Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Amilja Masmor

NAME: Amilja Masmor
FACTION: Order of the Silver Jedi
RANK: Jedi Padawan
AGE: 17
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 112 lbs
EYES: Emerald Green
HAIR: Dark red
SKIN: Pale skinned
At first she is weak in the force, but as she grew up, that changed, becoming stronger. Upon the loss of her parents caused that power to skyrocket.

(+) She has a strong sense of self awareness and sometimes is able to feel things that she cannot explain.
(+) Because of the many years of working outdoors in the fields with her father, she had gained strength in her arms which was uncommon in girls her age.
(+) Over the years, she has become a quick thinker, what with having to find ways to handle and keep up with her younger sister as well as find new ways to harvest the field. Because of this, she has found herself thinking up things, be they solutions or other such thoughts, very quickly.

(-) She is deeply driven by her emotions, though she sometimes wishes she wasn't. Because of this, she sometimes makes mistakes and often lets her feelings get in the way of what could be considered right.
(-) Surprising most people, she has a very short temper as well as a short fuse, however, it is unknown as to what could set her off. She has a few topics in which anger her quickly.
(-) There are times when she doesn't think things through and goes on impulse, making rash and possibly dangerous decisions. However, when she feels that it's right, she will go wholeheartedly into it, be it considered wrong or right by others views.

- Datadagger - Belonged to her father, she had found it hidden in his room after her parents death.


She stands at 5'11" (180.3 cms) with a well-developed yet slim figure, her arms however has some muscle build to which was gained from yard work. Her skin is surprisingly pale considering how much she had worked outdoors, she had found that she is incapable to tan but the reason to why that is unknown. She has a small face with small ears, her lips being rather small but a little full and her nose being small as well.
Her only defining feature is her eyes, being a dark green but on occasion with appear peridot, this change is contributed to how attune she is to the force at the time. When she is not fully connected with the force, her eyes remain it's darker hue, whereas when she is connected deeply to the force, they gain the shade of peridots.
Her hair is a deep red, reaching just past her shoulder blades, falling down rather messily. Her bangs are chin length and frame her face, slightly curving inward while the rest of the bangs are slicked back over her head and held into place with a small silver pin. The bangs that is slicked back appears messy but somehow retains a sort of elegance to it.
Her clothing before joining the Silver Jedi had been her attire she wore on Naboo, being clothes that had been made by her mother. When she became a Jedi in training, she put those clothes away and took on a Jedi's robes, however, she had still kept some things from her Naboo attire to keep a little piece of home with her always.
She was born to a normal family, who worked on the fields of Naboo. Both had said they were of no noble descent and that they were simply ordinary workers. Not long after her own birth, a year to be exact, her sister had been born, Amekel. Amilja sometimes wondered about her parents, for they did not always appear nor acted like ordinary workers. At times, she could feel a kind of noble air from her father. But she did not take close mind of that, for she needed to take care of her sister and keep her out of trouble. She was very close to Amekel, the girls being nearly inseparable. The two would do just about everything together and they enjoyed it, working in the fields with their father, helping their mother cook or clean. Amilja lived a rather normal, yet happy life.
However, everything is not quite as it seemed. Her parents were trying to rebel against the empire and not long after she had turned 11, Amekel being 10, there had been a small incident involving a beast of Naboo running straight towards Amilja. She could do nothing and her father screamed at her to jump out of the way. Sadly, she was frozen on the spot and the only thing that saved her...had been some kind of force shoving the beast from her. It took a while before she realized it had been Amekel, the little girl's hands outstretched and sweat building upon her brow. Amilja was overjoyed her sister had saved her but her father was worried. People had been around at the time and their father had rushed them home, he was almost scared in a way.
The girls never knew what it was he fears nor how Amekel had saved Amilja, but they never did find out until much later. It would seem that news of their incident got around and by the time the girls were 14 and 13, Imperial Soldiers came to their doorstep. Every time, their father would turn them away, saying that no such incident ever happened. The girls kept quiet about the incident as well, though they could not understand, they knew their father was trying to hide that it had happened. However, this did not stop the troopers from coming and but for one year, they did. It was surprisingly quiet the whole year, the girls being 16 and 15. Their father was confused but appreciated the moment of peace. But that time was short lived, for when their parents decided to go out one night, they never returned. It was later found out that they two of them had been killed by a passing bounty hunter.
The girls were distraught and mourned their parents death, living in their home. However, life moves on and Amilja accepted this fact. She decided to go back to work in the fields but her sister simply sat in the house, as if in a daze. She would do nothing and she had to be coaxed to eat anything. It wasn't until a year after their parents death that a response came out of the younger girl. Amilja had been trying to tell her sister that they could nothing but move on past their parents' death, they were still alive and had lives to live out. Amekel had suddenly snapped, screaming at her sister that she didn't understand and stormed from home, yelling to high heaven that it was all Amilja's fault their parents were gone. Amilja surprised to see her leave the house but she simply thought she left to cool off and then come back.
However, many hours later, she never did and Amilja began to worry. She left the home in search of her sister, she wanted her to understand it was no one's fault but the empire's that their parents were dead. It took some time before she found her sister, she was stepping onto a ship to who knows where and Amilja never got the chance to find out. She felt hurt her sister would leave so suddenly and without even telling her. She decided she would try and find her sister, to find a way to get to her and help her understand everything about their parents. With the dagger she had found in her parents' room before leaving, she stood outside the spaceport, deciding what it was she wanted to do.

[-------CURRENT HISTORY-------]

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