the Dark Lord who had killed them just for fun, then decided to eat what remained for sustenance. Even now his mouth was covered in dry blood, his helmet misplaced during his years of hermitage and his armor shredded and unkempt. The metal plates, once sturdy examples of Sith Alchemy, now hung carelessly around his body by straps not fit enough for a child's toy. Even his eyes had been permanently tinted with dark black shades, a mark of madness and utter corruption. That was hardly the most outstanding of his appearance, however, for the corruption had torn his lower jaw away from his head and left his facial hide a torn mess. Dark energy glowed bright from underneath these wounds of power, making him appear like a reanimated corpse of the darkside.

The ship charged through the empty space between the ship and the surface, the Republic fleets absent from the area to deal with the One Sith and other enemies. Without a match to be met in orbit, the ship quickly descended upon the planet and its Jedi temple. Already the Jedi had been alerted both by orbital scanners and the mere presence of Vulcanus's corruption. Like little ants, the Jedi and their younglings scurried beneath the terraformer's shadow. Like an eclipse the vessel blocked out the sun, blanketing the temple in a darkness like none other.

With a thunderous crash, the ground shook and as the 'feet' of the massive vessel made contact with the surface. Debris from the earth were thrown across the landscape and the rock tore asunder, cracking it through sheer impact alone. Jedi fumbled to the ground, their feet unable to keep up with the shaking rock and their beloved temple fracturing under the stress. The younglings looked up in terror, masters moved to defend them from the colossus...but their efforts would be for not.

An organic growl sent a sonic of air pulsing over the landscape, shattering the windows of the Jedi temple and crushing the nearby Jedi with the immense pressure. Screams of terror followed immediately after, the shrieks were pleasing to the mad beast inside the ship. A cynical grin cracked his dry lips and a reptilian tongue moved to wet them.

"Begin the extermination" Vulcanus growled to the organic brain of the ship, which responded with a growl that again shook the earth. Vulcanus would make an example of this planet, he would create a second Gratos one that would be his staging point to destroy the rest of the galaxy! A world that would be perfect in every way, one that would be devoted to the Sith and one that the Graug would be proud of. Already he had secretly rallied his people, brought even the pirates to his call. The fleet of the Graug people, one made of Vong and Imperial technology, would soon arrive in the system to wipe out any who wished to interfere and begin a new era of the Graug.

The war within the New Order has already left the Graug numbers demolished, the species has no choice but to rally under a strong leader. That leader would be Krag and that thought coaxed him to wet his lips again. Then, with the same look of madness still painted across his face, Vulcanus watched as the massive terraforming beast spewed forth a wall of flames and toxins across the surface. The devastating concoction created a massive ring that expanded outward from the machine, slowly engulfing the landscape around it. Even ships in orbit would be able to see the ring as it burned life of all types off the face of the galaxy.

Yes, this was fitting for a dark lord...the power to change the face of an entire world.

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Jedi Temple: Ossus

Krag was supposed to be dead. He was supposed to have run off into the unknown regions, never to return. The galaxy was supposed to never feel the fear that always pervaded when the Graug fleets entered orbit. Yet now, that feeling ran through the Jedi Temple like a disease. It infected one defender, then another until the majority of what would have been a formidable defense fell into shambles.

What demonic creature had his father churned up to end Ossus? Graxin watched from his guest quarters just south of the ship. The presence was familiar, and brought up long forgotten memories. Remnants of the past better left untouched in Graxin's new life. He was to become a Jedi Knight, to slowly shirk away the Sith teachings, and find that raven haired woman that constantly haunted his visions. Krag was supposed to be a being of the past.

It seemed everything had to get settled eventually.

Graxin drew over his ebony over the light armored pauldrons he wore beneath. While Masters fell, Graxin trudged forward. It was not courage, nor was it a need to feel important. This was his father, and no one else was suited to deal with him. His twin hilts hung loosely from his belt as he trudged on through the now-ruined courtyard outside the temple. Ossus had become his sanctuary, a place of peace, and he would not allow Krag to destroy it.

He stopped a few meters away from the monster. Fear tugged at the edge of his mind, a dark shadow always at the edge of his vision, but never truly seen. It threatened to break him, to make him fall to his knees and swear allegiance to the Dark Lord. "There is no emotion." He murmured quietly. He found it to be the most useful section of the Jedi Code, and the simple mantra served to comfort him.

He stood before the beast, tilted his head back to a point, and yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Father! You're supposed to be dead, so what are you doing here? Come out and face me with a bit of dignity!"

[member="Darth Vulcanus"]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Graxin Rade"]

Well then, wasn't this just a surprise? Graxin, his false son, had apparently lost all of his worth and lowered himself to the filth that was the Jedi and their order. Graxin had always been more of a pet project to Krag than anything worth emotional attachment, in fact Krag was constantly disappointed in his 'son's' abilities. So disappointed was he that he barely even found it worthy of his superior being to even acknowledge the man. Still, there was that curiosity that tinged in the back of the mad man's mind, one that coaxed him to answer the now Jedi's call. Taking a deep breath in, the Dark Lord unleashed a massive telekinetic messaged towards Graxin.

"YOU DARE SPEAK TO YOUR GOD IN SUCH A MANNER? YOU WILL DIE HERE UNDER THE FIRES OF MY POWER, YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF MY TIME!" the crazed Sith shouted through the force. He would not fight such a weakling for nothing, no...he would need a much better reason to fight Graxin.

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So that was how he wished to end things? It was clear, Krag had deteriorated. Perhaps it was the passage of time, or the slow rot of loneliness that ate away at the Graug's mind. Perhaps it was the darkside. The catalyst for such a transformation was of no importance, the resolution was. Graxin stared up at the massive creature; expression locked in determination.

"I challenge you for rule of the clans!" He roared at the top of his lungs. The action hurt his throat, and he almost grimaced as he fell silent once more. He could not hope to speak with the mind they way Vulcanus did, and that was alright. He would be heard either way.

The former Sith took his twin blades in both hands. One orange, the other cyan, both beacons leading right to him. If one were to target him, all that needed to be done was a fixation on the energy of his lightsabers. His front leg drew forward, the back ready as if he were planning to spring at the massive beast. If Krag took the bait, he had a chance. If would be up to other, more capable defenders to stop the monster.

"Or are you too much of a coward to face your former slave?"

[member="Darth Vulcanus"]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Graxin Rade"]

Vulcanus's eyes shot wide open as the lesser made his intentions clear, he wished to challenge for the rule of the clans. The thought of it was sickening, outrages, vile. A lesser had never challenged for leadership nor should they ever have; it was a disgrace to his people. Anger rose deep from the belly of the beast, his eyes filling with the fires of a burning hatred that threatened to take hold of what little of a shattered mind that the Dark Lord maintained. He wanted to kill Graxin with his own bare hands for his insult to his people, to feel the warm blood of the lightsider as it rushed over his hands. Yes, he would kill the man today and he would watch as his body was ground to dust by the power of his ship.

"Halt!" Vulcanus screamed at the top of his lungs and the sentient brain of the ship instantly heeded the order, shutting down the systems that were responsible for terraforming. With a thunderous growl, the ship shifted and the ring of fire quickly began to burn out. Leaving nothing behind it but the scorched, melted stone and charred Jedi Temple. From orbit, the Graug fleet would be able to see the massive ring of destruction that had been seared into the planet's surface that appeared as little more than a blackened blemish on the otherwise colorful world.

"You worthless slime!" Vulcanus called to his former slave through the force, "I accept your challenge, lesser, and I will tear the flesh from your bones!"

The beast stormed quickly through the hull, his body pulsing with the corrupt tang of the darkside. He would meet the Jedi on the field of battle, among the charred rocks and burning corpses, and he would smile when his corpse laid at his feet.

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Graxin almost faltered. The approach of the massive Graug was terrifying. He had served this beast faithfully from childhood until only two years prior. Then, he had been hunted simply for associating. His progress under Vulcanus had resulted in nothing but wrongs wrought for those in his path. He had received no reward, and still, Krag was a god compared to his own prowess. Hope of victory was slim to none, but if he did not try...

"You call me lesser, yet your Empire has crumbled. I stand, your acolytes, your race, they do not." Graxin stated firmly. It wasn't a very Jedi thing to say, and he knew it. The sharp pull of his former self tugged at the edge of his mind. It wished to be used to defeat Krag. One final act of revenge, before he became what he truly wished to be. Perhaps indulging in it would save his life. "You've fallen far, father. You have no legacy, no true kin, and your body is dying. It's only fitting that I be the one to end your self inflicted torment."

Graxin stepped forward, an expression of forced calm on his face. He was never good at concealing his emotions. Even as he silently mumbled the Jedi mantra, he felt himself devolving into a sense of panic. He gripped the twin blades in either hand, and positioned himself to enter the form of Niman. It was his specialty, and rather different from the standard Jedi technique. Hopefully, it would catch Krag off guard.

"And then, I will lead the Graug to prosperity."

[member="Darth Vulcanus"]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Graxin Rade"]

From the black depths of the ship's underbelly strode the beast of nightmares, a product of the quest for ultimate power. Black tendrils of his malevolent aura seemed to weave the essence corruption into the very force itself. Tainting it with the will of a man who had felt nothing but the icy embrace of darkness since his first breath. Never was Vulcanus a truly living creature, never has he loved, never has he felt remorse or sorrow. No, only the lust for power, the never ending drive for blood is what he has felt. These facts, if not obvious before, were now clear as day before Graxin as the darkness that was his 'father' festered into every crevice of the force. Memories of a dark life flooded the force and feelings of death, lust and pure madness wiped away the warm presence of the lightside.

The Dark Lord set his distant gaze upon the man he had once used for his own gain, the project that he had no use for. "Darkness has come, lesser. You have betrayed me and now you will feel the same pain that all Jedi will come to feel, in time. My lust for revenge burns like the stone of your precious temple and when I am through, I shall build a temple to my power atop the ashes of this world." the beast boomed, his eyes stirring with the hatred that only a Sith could muster.

Throwing his hands far to his sides, Vulcanus called his saber and Sith Sword to hand. Like dogs on a leash, the weapons whipped to his palms where he easily gripped them tight. "There will be no mercy, no quarter and the Jedi will be crushed under the feet of my army!" the beast screamed at the top of his lungs, bursting forward towards his opponent with both his weapons crossed behind him. His footsteps shook the earth and his form moved like that of a speeding asteroid, that same speed being used as he brought his right arm across his body in a chopping motion. As he did so, the curved blade of the Sith Sword came arching around his body and aimed to decapitate his foe with one clean strike.

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Was this why I was born?

The source of so much pain, death, and cruelty came at him like the monster that it was. Graxin no longer felt the need to please such a thing. For so long, he had tried to earn Krag's respect. Tried to receive the smallest words of approval; slaughtered for a single show of affection.

Those had never come.

There was fear in Graxin's eyes. He was terrified, but he would not flee. Krag's rippling form oozed the power of the Dark Side. The flash of his blade and that terrible lightsaber tried to force Graxin away. Yet, he would not. He took the form of Niman, something Krag would have viewed as a coward's way of battle, and ran to meet his enemy.

Where Krag was strong, brutal, and relentless; Graxin was fluid, swift, and calculated. The two monstrous weapons came cleaving for his head and midriff. Graxin had only a moment's notice to respond in turn. He went down on both knees skidding just below the bite of the weapons. The granite below burned the flesh from his legs and made him wince in pain. He stood upward to swing back and carve through Krag's back with the twin blades, only to be thrown back by the Sith Lord's great power.

He stumbled back, his weapons fixating in a position of Soresu. He would defend, for now. "Twenty years I slaved under you, and I survived!" He yelled. There was no anger in his voice, only frustration. "I know how you fight. I know your mind, father. Surrender now, and you can take the Graug, and leave known space in peace."

[member="Darth Vulcanus"]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Graxin Rade"]

Pathetic, exactly what Krag would expect from a slave. Nimon was the cowards way of fighting and Vulcanus would bludgeon, break and carve his way through it. "Peace, there is no peace!" Vulcanus roared, a grin of twisted satisfaction gripping at the corners of his torn lips. "There is only passion!" the beast roared once more, his hate and anger ripping the force apart like a dog to a chew toy. The Dark Lord's body was preying upon the death and fear in the area, and where there was none it simply ripped and twisted the the planet's aura to suit his needs. Draining the very essence of the world around it, a grotesque leach that would feed eternally if not stopped.

Using the life that he had ripped from the world, Vulcanus focused his power into a burning ball of darkness deep within his belly. The hurricane of power shook and swirled, threatening to burst the Dark Lord asunder and sweep over the land like a wave of darkness. Before it could, however, Vulcanus shot his mouth open and commanded the force to twist the energy into an unnatural and unholy fire that spewed forth like wind from a vortex. The burning, black embers of pure darkside manifestation quickly arched toward Graxin, their only purpose to burn him to cinders.

"There will never be peace between the Graug and the Jedi. We will use our weapons of war to wash over the Republic like a cleansing fire! Every planet will burn to dust and every child thrown from the roofs of every building! Your leaders, hung from your precious temples and your woman forced to watch as their husbands are torn limb from limb." the beast howled after his spit of embers. Stopping for a moment, Vulcanus focused in on the frustration that he knew was building inside his former slave...and he capitalized on it. "Your mother, you never knew her but I will make sure she knows you. In her last moments, I will be sure to show her your head."

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And just like that, his control was lost.

His mother? Krag dare say I word about his mother? He had seen visions of her. An ebony haired woman just starting to show signs of age. She was all he had left, and they had never met. It was Graxins sole purpose to meet her...and to destroy this thing that had once been his father. He had no hope of repelling Krag's attack. None, save for the technique Krag himself had taught him long ago.

"I have had enough of your shortsightedness!" He roared. His Jedi training wasn't holding together perfectly, but, then again, this wasn't really the time for it. Krag wished to fight a worthy opponent, then he would have one.

The twin blades were held by loose thumbs as Graxin held his arms forward. Bright azure flames ignited from his fingers tips, and flew forward to meet the dark flames of his former Master. The two infernos scorched one another, but neither would give way. "On your knees!"

Bleeding now, Graxin drew on the pain for the moment. His flames needed fuel if he was to survive.

[member="Darth Vulcanus"]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Graxin Rade"]

Vulcanus grinned as the young slave tried to outmatch his outstanding power, a power that was far beyond his scope in the eyes of the Dark Lord. As the flames sparked in a dance of life and death, the skies began to turn dark with the shadows of monstrous machines built by Vulcanus's late New Order. The Graug had commandeered what was left of the Sith fleet after the Order's fall, storing it away for the time that their warlord would return to lead them to victory over the those who had defeated them. Star Destroyers of all shapes and sizes began to descend upon the planet, each moving in a mechanical cohesion that would frighten even the most skilled of military commanders. Fires like those of God's wraith began to fall upon the surface of the planet, far from the battle at hand. The Graug would not fire on the temple, to keep from harming their leader, but the civilian cities and towns would be shown no mercy. Explosions cracked the air like the howls of divine beasts and fire lit up distance like the gates of hell had just been opened on the Horizon.

Landing vessels spewed forth, Graug moving to take civilian points. The numbers blackened the skies, the metallic frames blotting out the rays of the sun. In the meantime, Vulcanus quickly switched tactics. Halting his attack of spinning flames, the Dark Lord channeled the energy from his stomach and to the bottoms of his feet. Converting the energy to a jet of flames, the beast propelled himself at Graxin with lightening speed and used his own knowledge of pyrokinesis to push aside the flames as he sped through them. Like a bullet, Vulcanus put his shoulder right into his former slave's sternum with enough force to break every rib in his body. Of course, Graxin was a force user so he may be able to save himself some pain.

"Your weakness is a disgrace to your kin! Your mother will burn in the flames just like everyone else and your brother's heads will hang beside her!"

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Graxin soared. He was a powerful user of telekinesis, and relied on that power now to reduce the force of the blow. Still,the Graug was massive. The blow sent him high up into the air and forced blood up from the back of Graxin's throat. The pain was immense, but something to be ignored for now. The Knight caught himself mid-air, span back, and landed on two feet against the stone ground. The fires of the Graug force burned bright, but only so long as Krag lived.

"You can't goad me on. You won't get to me. You say these things, because you're afraid. Afraid of what I can do to you!" Graxin retorted as he rushed to meet the Graug once more. His chest was aflame with pain, but the use of natural adrenaline and the power of the light side kept Graxin moving. He launched himself high up into the air with the aid of the force, sent a strong telekinetic blast toward Krag and followed after it; twin blades in an 'X' to slice through the beast's head.

[member="Darth Vulcanus"]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Graxin Rade"]

The strength of a species was raining fire down upon the surface and in the plains around the temple, militia armies brought to bare their arms and prepared themselves to destroy the invaders. Among them, Jedi had their sabers held high in a show of bravery that sent rushes of courage down the spines of every man in the ranks. Even as fire from the gunships tore the ground asunder and laid waste to dozens of militia at a time, the strong held their ground and returned fire with what weapons they had available to them. Workers and shopkeepers, sons and daughters stood side by side with their Jedi protectors and fired into the merciless cloud of evil beings that had emerged to take their world. Rockets soared through the darkening sky and flames engulfed the air. Scores of ships began to unleash their payloads of Graug infantry across the land and the viscous creatures quickly began to take up firing positions. The battle had commenced and lasers cracked the sky, lightening broke the earth and rain poured down like the tears of the dead.


"Afraid!?" Vulcanus roared, thunder breaking the noise of battle, "I fear only that your head will not fit on my belt!" the Graug Warlord shouts and then the wall of force energy smashed against his body. Like a heavy boulder, Vulcanus skidded heavily across the earth and left long drag marks as his heels dug into the ground. He did not fumble to the ground, no he was able to keep himself upright with a jet of flame from his back. When the telekinesis had done its work, the beast found himself several meters from his last position. Looking up towards his opponent, Vulcanus saw as the former slave leap forward in order to turn the Dark Lord's face into four separate pieces. Quickly, Vulcanus channeled the force into his Sith Sword and swung in an arching motion. From the blade came a crescent shaped string of flames that rushed straight for Graxin's chest.

Atlas Kane

Ossus, Jedi Temple.
There had been a lot of noise lately. Hayato had been meditating on the outskirts of civilization here on Ossus when the Graug and their Master had arrived. The great darkness that followed the Graug around had been the first thing that alerted Hayato about what was coming. The second thing had been the large ships that started terraforming the planet. Ever since then Hayato had started making his way towards the Jedi Temple. On his way, he had encountered a couple Graug squads. The first one was taken by surprise when a Jedi Master came running at a inhuman speed and then punched them out with a couple quick blows to key locations that knocked them out. The next squad, which was a couple kilometers away got taken out when Hayato used his skills in Telekinesis to trap them in a cave. Then he continued his way towards the Jedi Temple, where he felt the biggest concentration of Dark Side.

s he came closer and closer he could feel the Dark Side become more powerful. There had to be some kind of powerful Sith nearby, most likely a master. He also felt the light side, though. So he knew he would not face the darkness alone. He hadn't drawn his sword yet and he hoped he wouldn't have this day. Then, finally, he arrived at the Jedi Temple. There were a lot of Jedi fighting off Graug, but he knew that they could handle it on their own, he would have to find the main fight and help whoever was fighting. As he searched through the Temple grounds he finally ran across the main fight. It was a large Graug with a Lightsaber and a Sword, as well as a Jedi with twin blades. Hayato was on a building above them.

"KRAG! YOUR REIGN OF DARKNESS ENDS NOW." And his old golden blade, that has not seen the light of day for so long, ignited.

[member="Darth Vulcanus"] [member="Graxin Rade"]

Zion Krayt

No more time to waste.

The Jedi Knight leapt over allies and enemies alike, slashing at one graug across his midsection since he had no time to sway around it's slash that would've taken off his head, and he dived diagonally past it before it could fall atop of him and he contineud running. He had sensed the anxiety, power, anger, and maybe even sadness of [member="Graxin Rade"]. Two years ago he had become his charge when he had found him upon the planet of Onderon. He had stopped him from being taken by a trio of Silver Jedi for whatever reason being upon Onderon, and a Mandalorian Kill Squad. Or a Hit Squad. Whatever they were, they were bounty hunters and he had beaten them back.

The Jedi Knight had simply followed the sense of Graxin's aura through the Force, an aura that he had becoem accustomed to over the two years that they had been in each other's presence. For the most part they hadn't been together every waking moment of the day, but they had spent considerable amounts of time with each other, with Zaren running him through exercises to calm him down, tests to see if he could pass them as a Jedi. Even theories of the Jedi Code and scenarios. If he would have to put a word to it, it would have been... Interesting. To say... Fun would have been odd to Zaren, but inside, like really deep down, the child within the Protector of Tython enjoyed helping Graxin Rade's turn to the Light Side of the Force.

When he had arrived upon the scene, he had continued running, even though he saw three combatants. One he didn't know, but nevertheless it was [member="Hayato"], then there was another that he did know, Graxin Rade, former Sith Knight and sort of his Apprentice, and then there was [member="Darth Vulcanus"], a Sith Lord that he had only faced once long ago upon Telos IV. That day seemed so long ago, and today, he was going to show him what it meant to be a Jedi.

He was coming in upon an angle, and he saw the fire heading towards his charge's chest, and with his right hand he called the Force to him and did his best to redirect the fire from the centre of Graxin's chest so that it'd head just barely over his shoulder instead, maybe singing him. He didn't have a lot of time to actually stop him completely, but it was better than being... Utterly vaporized by the fiery attack.

Drawing his lightsaber hilt to his hand, he ignited the purple beam and his left hand reared backwards as he gathered the Force and launched the lightsaber towards the Sith Lord's closer leg. If it did hit, it would only hit the back of the Graug's leg's joint so that it would cripple him momentarily and give them enough time to strike.

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And there it was. Graxin had made a fatal mistake. He had grown to overconfident in his skill with telekinesis; failed to estimate just how much energy Krag could negate. He winced as the flaming blade broke through his block like a hammer through a flimsy wall, and awaited the inevitable. Except that never came.

Graxin tumbled to the ground in a messy heap. He pitched a roll, and sent his ribs into a fit as he came to a stand. Blood trickled down the side of his mouth. Something had been pierced, but it was worth no attention now. With the second he had to himself, he eyed [member="Hayato"], then [member="Zaren Bouqi"]. As a trio...perhaps they had a chance. Krag was innumerably strong now, that was apparent.

"Lift his ship from the planet. Destroy it, his fleet will assume he's died, and they will flee!" He ordered to his comrades. The cyan and bronze lights emanating from his lightsabers pointed toward Krag, and he beckoned once more. "Shall we finish, father?"

[member="Darth Vulcanus"]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Hayato"]

So it seemed that the Jedi had decided to overcome their fear and scurry back into his shadow to meet their demise, this may turn out to be a worthy fight after all. Vulcanus first saw the man known as Hayato, standing atop temple who called him by name and dared challenge his power. It made the Dark Lord sick, these lessers did not know who they were dealing with. "You will die here just as your Jedi friends have!" Vulcanus cried back, his anger and hate spilling over and shaking the fabrics of the force. The beast of evil would have simply sent a swirling vortex of flame at the man, had it not been for yet another newcomer. The sneak attack came from nowhere and Vulcanus had not seen it coming, luckily the blade had been sent swirling straight for the Dark Lord's prosthetic leg.

The blade struck the cortosis weave, scorching the metal surface and denting it severely. However, the blade was deflected and deactivated near harmlessly away from the beast. Still, the force of the impact was enough to send Krag down to one knee. The tank of a Sith fell to the scorching dirt, his teeth gritted in anger and pain from the attack he had just suffered. These Jedi would perish for what they have done! They would all pay the price for their weakness! Looking back to the direction that the blade was thrown from, the Dark Lord growled in anger and shouted at the top of his voice. "You weakling! I will burn your bones in the fires of the Darkside!" said he before he stabbed his Sith Sword deep into the stone and coursed what energy was left in it into the ground. Quickly, the stone that he was kneeling on began to glow a molten red just as it had at the start of the terraforming. When the stone was hot enough start scorching even Krag's powerfully force imbued Sith Armor, the pyromancer used the force to call a small wall of molten rock into the air. The rock dripped magma, the individual pieces barely holding together.

"Now suffer!" the beast screamed, throwing his hand forward and sending a storm of bullet-like balls of magma towards the Jedi Knight. It was during this attack that he heard his son offer him a challenge, so Vulcanus's eyes met his former slave's. As the beast looked into the human's eyes, he began to laugh in a bellowing voice of thunder. "You think the Graug will follow a weakling? Even if all three of you were strong enough to defeat me, my people would tear you all apart." With that, the Dark Lord looked up the terraforming ship that stood high above him. With a cynical grin, Krag amplified his voice and pointed his finger straight for the Jedi Temple. "Destroy their precious temple!"

The ship growled unintelligibly in response, its yoret-kor cannons aiming straight for the Jedi structure. Then, with one thunderous boom, the ship launched a long stream of plasma at the temple. The explosion engulfed the Jedi's Ossus home, sending rock and metal flying across the battlefield and littering it with debris. The heat itself was enough to burn even Krag's skin, which also suffered multiple shrapnel hits and a shockwave that sent him shooting backwards like a rag doll.

Atlas Kane

[member="Darth Vulcanus"] [member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"]
The booming voice of the Dark Side Master reached the Jedi. His words were a challenge, a taunt, but it wasn't going to work. Hayato was serenity personified during battles and he would not start letting mere taunts affect him now. It was going to be a hard fight, he already knew that, the Sith Lord was known for his powerful attacks with fire and his Graug heritage made him even more fearsome in battle, but with the help of two Jedi, Hayato was sure he could take him on and stop him from ever harming another person again. Then he heard the voice of the Jedi further down, he didn't quite understand what he said, because of the loud noise of battle everywhere, so he assumed it was a simple 'Hello', though it seemed to make Krag quite mad. The Lightsaber that had hit him a couple seconds ago and the thing the Jedi had said both seemed to have made the Dark Lord so mad that he was using molten rock itself to fight. It was quite an unusual sight and Hayato wasn't sure how to combat that kind of raw power, but he wouldn't have much time to think about it.

he deep rumbling from the sky suddenly caught Hayato's attention. He turned his head towards it and it revealed itself to be the giant walker Hayato had seen from far away. It was pointing its guns at the Atrisian, or was it just targeting the Temple? Hayato couldn't quite make it out, but he knew he had to get out of there, so he drew upon the Force and jumped towards Krag, one hand holding his Lightsaber outwards to his right, the other held next to his body, as if he was conjuring something. Then, when he was above the Graug Dark Lord, about to fall on top of him, he shot his left hand forward, it was enhanced with the Force. The arm shot down, as a powerful telekinetic blast was released towards the Graug Master from above. It was an attack meant to incapacitate, not kill and Hayato had a feeling that the Graug master was prepared for this attack.


Zion Krayt

The Jedi Knight continued forwards, his lightsaber had been deactivated, but he had still recalled it once it had hit the Sith Lord's leg, and when it had brought the beast to it's knees, he clipped the lightsaber hilt onto his belt and pulled another of his belt. He wasn't a fool, he always came prepared, in fact, he had a whole array of lightsabers.

Maybe not anymore since Ossus was being destroyed, but on Tython he still had several weapons left there, but it wasn't like he was able to get there and back here in an hour anyway, so that was out of the option. When the Sith Sword had plunged into the ground, he started to slow just enough to start forming a force barrier in front of him, and then when the magma started to fly towards him, both of his hands pushed forwards and the force barrier acted as a moving shield and simply moved closer to the attack, and stopped it short, but only a handful got past and shredded his robes and left scratches and gouges upon his armour.

He stopped short so that he didn't run into the magma trap that was surrounding the graug and when he saw [member="Hayato"] sending a force push upon [member="Darth Vulcanus"], his right hand waved in front of him to cast a force stun upon the Graug, intending to hold him where he was and so the force push would still hit him hopefully.

[member="Graxin Rade"]

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[member="Hayato"] [member="Darth Vulcanus"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"]

Victory was slipping. The arrival of two allies--his mentor, and friend, despite what Zaren might have thought-- and Hayato had seemed to be a good omen. Graxin was not sure he could hold off Lord Vulcanus alone. With others, his confidence skyrocketed.

That was, of course, until the beam came down to sear the Temple. There was little he could do to stop what had begun, but he had to do something. As much as he wanted to finish Krag, as much as he deserved to end that fight with his own blade, the force called him to something else.

He turned his back on Krag. To the Graug, likely an arrogant show; a sign that the lesser viewed Krag as simply not being worth his time.

Truthfully, this wasn't the case. Graxin clipped the two weapons to his belt, and stared at the ship Krag had arrived in. He had no idea if it was related to the beam firing through the sky, but it looked of
Vong make, and those ships tended to be connected.

Two leather bound hands rose toward the ship. His eyes squeezed shut, and he was left utterly vulnerable as, for the first time, truly, he tapped fully into the calm pools of the light. The force shifted and manipulated as he asked it too; he was a conduit to serve it, not the other way around.

Slabs of marble ripped from the earth around him. Shards of pointed rock and even some of the molten remains of the beam's shattering assault on the planet rose in defiance.

Where lightning and pyrokinesis had once been his fortei, telekinesis now held true. The act of raising so much weight at once drained the energy from his limbs. His fingers trembled as he focused the pay load. His hands thrust forward like he was pushing a monster away. In a way, he was.

And the mass of wreckage sped toward Krag's ship on the ground like they had been fired out of a MAC cannon.

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