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Approved Tech Amee's Lightsaber

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(Pretend there's not a cute, baby wookie in the background...)​
- Image Source: Wookieepedia.

- Intent: To give Amee her true lightsaber just right for her. Simple but sweet.

- Development Thread: N/A

- Manufacturer: Amee Tor.

- Model: Lightsaber.

- Affiliation: Amee.

- Modularity: Crystals can be switched in and out.

- Production: Unique.

- Material: Metal alloys, lightsaber components, and Brylark wood casing.

- Classification: Lightsaber.

- Size: Usable for one or two hands, but most comfortably with one.

- Length: 30 cm. hilt.

- Weight: 1 kg.

- Special Features: Brylark wood casing over metal components.

- Description: This is like most standard lightsabers minus two things: the white crystal, which produces a white blade is one. The other is the rich, smooth, Brylark wood case. Aside that this lightsaber only has the normal features, nothing to write home about.
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