Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Audiance

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Santhe Corporation was a company that provided many different services to its customers. There was the famous shipyards located throughout the galaxy that pumped out some of the most advanced ships in the galaxy. Factories that pumped out tanks and guns, and freight and passenger services. Santhe even had a biotech division that made medical technology. It had a lot to offer anyone who contracted with them. Outside the expansive civilian market Santhe possessed factories and shipyards large enough and in enough locations throughout the galaxy to have supplied nearly the entirety of the old Empire's craft. Now they serviced multiple contracts in the fringe and throughout space.

Sasha Santhe had been part of the Old Sith Empire. She still would be had it not fallen into oblivion. Today was a different time though. She had hid her sith leanings and dealt with whomever she could, but now she was returning to those past loyalties. She had an audience with [member="Darth Mierin"] to discuss the possibility of sales to the Sith Empire....

Coruscant, she hadn't been there in a long time. The city planet was much the same despite the new banners that flew overhead. People lived their lives and that was that. Sasha shook her head. Lines on a map meant so much to some people. She was escorted by several functionaries into an office where he would await the arrival of the Sith representative.


[member="Sasha Santhe"]

It wasn't long before the woman received the company she sought. Mere minutes after the woman sat down the double doors to the meeting room swung open and two Royal Imperial Guards stepped inside. They swept into the room holding their massive force pikes an wearing their signature red robes and armor, an exact copy of what Palpatines Royal Guards had once been adorned with.

Following closely behind them was a single Sith Pureblood, a stern looking woman with an impassive face that gave nothing away.

“Madam Santhe.” Mierin said cordially as she stepped into the room, the two Royal Guards shut the door behind her and took up position on either side of the entrance. Glowing Yellow eyes surveyed the room for a moment, and then fell on Sasha Santhe. The Pureblood looked to the woman, her face never changing.

"I understand you wished to speak to me." Her voice remained devoid of all emotion. “How may I help you?”

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
[member="Darth Mierin"]

Sasha gave the woman an appraising glance. "I am just a simple businesswoman," she said with a pleasant smile. "And I am here to do business. My company has had relations with previous Sith regimes. We have no qualms about working with whomever to turn a profit, and with the Sith on the warpath and we are one of the largest companies in the galaxy, surely the largest currently willing to deal with your regime." She shrugged. Santhe Corporation worked with everyone. They took no sides and supplied anyone who would agree to pay up. Some customers were more valued than others, but that didn't matter, a credit was a credit was a credit. "I would like to reopen operations here on Coruscant and perhaps a few other planets in your domain. Produce ships and get paid."

Taking a strand of hair out of her face the woman smiled, "The almighty credit wins as many battles as generals. More even, if history shows us anything.."


Mierin waited for a moment, studying the woman in earnest before finally replying.

“Madam Santhe, I understand your earnest to do business.” She paused for a moment, then continued as she let her yellow eyes bore into the womans skull. “Yet you must understand our hesitation in the matter. Your company deals with not only the Omega Protectorate but the Republic, our greatest foe as well. Whats to stop you from betraying us? Using your facilities here to plot against the Sith, or using shipping lanes to smuggle in weapons and materials to resistance fighters here on Coruscant.”

The Coruscant Liberation Front was not a huge issue, but if the Republic could supply them, they would likely grow, though Miss Lacroix was making fast work of them. “It's not as simple as just starting things up again i'm afraid.”

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
"It is as simple as that, that's how international commerce works." Sasha shrugged, "Simply put while my ships would be allowed entry I didn't see they would be able to skip past customs and other enforcement agencies designed to stop smuggling. I would respect all custom laws in that regard. You have my word, and if that wasn't good enough we'd have a contract. As for our factories. No military equipment from my factories here on Coruscant would leave Sith Space without your leave to do so. That is just standard when dealing with various sides in a war." Sasha spoke with all the authority and confidence she could muster. "In essence those factories, and any others in sith space, would be working exclusively under your laws. If you prohibit sales of weapons to certain parties those factories won't sell to those parties. It is bad business to alienate customers, or even potential customers. From a business point of view it makes sense not to plot against you."

Sasha looked around, "And besides, we have had history in dealing with the sith before. We have no moral problems selling to you."

[member="Darth Mierin"]


Mierin finally allowed herself to sit down in the chair opposite Sasha, her legs crossed with deliberate liquid movements, her face remained impassive, though the silver studs pressed into the bridge of her nose seemed to twitch slightly as she did so.

“Madame Santhe, you must understand that business with us, is not the same as with other nations.” She warned the woman, not to ward her off or to send her away. “We do not allow wanton capitalism, we do not let corporations run wild and so as they please. We control, we watch, and we use. If you exist within our nation, you exist for our benefit. Such is the nature of us.”

There was still money to be made, far more in fact than one would think.

Titan Industries dealt exclusively with the One Sith, and they made more credits than perhaps any other corporation currently in existence, mostly because the One Sith threw money at them as though they were the second coming.

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Sasha almost laughed but suppressed it. IT wouldn't do to upset the Sith. "And existing to your benefit is of my benefit. I open up factories already in existence and start producing war machines for you. Small vessels, the companies specialty, In return we help you by providing jobs for your people. In addition our company is larger than any currently contracting within One Sith Space. We are capable of out producing all of them. We have factories not just on Coruscant, but across the galaxy including in nations not hostile with the Sith." Sasha thought about it for a moment, "Mostly in nations not hostile to the Sith."

She shrugged. "Contracting with us is simply the smart move. And on Coruscant reopening our factories will increase employment, always a good thing."

[member="Darth Mierin"]


“Then you may have your factories.” Mierin said in that same impassive tone.

She knew this would be a boon. It was foolish not to think so. Santhe would be a grand tool for the One Sith. Perhaps not quite as loyal as Titan Industries, but one didn't excel in the universe if you did not do some dealings outside your own territories, besides, the civilians of Coruscant still needed something other than Titan Industries.

The Economy still needed to survive.

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