Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Early Christmas


After escaping the clutches of what was Atrisia, Dravis surmised that his dead Master's holdings on Arkania would be raided, once the Jedi realized the Sith Lord had met his end. For that reason, Dravis decided to escalate his research for a certain potential ally.

[member="Gisela the Righteous"] had tasked him with various trials, to gain her trust and respect. Specifically, find out the circumstances of Poggle the Lesser's demise, find a piece of information that would interest the Queen, and bring information on a light foil, whatever that was.

Those were all he required, and he was determined to acquire this information. Gisela promised power in return, something the Bith Sith craved above all else. She promised troops, ships, a partnership. Something he would be glad to provide.

So the young Sithling found himself perusing through Holobooks, flanked by a multitude of Geonosian guards, carrying various weapons. They declined to help him search. They knew this was his Trial, and his alone.

First, the falling of Poggle the Lesser, presumably the easiest of the three.
Dravis went down a row of holobooks, drawing a lone finger along their edges. He had traveled to the Clone Wars section, and had been stopped at every turn by faulty leads, red herrings. At one point, Drav had thought he had found it, as Poggle was mentioned briefly in the First and Second Battle of Geonosis. Both were fruitless to his search, but he did see some very... weird things in their contents. Things he would have to make a note of in the future.

Dravis stopped his finger on a book, feeling a sudden darkness. He smiled, his circular mouth curling into a dangerous expression. He had found something.

The book was titled "The Last Breath of the Confederacy".


Dravis picked it up, and quickly inserted the device into a holoterminal. He pressed a few buttons, his dark eyes looking over the words hungrily. He skipped within the book, and finally, after thirty minutes of searching, he found it.

Mustafar. Darth Vader.

The Bith pocketed the book, nodding to his Geonosian guards, whom only looked on, interested in what he had found. One questioned him on it in their tongue, and Dravis only shook his head. "My apologies, but this information is for your Queen. How she disperses it is up to her." The guard seemed content with the response, obviously respecting its queen's wishes. One of the only faults Dravis could find with Gisela's men is their undying loyalty to her, and no one else. That would change. Dravis would get his army soon enough.

Dravis went back to his studies, looking for Confederate technology. He had already seen some schematics, but nothing he deemed worthy of the Queen. She wanted something big, but affordable. He started looking for ship designs.
Looking for designs and schematics was easy. He found many things; Confederate droids, fighters, base layouts... Nothing special enough for the Queen. He knew she wanted something that would give her an edge in the future, something that would make her hive, and Geonosis, a force to be reckoned with.

He had been looking through old files, admiral reports, space battles, anything that might catch the eye of a Geonosian Queen, when he found something that intrigued him, to say the least. It was a dossier on one Admiral Trench, of the CIS. The author of this dossier was some admiral Dravis hadn't heard of, and therefore held little consequence. He had never heard of this Harch before either, but skimming through the reports on him, Dravis found a few very interesting things. At the Battle of Christophsis, he and his capital ship, the Invincible, held the line against a few famous Jedi. Interesting. Looking up the ship's design, Dravis could only assume it was something the Queen wanted, if not for now, for the future. He downloaded the information, and continued on.

He found his other schematic looking through files he had already perused. It seemed uninteresting to him at first; the mention of Nute Gunray. He knew who the man was; he had been a major player in the Confederacy in it's heyday. But his personal shuttle, the Lapiz Cutter, was at least interesting. It was a transport, like any other Sheathipede, but it had replaced weaponry with extra shields. The Bith thought it was interesting, and hopefully, Joost would as well.

Onto the most difficult of the three. A lightfoil.
Dravis was correct in assuming the lightfoil would be the most difficult to research.

He had been looking through data file after data file, grasping at straws for anything that mentioned a weapon of such a name. Once, he had thought he had found something, but it had been a false alarm. He was foiled, so to speak.

After hours upon hours of endless research, he finally found something. He had resorted to simply looking up the cultures of different planets, and hoping that a lightfoil was mentioned in one. Thankfully, it had been, a footnote of Procopia, the capital of the Tapani Sector. Apparently, a lightfoil was a form of archaic lightsaber, light but not as well put-together. It had an interesting property; Non-Force-users could, in theory, craft one. In fact, it seemed the Tapani nobles often dueled with them, some killing each other. A lightbulb went off in Dravis' large head.

He could bring the schematic of one of these foils to the Queen... or he could bring her one of the weapons himself. Perhaps that would garner him more favor.

"Men, we are headed out. To Procopia." Dravis shimmied between two of his guards, and slinked out of the library, glad to finally do something besides read for hours on end.

Perhaps today would be exciting after all.
Dravis stepped off of his shuttle alone, taking in the scenery. As much as he enjoyed the stink-pit that was Coruscant, he could admit that Procopia was the most beautiful planet he had ever been on. Compared to places such as Felucia, perhaps it did not have the outer beauty, but it's political structure was magnificent. Battling nobles, reaching for power, for pleasure. Surely, Dravis could get used to this chaotic, power-grabbing society.

Truly, he felt at home.

Dravis left his Geonosian guard on the shuttle, with specific instructions that if he were to give the signal, they would rush in. They begrudgingly accepted his instructions, and the Bith walked towards the palace of House Frist.

From what he had read, the Patriarch of House Frist, Eiobarth Frist. From his research, Eiobarth wasn't Force-Sensitive, but was an avid duelist with a lightfoil. The weapon that Gisela wanted. And Dravis was going to get it.

He was dressed in lavish robes, his shock whip's hilt hanging from his belt with no effort to hide it. He strode up to the main doors, where he was promptly stopped by a pair of guards. One put his hand up, the other firmly grasping a blaster rifle. "Stop. What business do you have with House Frist?"

"I seek a duel with Eiobarth Frist." Dravis was curt, but his response carried a hint of malice. The guards looked between each other, and shrugged.

"What form of duel do you seek?" One guard spoke into it's comm, while the other popped the question to the Bith. Dravis let a curling laugh escape his pursed mouth.

Dravis was led up the steps, into the palace, and then immediately to the right, where after a few tight turns, he was led to an arena. A multitude of seats ringed the sandy pit, where only a few janitors resided, cleaning up whatever was left behind from the other duel. Dravis frowned, looking around the area. A twenty-five foot radius, and every inch of it was dyed red. If he had to guess, the Bith would say it was a scare tactic, and that the sand wasn't actually dyed with blood, but one never knew. This guy was supposed to be one of the crazies.

Eiobarth Frist was rumored to frequently walk around his palace, stabbing his servants if they were not doing their jobs, and paying them enormous sums of money if they were.

Quite the character indeed.

Dravis grasped his shock whip tentatively, looking back to the guards. "So? Where is your master?"

"He'll come. Trust me." The guard chuckled to himself, apparently pitying the offworlder that thought he could defeat the leader of House Frist.

Oh, if only you knew.

Dravis walked calmly to the other side of the arena, inspecting his weapon for imperfections. As he expected, not a scratch. He cared for his shock whip dearly. Hopefully, he would be adding one weapon to his bet before the day was over.

From the hallway he entered, he saw the glimmering smile of a madman, framed by chocolate brown eyes, and a mess of dark hair. He was an Adonis. He looked comfortable. He looked at peace. Dravis hated him already.

Eiobarth Frist stepped into the red sand, he shining boots making faint imprints in the dust. He grabbed his lightfoil quickly, activating the shimmering yellow blade, which seemed to spark in the faint sun. His voice was low, silky, confident. "So... You're the alien that wants to duel me? Have to say, you don't look like much. And that weapon you carry... not a saber sword. You will die easily."

Dravis raised an eyebrow, still inspecting his hilt. "Well, of course. I have no hope of winning..." The Bith hid his knowing smile. "I just figured I would die like a... true warrior." The voice was laced with sarcasm and cynicism, which seemed not to deter the Human before him at all.

"Let's get it over with. I won't bother calling the house staff. Not much of a spectacle, bursting the brain of alien filth."
Dravis activated the hilt of his shock whip, letting the long spool of cord unwind onto the sand. Eiobarth eyed it carelessly, and brought his lightfoil up to his face, and then to the ground, a simple Makashi salute. So he has learned something, then.

The Bith dared not give his opponent the initiative.

Dravis cracked his whip, creating a sharp, painful sound, and sprinted forward. Frist seemed unconcerned, as he readied a riposte. Dravis twirled in a circle, gathering momentum, and launched the shock whip towards Eiobarth's legs, in a tripping maneuver. Of course, he saw that coming. Dravis knew he would.

The Human took a step back swiftly, displaying admirable reflexes. Dravis cartwheeled back, quickly bringing his whip out of reach of the lightfoil. Eiobarth stepped forward deftly, stabbing at the Bith. Dravis ducked under the thrust, careful to keep his large head out of the line of fire. The Human brought up his knee, and slammed it into Drav's large forehead, and the Sith stumbled back, clutching it.

Dravis felt his rage blossom, the sparks in his eyes becoming like wildfires. He swung the whip in one, two, three different directions and speeds, probing the man's defenses. He stepped out of the way of all of them, the last actually batting away with his lightfoil. Dravis was concerned his shock whip had been cut, but it appeared to have only burnt. Lightfoils weren't lightsabers, after all.

"Is that all you have for me, alien filth?" Eiobarth taunted, chin raised high. "My grandmother has more power than you."

"You want more power?" The Bith's voice was naught a whisper. He looked up, his dark eyes almost engulfed in shock-yellow. "I'll give you more power."

"Wha..." That was as far as the nobleman could get before his weapon was pulled from his grip by an unseen force, and into the hand of the Bith Sith. Dravis used the man's confusion to lasso his legs with the shock whip, and activate it. Lines of blue electricity traced his body, and he fell unconscious. Dravis laughed to himself, and brought out a communicator.

"Guards, I require a pick-up. Oh, and be vigilant. We're taking a hostage, and I'm sure these guards will not appreciate it."
Dravis meditated on his ship, his lidless eyes staring into oblivion. The Bith had acquired a new weapon, and had been expecting it. The lightfoil was beyond crude, with many of the elegant nuances of the lightsabers he had seen before nonexistent. It looked like it had been put together by a child.

Or worse yet, one without the Force.

In front of him, held up by two Geonosian guards, was the battered form of Eiobarth Frist. The ship had come around quickly, and Dravis had captured the man, who had been cocky enough to not bring his guards close enough behind him. Dravis was beginning to suspect the guards had removed themselves intentionally from the scene. Dravis could understand. The man before him was annoying as kark.

"You will pay for your treachery, alien! When I escape, House Frist will have a bounty on your head so high, every Hunter in the Tapani sector will be searching for you."

Wordlessly, Dravis extended his palm, and flicked it up. He used none of his Force abilities. He didn't need to. The Geonosian behind the man slashed him with a cruel barbed whip. Eiobarth cried out, whimpering. "That is, if you escape, and if you ever learn my name, among many other factors. Sadly, you will not be escaping. You are going to be my guest for quite some time, so make yourself comfortable." Dravis nodded to the Geonosians, who only gave him a snarl in return, and walked out of the room, and to the cockpit.

They were in the final stretch of the mission.

To Gisela. To his army.

- [member="Gisela the Righteous"] -
[member="Dravis Rosilla"]

Joost was getting the necessary things in order as best he could, what had came to be was not expected, and he had to prepare. Thankfully he still had one asset that could be an insane amount of worth to him... To each other. Speak of the devil, his holonet comm start to chirp up.

<"Yes, what is it?"> Joost asked, after taking the comm and activating it. It was of the Petranaki Warriors that he sent with the sith bith. Just in time...

<"Ah, good, good, tell him I need him here immediately. I'm in the mines of our hive, get him here quickly. Tell him things have changed, but he will get his army, if not more. But it is drastically critical he arrives immediately!">

Joost finished the conversation and the warrior did as needed, ending the communication. Joost retreated down towards the mines where the lava flowed intensely hot and bright.
Dravis sat in the cockpit of the shuttle, staring blankly ahead. His legs were crossed, his head down, shock whip laid ahead of him. His robes fluttered around him, as if tossed by an invisible wind. Bith did not need sleep. They could meditate for a few hours, and be completely rested for the day. This is what Dravis was doing, before interrupted by a rapping at the door.

He let a beat pass to rouse himself, and spoke softly. "What is it?"

The voice of a Geonosian rasped back at him, an incoherent jumble of clicks and whistles he didn't understand. Thankfully, the translator on his datapad did. Dravis studied the words appearing on his screen, letting a small smile tweak the corners of his mouth. "Thank you, Guard. Now, come in here and set a course for Geonosis. Let's not keep Queen Gisela waiting."


The large shuttle-craft slid into the atmosphere slickly, and was punished by grains of swirling red. A small sandstorm had emerged, and Dravis was having slight difficulty keeping the thing in the air. After a few tense minutes, they finally came within sight of Gisela's hive. Dravis' face remained neutral as he looked over the area, and the ship set down at the front entrance. Dravis stood calmly, and rounded up his warriors. "Well? What are you all waiting for?" He pressed a button on the console, and the docking bay opened. Dravis' guards walked out first, followed by him, and finally, Eiobarth Frist, who had acquired a shock collar around his neck. He looked defiantly up at the hive, and spit in the dust.

Dravis walked up calmly to one of his guards, a smug expression on his face. "Find us an escort to the mines. I have business to discuss."

- [member="Gisela the Righteous"] -
[member="Dravis Rosilla"]

The Petranaki Warriors knew the way, and shrugged off to him, showing him the way. It took a little longer to get to the mines than it did to get to Joosts little throne room back in their first encounter... But not as long as the walk -to- the hive, haha.

The cave started to heat up, and light could be seen. This part of the mine was wide upen, as if open to a field of lava pools. Geonosians were all about and working. The Petranaki Warriors saw Joost and pointed Dravis to him.

Once he approached Joost, Joost would appreciate any fancy greeting, but time was short. <"Ah, good. Greetings, Dravis. We don't have much time, I am thankful you finished just in time. We are gathering the Lava Crystals found naturally on Geonosis, we will use them for the Lightfoils... Probably call them Geonosian Sabers, haha! Anyway, before you explain this tied up human and anything else, I have critical news that you need to hear."> Joost stepped around a little, personally not liking the decision, but any other decision was death. <"We are leaving Geonosis. Queen Gisela, along with several other Queens. I can tell you more, but later. You are still getting your army, probably more... Depending on how well of an asset you continue to be. The Queen wishes to meet you, herself, hearing of what you have offered to do for our people. What you have done is so much more than you think, for her, her people, and her position among them, no matter the result you give her. But, before I bring you to her, show me what you've brought me...">
Dravis followed his Pentraki warriors as they guided him to the mines. Another extremely long walk. Dravis hated long walks. This is why he needed slaves. Not only would it be more convenient to arrive on a raised platform carried on the backs of servants, but it would also be quite stylish.

Finally, they made it to the mines, and delved inside. Even more walking, but Dravis could vaguely sense the air around him heating up. Eventually, they made it to a wide opening, with many bug-men at work. Joost was pointed out to the Bith, and Dravis walked briskly over to the Duke.

Once he got close enough, flanked by his men and Frist, Dravis bowed deeply, one hand over his heart. "Joost the Lawful, it is a pleasure. I come with great news." Dravis stopped himself respectfully, listening to the Geonosian.

"This is unexpected," Dravis started, gauging the Duke with his deep black eyes. "... But I will hold my questions, as you ask." Dravis drew an expendable datapad from his belt and handed it to the man.

"This is what I could find on Poggle the Lesser, although I doubt you will enjoy what you find. Along with it, schematics for a few choice ships you and your Queen might enjoy."

Dravis pulled another, slender object from the other side of his belt. "A genuine lightfoil. I suggest you get your scientists to reverse engineer it as quickly as possible. And, as an added bonus..." Dravis shoved forward Eiobarth Frist roughly, making the Human fall to his knees. "I have brought you someone who knows how to use them. He has not been broken yet, but I promise you his expertise and training capabilities will be well worth the effort." He had gone the extra mile, and for good reason. He required troops to further his own goals, and the goals of the Dark Side as a whole. Gisela was but one basket he had placed his eggs into, but she was perhaps the most important.

"Now, I would hope you have something for me in return as well?" Dravis let a grin dance across his face, looking over the many Geonosians at work.

Perhaps today, they would be his.

- [member="Gisela the Righteous"] -
[member="Dravis Rosilla"]

Joost shook his head as he read the datapad, <"So the staff is gone... Hmm"> Joost sighed as he closed his eyes and took a moment to grieve for Poggle. Once more, he raised his head to Dravis' question. <"That is, unfortunately, not my decision. The Queen, I believe, is prepared to give you things I can not. However... The Petranaki Warriors must be returned to us, they must complete their training before we leave. And... That thing, I suppose we could use him to try and train those we will have use the items."> Joost waved over a Geonosian to take the Lightfoil away as he walked over to the man. <"Tell him what I say; Listen, unlike my acquaintance here, we will treat you well. All you need to do is train at least one of my people how to use the weapon. Then you may leave with more than just the clothes on your back. If you refuse, I do not care. You can rot in the prisons in another volcanic mine."> Joost said no more to the man. He looked over to the Petranaki warriors and told them to return to the arena immediately, then told another Geonosian to take the prisoner away.

Joost turned around and motioned Dravis to follow him, "You get an audience with the Queen. For the first time ever, she is allowing someone to evrn see her. I respect your bows and the respect you give me, Dravis, but between you and I, I have no need for it. You can speak to me like you speak to my warriors or fellow sith allies or what-have-you. However... My Queen,"> Joost stopped walking, turning to look at Dravis and point at him, <"No matter how you dislike it, you must treat Gisela the Righteous as if she was THE Queen. Queen of Geonosis, Queen of all Geonosians"> he turned back around, walking. <"Even a damned goddess if need-be. She requires praise. She is old, but she is young. She is damaged, but the strongest Queen on Geonosis. In a day, she could give you a thousand strong fighting bodies, or send them against you. You see, Dravis, I am a pawn. I am the ArchDuke, but expendable. Even if it wad extremely likely for me to be killed, I would ge sent to places on my Queens behalf. She is our Mother and Queen. If a Queen dies, a Geonosian loses the will to live. It is what we are, and it cannot be changed. There are those of us that are extremely rare that leave the hive, willingly. We force no Geonosian to stay, but it is like a moon and its planet. How often have you seen a moon leave its planet?">

This walk seemed long with each strp, but short with each word. Less stressful, more calming. As they continued, the lights stopped and it became dark. <"Sorry for the walk, Dravis. You must understand we can't have our Queen near a landing zone for her safety is of the utmost importance. Until we reach the Queen, do not use any light sources. I will give you a helmet with night vision, unless yours has its own. I will, otherwise, ahem... Buzz my wings for you every so often so you don't walk into the wall. Now, tell me of anything else you may have found.">
Dravis kept a neutral face as he showed his datapad to Frist, having it translate the Geonosian's words to him. Eiobarth squinted at the bright screen, discerning the words quietly. He clenched his jaw once Joost finished, stepping up, despite the obvious pain moving put him in. "I am NOT... Can this guy understand... Ugh, nevermind! Tell this alien he can go make love to his sniveling underlings!"

Like a blur, Dravis' hand reached out of his cloak, grasping at air. Frist suddenly coughed, trying to clear his throat. The Sith's Force Grip was no choke by any means, but it made one very uncomfortable. "Learn your place, slave." Dravis then turned to Joost. "I suggest not letting him go after this. He has seen too much, and his people are far from forgiving. But, if that is what you wish..." Dravis released his hold on the man's throat, and handed him off to a Geonosian.

Dravis and the Archduke walked down the hall, the Sith's thick rubber boots clacking serenely against the stone. The Bith nodded occasionally, keeping his head-bobs in time with his footsteps. "I understand. Security is of the utmost importance. And I will treat Gisela with the utmost respect, have no fear." Quite the strange saying, coming from a Sith. "I did not find much else of importance, I am afraid. Simply schematics, and various battles and occurrences they have been used it, including the map to the ancient Battle of Christophsis, and various written drills with a lightfoil, should our captive serve uncooperative to the end." Dravis didn't want that at all. He knew that the more resources he could keep alive, the better.

"I do require a helmet with some kind of nightvision, assuming you have anything my... size?"

And so they walked, deeper and deeper into the depths.

- [member="Gisela the Righteous"] -
[member="Dravis Rosilla"]

<"Those sound quite interesting, Dravis. After the meeting, I'd love to peruse your other findings, but don't worry... I think we have something more... form fitting."> Joost pulled Dravis out of thr tunnel, which Dravis could tell they had entered a large room as the walls had quickly left their sides and opened up.

Joost grabbed a visor from a nearby wall and put them in Dravis' hands. Simple holo eyewear that made a holographic band over the eyes and offered nightvision. Joost then quickly stepped away and spoke out loud.

<"My Queen, I have arrived with our guest you have requested.> Joost knelt, looking down and closing his eyes <"This... Is Dravis Rosilla. He comes bearing many gifts to the Geonosian people, but unfortunately tells us our last leader fell to betrayal. I give him his voice."> Joost no longer spoke, just staying in his position.

"Oooh? Dravis Rosilla?" a voice called from the darkness, using Basic and not the Geonosian language. Gisela smiled, although she was blind so she could not see him. "Dravis, if I may make a request of our greatest ally... I am stricken with blindness. Would you lend me your hand so I know of your presence?" Gisela offered no hand of her own... She was of the height and largeness similar to the old Stalgasin Hive Queen, if not larger, so her arms were too short, and body too slow... She produced enough larvae to create armies in a very short time, but physical activity was all but lost. A request for a hand to be placed on her belly, but if declined it would not offend her. If Dravis bowed, she would speak of pleasantries that the Sith flatters her. "Tell me of your exploits for my people, Dravis."
Dravis accepted the device warmly, putting it on his head, and surveying the darkness. His acute eyesight adjusted, and his couldn't help but smile.

He had gained their trust. He was about to be masqueraded in front of his largest asset. He had to make the best first impression he could, if he were to cultivate an army to rival any enemies in the future.

The tunnel hollowed out, and the Bith's sharpened sense of hearing could detect the sounds of shifting carapaces, and... something very large. Ancient. Terrifying. He relished in it.

Dravis walked up, keeping his head slightly bowed, in a showing of respect. He placed his hand on Gisela's bulbous belly, and took a knee, bowing. "Queen Gisela, mightiest of all the Queens, the splendorous, the venerable, the mighty, one of whom armies are born, the one who will once again become great..." He paused, debating how to introduce himself. "I am indeed Dravis Rosilla, your agent, the one who brings you information, and assets. I, a simple servant of the Dark, have granted you a great boon today.

"I discovered the happenstance of Poggle the Lesser's death. He was betrayed by a young visionary, a Sith of a different order than my own. I have discovered new designs for you to use in your ships, and tactical maps showing how to best use them." Dravis grinned, the folds on his face shifting. "I also bring you a lightfoil, to be mass-produced, and a teacher-slave that may be used to better your own training with them."

Dravis stood, still keping his head low. "These are the boons I grant you, and I know the Righteous will use them wisely. I ask in return whatever you deem is payment enough. I would only request..." The Bith pondered again. "...Is that we remain close allies in the future. Our cooperation will elevate both of us to heights none could ever hope to reach before. We can become like immortals!"

A hint of religious fervor tinted his words, the Sith side of him definitely showing. The yellow cinders in his eyes flared. "After all, why be a Queen, when you could be a goddess?"

- [member="Gisela the Righteous"] -
[member="Dravis Rosilla"]

Gisela smiled as the Sith excited her and made her feel happy, he was really putting a spark in her. "Oh, Dravis, you are saying words that tingle my ears." Did she have ears? What would be 'tingled'? It was just speech for Basic to understand, nothing literal. "However, Goddesses are meant to be feared, Queens are meant to be loved. I do like what you say, do not misunderstand. The gifts you present me, although some perhaps saddening, are ample gifts and great for my cause. But, don't act like you didn't do all of that enslaving work just for nothing." She smirked, wavering a hand towards him. "For the lightfoil, once our Geonosian Elites have trained enough... You will obtain a squad of highly elite, lightfoil trained Petranaki Elites, not the beastly, ragtag warriors we gave you earlier. They will devote themselves to you and your cause. In the mean time, we will give you control of the First Guard. They are lightly trained in the Petranaki Arena, but enough to be fearsome. Armed with Geonosian Spears, but are warriors and can fight, you will have a thousand. Your first army. We will also build you a ship of Geonosian Design, hopefully something for your tastes, and large enough to hold your armies. Does this please our most fondest of allies?"
Dravis recoiled his hand from the Queen's 'belly respectfully, kneeling in front of her. Each of her words were as satifying to him as his were to hers, if not more. He was overjoyed. The Bith spoke in his most respectful of tones. "Of course, my Queen. It pleases me to no end to hear those words. I accept your boon with open arms."

The Sith stood slowly, with as much reverence as he could muster. He had an army. After the endless hours of research and toil, after risking his life in the Frist arena... It had all finally paid off.

"As much as it pains me to leave your presence, I must depart and oversee preparations to take up the First Guard. I have no doubt this ship will be to my liking. And, with your blessing, I would like to assist in training the Petranaki Elites, if only for myself to learn just how much they will benefit me." Dravis looked up, one last time, for probably a while.

"May I be excused from your presence, my Queen?"

- [member="Gisela the Righteous"] -
[member="Dravis Rosilla"]

Gisela grew a calm smile as she breathed deeply, her old age making it harder for even the simplest of greetings. She didn't even spend that much time with Joost, but that didn't mean her armies would come about any slower. "You may meet the First Guard at any time and pick them up whenever you wish. The Saber Elites have to finish their original training, and then be trained with the lightfoils before we leave... It would be best if you worked with them and evaluated them after, Joost, my wonderful Duke will send for you."

Before all was done, Gisela made a hand wave gesture to get Dravis' attention. "Before you go, I just wish to thank you once more. You have been good to Joost, my people, and myself. You are Sith, and I know you are here for an army. However, Sith have usually only prized us for our labor efficiency, and ability to remove us from the entire equation so easily. You do us a great respect for favoring our species over robots, clones, mercenaries or anything else. As we continue to work together, I see offering you more than just an army, Dravis. But if you double cross us, let me promise you... You will not gain an easy victory. It will come at multiple heavy prices." Gisela sighed as she hummed, "now, you may leave. It was nice meeting you. I am sorry we could not see each other with our natural eyes. Joost will show you the exit, or to the Head of the First Guard. Farewell, Dravis Rosilla."

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