Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Amina Denau


NAME: Amina Denau
FACTION: The Elysium Empire
AGE: 23
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6''
WEIGHT: 130 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: White & Blue
SKIN: Fair


Due to the nature of Amina's exile, she wasn't permitted to bring anything with her beside the clothes on her back. She is dressed in a white cotton gown and turquoise jewelry. She is tall and slim, with white hair and blue eyes.


Amina Denau was born and raised on a small, often overlooked planet called Raamen. Although the outside world knows very little about Raamen, it was everything to Amina. Raamen is known to its inhabitants for its lush jungles, vast oceans, and stunning sunrises. Not to mention the architecture, with skills passed down from generation to generation. The structures are all perfect, down to that last detail.


Amina was born to Gaeton and Vucora Denau, King and Queen of the Cedron Region of Raamen. She was their only child and heir to the throne. Her entire childhood was spent studying the history of Raamen and learning to lead her people. The only thing she wasn't taught was self defense. The Raamen people hold their values to the highest degree, and their number one rule, no violence. They are intellectual people who believe disputes should be settled with words, not fists. The punishment for disobeying this rule - exile.​

Amina always thought this was a questionable belief, how was she supposed to protect her people if she couldn't defend them or herself? So one day she brought it up with her father, he became enraged and ordered her immediate exile.

Without even a goodbye from either of her parents, Amina found herself flying out of Raamen on a small ship. With only the clothes on her back she wanders aimlessly through space without a home, a family, or a plan.


(+) Resourceful - She can often a times get herself out of a bad situation.

(+) A people person.

(+) Fluent in multiple languages - She can communicate with many species.

(+-) Adventurous spirit - She is willing to try anything or go anywhere.

(-) No combat skills

(-) No money.

(-) Acrophobia - Fear or heights.​


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