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Approved NPC Amirah Perl

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Name: Amirah Perl

  • Joza Perl
  • The Doomed Force Order

Role: A formerly freed woman, caught up in the hands of some Slavers, she was freed by Joza Perl and Solan Charr. After this, the woman took up a life with Joza Perl's help but was eventually reapproached by Solan once more. This was done as the girl had been force sensitive and Solan, looking for those who would be loyal, recruited her because of such. With that recruitment, she took on the role of leader for the doomed, and chief protector for Joza's Perl's child (when the time comes to pass.)

Development Threads:

Age: 25 Years

Species: Twilek

Appearance: Amirah is a young, twice of twenty years. Having two lekku that travel down to the small of her back, she is purple skinned with rather soft features. That purple skin shifts in tone as it moves towards her face and is broken up in places by lighter colored stripes that move up from her neck and down her lekku. In addition to this, she is in no way threatening when it comes to her appearance. As stated before she is someone who has soft features, this includes both her eyes but also her touch as she moves with a grace and gentleness that is more accustomed to someone who would rather not do so much as harm a fly if they didn't have to. She also stands at five foot four inches, making her decently shorter than a good number of species and humans.

Her clothing when not in the armor normally worn by the Doomed for ceremonial reasons, is generally normal clothing or robes. Though because of how closely she has worked with Joza over the past years, she has taken up dancing and could be found at the studio in a similarly appealing dress. This is something has carried over past that time and can be seen when she is more relaxed and has no worries about the day.

She does carry around a single bladed saber as well, one with a light green colored blade. The saber is not ornate in any way and looks to be made out of ice in some respects, an acetic feature to symbolize her connection to The Doomed.

Personality: A very humble and reserved woman, Amirah took on the name of her savior to further demonstrate such. Amirah rarely speaks loudly and is more commonly seen helping others than ever raising a hand at someone. This is coupled with a humbled and respectful air where she will act in such a way to almost anyone. The one group of people she does not share this respectful nature with is slavers and criminals, those of which she is quicker to simply ignore and act as if they were not even in existence. Rarely will she raise her hand in aggression and more commonly is she soft in how she handles situations.

Force Sensitivity: Apprentice Level

Weapon of Choice: Single Bladed Lightsaber, Ceremonial Curved blade.

  • Force Push
  • Force Pull
  • Tapas
  • Breath Control

Wealth: Low Wealth

Combat Function: To provide a competent force using protector, skilled with the force and a saber.

Notable Possessions:
  • Ceremonial Armor
  • Ceremonial Blades
  • Singular Lightsaber

History: Born in 824 ABY, Amirah is the daughter of two refugees on Nar Shadaa. As such her life was a rather restricted one, unable to leave the planet and finding herself trapped in jobs that could replace her on a moment's notice. She had no opportunities for structured learning and eventually took up a hand under her mother in distributing supplies that they would be able to get to the Sector with a lot of deals being made. This created a very hhigh-risk situation where by the time she was seventeen, both her parents had died from the actions of mercenaries.

This left her to steal and make deals with people on her own in order to get food and medicine not only for herself but others. Eventually, though, the black suns aided the refuge sectors of the planet before falling apart and the planet being reclaimed by harsher elements. It was after a few more years, this time of living on her own with no one else to support, that she was grabbed by some slavers who found she could be a good sell. Stuffed in a cage she was left there under the watch of the group until a Zeltron arrived as another 'catch'. Surprisingly for the Twilek though, this Zeltron was playing bait as the slavers were killed in front of her and she was rescued by a woman named [member="Joza Perl"] and a human by the name of Solan Charr. This led to her release and eventual move to Lianne where she took on work at Joza's dancing studio in 845 ABY.

A year later she was approached by Solan Charr, who was recruiting people following the death of his daughter. She would send him away and think about his offer for a few days, that offer being to join a force order by the name of The Doomed. It's purpose to protect Kesh and its people as a whole, but she was given another offer. To act as the main protector of Joza Perl who had helped save her.

Accepting the offer, she spent the next three years studying the force, one of a hundred others who were there and training under information that had been retrieved from Solan's ally and the former Order of the Grey. With the former gone, the information was used to train her and she took a particular interest in healing powers which Solan began to train her in. Her main focus was on the basics, though, something she had not yet mastered and would have to continue on with for those years.

Soon the massacre of Korriban in 849 ABY she was given a new bit of information pertaining to her secondary mission. With that info, she had been sent out from the academy on her first mission with the Jedi woman to Hast, a test drive for her abilities so to speak.

Intent: To create the first member of a future Force Order built around an Imperial Knight esque service to the Keshiri Monarchy, and as such create the future leader of that force order.
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