Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An empty mind is a tidy mind…

It was curious, how these knights would interact with each other. It certainly boded a closer look, an investigation. Their discussion brought to light to the Iridonian their galactic views on various tribulations of the galaxy, redemption, and passing judgement.

On what it meant to be a Jedi.

A ghost of a smile would grace the ghost's lips.

Perhaps the Order was turning for the better.
Corvus was aware this was turning into a two-way conversation and as much as she enjoyed discussing the Code with her good friend Kian - this was something they did often. So turning to the other Knight, she attempted to hide her inner turmoil and engage him in conversation.

"I am sorry. I have been hogging all of the discussion. I would be interested in your thoughts about redemption. For example, Grandmaster Luke Skywalker's belief that, for all of his crimes, Darth Vader could and should be redeemed. He chose not to kill him because he believed he was in truth a good man. He was proved right, but I wonder how many Jedi would have struck Vader down instantly and therefore allowed the Emperor to live?"

And oddly, as she posed the question, it put her own situation into perspective and her mood lifted slightly.

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Ta'mur Rokar"] | [member="Adele Adonai"]
"1.3 million." Ta'mur said breaking his silence. It was in response to her question. "That was how many lives were aboard the death star when it was destroyed by Skywalker but saved billions. Records stated Luke was told by the force to fire upon a friendly star fighter.... operated by one Shira Brie an Imperial spy. Jabba the Hutt and his dancers. Gethzerion and other Witches. Many Vong." The thought of Luke Skywalker as the measuring stick humored him. "But yes. He spared his flesh and blood." He said with a smile. Perhaps people could be truly redeemed but Tamur questioned the wisdom of asking such a question. It did however give him something to think about and contribute to the conversation. "Perhaps his feelings for his father clouded his judgement. Was Vader's salvation worth it all? The younglings he killed. The Jedi he massacred. The worlds he helped destroy. I think I would have killed Vader given the chance. Not out of anger... but for peace. Luke Skywalker is the model for all Jedi, but I think we need not forget who he killed in the name of peace."

"1.3 million." He said once more. "And have either of you killed before?" He said truly curious if they were strong enough to carry that weight. He doubted the female was... and that was fine. There was room for the bleeding hearts within the order but to call other Jedi who did carry the weight fiends was wrong.
Corvus listened. Clearly this was something he'd considered before - or at least it resonated with him greatly.

"I am a Jedi." Initially it was all she was going to say. But then she felt the answer was too ambiguous, so added, "I serve. And in performing missions I have been unable to complete them without all without having to take a life. I hope that the justification was sufficient - that the deaths haven't taken me too far down the path to the Dark side."

"I have killed but I am not a killer. I try to keep a distinction between the two. I reflect on the lives of every person I have been forced to kill - as the Code dictates. But as I say - I serve. I am a Jedi."

[member="Ta'mur Rokar"] | [member="Adele Adonai"] | [member="Kian Karr"]
"Part of the problem with that argument," Kian said turning to [member="Ta'mur Rokar"], "is that the situations are not entirely the same. The 1.3 billion lives on the Death Star were lost when he destroyed it and stopped it from destroying a planet, also full of life. As Jedi, we regrettably must face situations when we must fight....and regrettably we must on occasion kill. But when we kill it should be in self-defense or in defense of others." Kian said and then leaned forward to stress his point.

"We do not kill for the crimes committed. We do not kill because of what someone has done. Revenge is not our way. Vader was beaten and there was a chance he could be redeemed. To kill him for the younglings he killed, for the planets he destroyed and the Jedi he killed would be going against the teachings of the Jedi. It would be punishment.....not peace."

"And to answer your question," Kian said leaning back once more, "I regret that in my time with the Jedi I have been forced to kill and I consider it a failure. I will carry those lives with me, as I will carry the lives I will inevitably take. The fact of the matter is it is very easy to kill, but it is very difficult to carry the weight of having killed....and it is even more difficult to have the strength and wisdom to know when not to kill."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
[member="Kian Karr"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Adele Adonai"]

Ta'mur scratched his chin, "Well it seems as though I am unaware of the exact circumstances of what went on over 800 years ago, all I recall is Vader being able to kill hundreds of Jedi, both strong and weak alike. Should I have had the opportunity to finish him in the midst of battle... I would have. I imagine I would not have been as fortunate as Luke Skywalker though. I imagine Vader would have killed me without a second thought and used my pelt as a throw rug to decorate his master's office. Why would Vader hold back on my account?" Ta'mur spoke of such hideous ideas without much emotion at all. "Call it punishment if you'd like. Call it Judgement... but vengeance is done with a hate filled heart and I have removed hate from my heart. A wise judgement is needed now and then. If not by us then who? Can you honestly tell me that Senator Joe is capable of ascertaining right and wrong better than you?" He cocked his head slightly. "There are many tenants we Jedi believe... we respect all life. If we activate our blades we must be prepared to take life. We do not kill unarmed opponents and we don't kill our captives." Ta'mur looked up at the two. "If there was reason not to kill... then his life would have been spared." He had much to say on the subject and thus he was so talkative... for once.
Kian listened as Jedi Rokar spoke. Some of what he said continued to concern Kian, while some things he could agree with....but he wasn't sure if they were things that went together.

"I can honestly tell you that our duty as Jedi is to follow the force. We defend the laws of the Republic, that includes the laws regarding a citizens right to a trial, a right to be judged before a jury or a Judge. We are not a jury, we are not a Judge." Kian said, emphasizing the words. "If we start acting like we are, or start acting like we are above others, than we are no different from the Sith we fight."

[member="Ta'mur Rokar"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]
When Ta'mur asked if it was the Republic politicians that should judge, she was about to agree with him - but was a little surprised that his view was that they should not be trusted. Her nose wrinkled and she spoke - her voice slightly unsure.

"Actually, I was always taught that the primary role of a Jedi was to serve. To serve the Republic. When I take a life, I am entirely at one with the Force that the decision was taken because all other options had been exhausted. That is when the decision is within my gift. But of the Republic told me to attack the Death Star - I would do it without question. It is not for me to challenge such decisions. I am at peace with the concept of serving - in fact, I would be uncomfortable if Jedi chose to make such judgement calls."

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Ta'mur Rokar"] | [member="Adele Adonai"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kian Karr"] @Ta'mur Rokar

"Then what would your path be, Jedi Knight Corvus Raaf, if you beheld in front of you a Jedi counterpart who would make such a judgement call?" this time, the voice did not come from the three discussing, but instead from another.

Jedi Knight A'dele Adonnai would seemingly appear out of nowhere beside them, sitting in between Kian and Corvus. Her eyes were closed, and she sat in a seiza meditation stance, with her legs tucked up under the curve of her bottom, fingers lightly pressed in front of her knees.

She had the most peaceful expression, and one would wonder if the Iridonian woman had spoken the words aloud or merely used the Force to relay it so.
Corvus was used to the Force surprising her - but the manifestation of a Jedi so close and without warning was shocking. She'd met a Force ghost before, on Rhen Var - but he was a fragment of his former Jedi self. The woman that appeared beside her was more...corporeal, if that made any sense. She was more vital, more 'alive.'

And so it took a few seconds for the question to register.

And it was a puzzling question. The sort that her old Master on Corellia would ask. The sort where you felt there was a right answer, and he trusted you to know it – but your mind was a blank and you felt the trust misplaced. So she did what she always did. She spoke honestly and from the heart.

“A Jedi's first concern is to preserve life. This is what I was told. If in a life-or-death situation, I would understand if a Jedi chose to take a life to complete their mission.”

“But this is an act that I would tell a Padawan is not encouraged, as ending life strengthened the Dark side. Having said that, if the act was justified — for example if it saved others’ lives – then I could understand that course of action.”

“But a pre-meditated decision to kill – without exploring other options? I would encourage that Jedi to ask themselves if there was truth between their heart and the Force.”

[member="Adele Adonai"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Ta'mur Rokar"]
Kian was initially suprised. He had never seen a force ghost before, though he had heard of them. Shuffling over slightly so as to make more room for the vision, Kian couldn't take his eyes off of Jedi Adonai. He had been on Alderaan when she had fallen.....he had seen her and another fall. He was a young Knight then, and it had been the first time he had ever seen a Jedi die. Ever seen a Jedi vanish into nothing....and yet everything.

"Jedi Adonai..." Kian said in a near whisper and bowed his head to the vision. Then Corvus was responding to the ghost's question and Kian listened intently to her answer, though his eyes still remained fixed on the ghost of the Jedi.

Kian reflected on what Corvus had to say and couldn't say he disagreed with her. Jedi should always be hesitant to kill, only doing so when the need was great. Only doing so when lives were at stake and no peaceful resolution was available. Kian remembered well every life he had taken. The first time he had killed he hadn't thought much of it in the heat of battle.....but afterwards it had been one of the hardest things to grapple with as a Padawan. He had killed Sith soldiers fighting on the plateau of Carida outside the flight academy. He had struggled with it for some time, until after meditation and communing with the force, Kian had come to accept the necessity of his actions and move past the guilt.

[member="Adele Adonai"] - [member="Corvus Raaf"] - [member="Ta'mur Rokar"]
Jedi Knight [member="Corvus Raaf"] would be taken aback but for a moment, but she managed to gather her bearings to answer the question. Jedi Maser [member="Kian Karr"]'s whisper of her name would not go unnoticed, but would allow all to recognize who she was.

A'dele had always been equated to a Jedi who would follow the old traditions on the strictest sense. Perhaps too much, yet it is this mantra she followed that allowed the woman to seemingly find incomparable peace in meditation.

Indeed. For the Jedi Tenets make clear that a Jedi respects each other and the life of others. Caution must be advised to ensure the path one takes of the Jedi is maintained.

Above all else, a Jedi does not kill their prisoners.

A pause would come to her then, as if searching them all. The flow of the Force would move in a gentle soothing current.

Nonetheless, what is it that you seek?
Corvus was genuinely relieved that the Jedi did not disagree with her view on the Code. She took this to be a positive sign - albeit she was never complacent when it came to putting the teachings of the Code and its pillars into practice.

"I, I mean we are on a journey. We believe we know the end goal but lack the means to reach that destination or even know truly which is the true path. The name of what we seek is Battle Meditation." Corvus paused to check the others were in accord with her before she continued. Seeing no dissention in their faces, she pressed on.

"I have to admit, I thought of you. That is why we came here. You were there once before for me in a time of need and I suspected that, Force-willing, if our need was just and our hearts true you would be able to help us."

[member="Adele Adonai"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Ta'mur Rokar"]
Kian nodded along with [member="Corvus Raaf"]'s words, but his eyes remained locked on the ghostly visage of [member="Adele Adonai"]. The words that the Jedi had spoken were wise, and he took note of them. He also couldn't help but wonder what it was as a ghost in the force. As a Jedi he had spent his life communing with the force, allowing it to swell within him and help to guide him. He wondered what it would be like existing solely on the current of the Force.

Kian remained quiet though, and instead choose to watch and see what the ghost of Jedi Adonai would think of their goal....and whether or not she was willing to give them this knowledge.
[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kian Karr"] @Ta'mur Rokar

A quiet calm would take the young translucent form of the Iridonian Jedi, as if she were mulling over the information. She would let this percolate in her mind. Finally she would speak.

"Battle meditation is a powerful but useful power. However, without proper training can be dangerous and very wearying." she began to explain. "There are steps to gradually learn this ability... but I want to know why you desire to learn of such power?"
Kian didn't move to immediately answer the question, though he had considered it prior to coming here. He had put thought into why it was battle meditation would be worthwhile to devote his time to, as he was aware that it would likely take a great deal of training to become proficient in.

"When I first left the Baran Do and came to the Jedi I hadn't known combat.....I hadn't known war. Regretfully it didn't stay that way for long." Kian said, a hint of sorrow entering into his voice. Kian had spent his time as a padawan on the battlefields of Carida and Empress Teta. He had seen more of war then he wished to.

"No matter how skilled, a single Jedi can only help those he or she is fighting with so much. I wish to learn battle meditation so that I can help more on the battlefield. So that I can do whatever I can to see to it that fewer soldiers die." Kian said, unsure of what sort of answer Jedi Adonai was looking for. He hadn't known the Jedi in life, and therefore he knew very little of her personality.

[member="Adele Adonai"] - [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus nodded as Kian spoke. Like him, she did not see the ability in an aggressive form, rather as a way to save lives - a way to minimise casualties. A way to boost those that served the Light in turning the tide in the war against the Sith that until now they had been losing.

But she said nothing - for her silence simply gave credence to what Master Karr had said. And somehow she knew that Knight Adonai could see what was within their hearts, regardless of the words spoken.

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Adele Adonai"]
Ta'mur finally spoke up. His initial reaction was one of shock and awe. That a living being could become... this... was intriguing. Like all new thing he thoroughly studied her. His inner feelings and instincts always held him back from jumping headlong into something he did not understand.

"I wish to stop evil, from the boarders of the One Sith all the way to the hearts at home. To wash away crippling fear from the hearts of soldiers I will learn to love as my children. To embolden others to stand up in the face of tyranny. And of course to save lives."

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Adele Adonai"]
Corvus was pleased that Ta'mur spoke up. There was a fear that she'd in some way offended him with her opinions but his words resonated with her. Their enemy was evil, not the Sith. That was not to say that Sith weren't their enemy by association but - at least in theory - a Sith that was not evil was no enemy.

Of course it was not that simple. There were former Sith or redeemed Sith to consider but those that belonged to the One Sith, those that masqueraded as Dark Jedi? They were evil and needed to be stopped. It was as Ta'mur said, the only way to save lives. Killing them was not a first choice but it was always the final option. She was minded of her first conversation with a Knight on Ossus when she arrived only a few years ago. When he quizzed her, she had asked for context. He had dismissed this as irrelevant. But context was key. Facing a Sith horde rampaging through the streets of Zeltros, there was no dialogue possible. There could be only one option. But one on one, before a saber was drawn? That was - in Corvus' mind at least - different. But too many heard this argument from her and wrongly assumed it was her only option. Preferred? Yes, absolutely. But only? She shook her head slightly as the thoughts ran through her mind.

Her heart was true to the Force. And as far as her view of Ta'mur went, his belief to stop evil, to wash away fear and to embolden others to stand up in the face of tyranny - as well as save lives? No Jedi could ever had said it better.

[member="Ta'mur Rokar"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Adele Adonai"]

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