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Amaranth Cruentia (W.I.P.)

Amaranth Cruentia

Basic Information
Name: Amaranth Cruentia
Faction: The Sith Empire (These people are psychotic help please)
Rank: None
Species: Human
Sex: Never on the first date, sorry, darling
Age: 19 Galactic Standard Years
Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue
Skin: Pale
Height: Around 162cm
Weight: A bit of a rude question, isn’t that?
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Rank: Apprentice
Force Alignment: Neutral

Physically, Amaranth Cruentia appears to be a normal (if attractive) nineteen year old girl with a birthmark underneath her right eye. In terms of fashion, she prefers dark colors (mostly black) with lighter accents, such as red or purple. Despite that grim attire, she's rarely found without a smile on her face, even if sometimes that smile is just a little bit sad.

Combat Traits
  • Civilian – Amaranth has exactly the level of combat experience one would expect for a nineteen year old girl who spends her days reading poetry and watching horror flicks on the HoloNet, which is more than, say, a twelve year old, but less than pretty much everyone else.
  • Ritualist – Amaranth specializes in channeling the Force through rituals not unlike those of the Dathomiri Witches or Sorcerers of the Sith. While she isn’t overly familiar with either of these traditions, she’s practiced ritual Force Use to the point that she can do so slightly faster and with less horrific side effects than many of her counterparts.

Personality Traits
[This segment will display only the personality traits which would be obvious after a conversation or two with Amaranth. To discover more about her, thread with her or read threads she's in!]
  • Curious and Inquisitive.
  • Friendly and Cheerful.
  • A Massive Bookworm.
  • Enamored with what most would consider macabre, morbid, and gloomy.

  • Hermes Holopad
  • Blaster Pistol [Stun Only]
  • Utility Knife
  • Book of Collected Poems & Short Stories
  • Journal

Amaranth Cruentia

Amaranth and The Force
Amaranth is, at first glance, weak and pitiful - solidly neutral, with only the barest hints of darkness and barely powerful enough to qualify her as an Apprentice to any discerning Master of the Force. Her application of that power is equally paltry, as she appears to be incapable of using her emotions to her benefit; rage and frustration cause her already shaky control to dissipate entirely. Nonetheless, there's something undeniably dark about her, something elusive and alien that lurks in the shadow cast by her presence.

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