Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alternating Trajectories


Well-Known Member
Valashu sighed, hand rubbing at his forehead as he listened to Fos Misao and Terrence Boseman as they both gave their opinions of his goals. With his recent endeavors, seeing the way each of his subsidies was handled corporately combined alongside the detriment each held in care, Valashu had chose to bring the heads of each company to meet with him. The goal? Combining the organizations back to the parent, to take back the control, making each the best it could under him.

"Valashu, you have to understand, this is a problem. If we do this, were going to spread ourselves to thin man. You get that?" Terr asked, hands spread in a helpless gesture. He was the only untrained being in the room, combined with the only one not really holding power.

"Not exactly." Fos interjected, "If we handle it well, we can continue our control, simply removing the autonomy." He said simply.

Val nodded, pointing to Fos, "Exactly. I can replace the heads, bite down on the bullet and maintain a lack of serious control, all with the end in mind. As is one day the companies can be a real profit again."

[member="Harley Quyn"]
" How ya doin', sweetcheeks?" Stepping into the room, Harley addressed Valashu in a casual manner. "Sorry for bein' a little late. Traffic stinks!" Giggling, she took an empty seat and made herself comfortable.

"Hope I didn't miss much. How's everyone doing today?" After quieting herself, she sat up straight and began to pay attention. As this was the first meeting she had attended, she didn't know what input she would need to provide, or what ideas were being discussed. Earlier, she and Val had briefly talked about it,but he was a busy person and she wa distracted.

"So, what ideas are we discussing so far?" She asked in a curious voice. "I'm interested to see what you gents have come up with without yours truly." As she looked around to briefly study everyone at the table, she stopped at Val. 'He lookes kinda agitated,' Harley thought to herself.

[member="Valashu Elahad"]


Well-Known Member
Valashu smiled at Harley as she walked in, "Its fine, babe, I didn't expect you would want to be here either way. Anyways, I know you know of the man, but this is Fos Misao, the other gent that offered you cash to purchase Spaarti. The other is Terrence, he is my second in command, gotta love him." He chuckled, "Anyway, guys this Harley Quyn, my lovely minx of a female compatriot."

At that Fos nodded to the woman, and Terrence offered a salute as means of hello, "We have only been talking about the plans I told you about. I don't like my companies having such a bad reputation, so I'm taking reigns once more and that's scaring Terrence. Fos, as always, is unafraid of anything." Placing a hand on one button hardly noticeable against the tabletop they sat around, he spoke once more, "Send them in."

Immediately in walked a half dozen men, women, and mixed aliens. Each was dressed to impress in their own manners, in spite the likelihood that they would be fired. Why else would they be brought before the head of the heads of their companies?

[member="Harley Quyn"]
Harley sat, watching as a bunch of people entered the room. She had a hunch that they were in trouble. She looked at Val, then looked around at all the others in the room. Without even asking first if she was able to, Harley pulled a cigarette and a lighter out of an inner cloak pocket and lit a cigarette.

[member="Valashu Elahad"]


Well-Known Member
As each of the newcomers finally found themselves seated nearby, Valashu rested elbows on the table ahead of himself, momentarily next placing his forehead against the clasp of his hands. When he raised them he stated, "Glad to have you all here. I am sure you remember who I am, being your boss and all, but these are Fos, Terrence, and Harley, close companions or allies of mine. However you choose to look at it.

"Anyway, I called you because I have a simple message. I had planned a full length speech spanning several details, but honestly? I am the boss, and don't need to if I don't want to - you are all fired and Merr-Sonn will be taking back full control of your positions so recently vacated. Please, feel free to get the frak off of my property."

[member="Harley Quyn"]
As Harley took a drag of her cigarette, she looked at Val. As she exhaled, she quickly thought over what he just said." Val, I don't think that's such a good idea. Are you sure you wanna fire everyone? Do you think that's the smartest thing to do?"

Looking around, she could see that the employees in the room were a mixture of confused, angry, and slightly scared. "Maybe you should think more about it. Take a minute to reconsider. It's your decision overall, your company. Just don't make any decisions that could potentially jeopardize your success, love."

She looked back to the group of workers while hitting her cigarette again, around the table at the other gentlemen that had been sitting there, then back at Valashu. "I mean, who's to say that firing them all won't ruin any future work or success?"

[member="Valashu Elahad"]


Well-Known Member
Terrence jumped at the voice he perceived as reason, "Exactly! I agree with Harley, this could be dangerous!" But Valashu smiled at both in turn, pulled out his cigarette tin, flipped it open then drew one out. Lighting it, he mixed his own smoke with that in the room currently. Leaning back, he let his arm dangle loosely over the back of his chair while the other hit the burning cancer stick. When his arm came forward, along the limb now hung a dark aura filled Gauntlet.

Pointing a finger forward, he gripped the hands of everyone of the members he fired. Slowly, as he rotated his own finger, their wrists began to rotate while the arm was held stationary, until bones snapped and people shouted in pain. "You will leave now. Or die." It was obvious as it happened, that his sense of right and wrong had been increasingly damaged. Contact with so many dangerous artifacts of the Darkside had tainted him. Yes he had always been a killer, but he had morals, a sense of what was to far. Now, not so much.

"Any way, Fos, it has been a vast pleasure. As always." Valashu said, then rose from his seat, hand extending to call to his Lorn'iseth Jacket. Sliding arms into the sleeves, he gestured to the still visibly uncomfortable Terrence, "Terr, get the ship ready. She probably misses me. We're going to visit the factories. At least a couple."

As he spoke he noticed that the others had already fled, quite a moment before. It made him chuckle, before he looked to Harley, "You are welcome to come with my dear." He stated then leaned in to kiss her before heading for the door, shaking Fos' hand at the threshold.

[member="Harley Quyn"]
Harley stood to join Val, reaching for his hand as she approached him. Quickly they began to walk out of the room. As they exited through the door, she took the last drag of her cigarrete, dropped it to the ground, and stepped on the butt until it was out.

"So hun, what now?" She asked, looking up at him. "Are you just gonna fire a bunch of people today? And where all are we going? I still haven't been to any of the factories." As they were exiting the factory, Harley looked around, and she could see the former workers leaving with boxes of their gathered belongings.

[member="Valashu Elahad"]

This is now edited.


Well-Known Member
Valashu shrugged, "Firing might be in the plans, can't say it won't. If I find conditions are horrendous due to a singular individual? Gotta boot em." He said, squeezing her hand as she grabbed his own, "Well, honestly, the subsidiaries all are spread about. Going about naming them would be a lot, so I'll just say all over. When we get there, I hope that the new peeps in control will have some initiative and clean the places up. Don't want you seeing a nasty factory, let alone multiple."

As they passed into the hangar, Valashu chuckled at the sound of his ship, Kaibigan, as she started powering up her stations before he was inside of her, "That right there is my ship, Kai, she is partially sentient, and bound to me. Its a crazy thing when you think about it." Once close enough a hatch opened, lowering a ramp. Climbing it he patted the walls with a grin, "Hey beautiful, I'm back. Gotta make it out to Tera Lush for starters."

[member="Harley Quyn"]
Stepping onto the ship, she looked around at the interior." Hello, Kai. I'm Harley. Nice to meet ya!" Harley giggled, looking over at Val. "Never talked to a ship before. So darlin, I gotta admit, I haven't been to Tera Lush before. Should I expect any ravenous animals or crazy people tryi to attack?"

After looking around, Harley found a place to sit down. "How long is the ride gonna be? Cause I could use a nap if I've got time. Been a long day so far." She paused, waiting to see if Val would join her or do something else. "Also, hate to be a bother love,but you got any food? I'm starved!"

[member="Valashu Elahad"]


Well-Known Member
Valashu smiled, "She is a loving little thing, so she would probably be there for you if you ever need a ship as well." There was a loud beeping, as if an alarm went off, but it silenced after a single beep, "Guess that means she likes you." He shrugged then, "Tera Lush is... well one of the most dangerous planets I have been to. The Ferals there.. man are they crazy strong and fast. Anyway, the cafeteria is that way," he gestured, "And we should be there in a few hours, so I'll wake you up then.


After finishing at each factory, he was proud to find that the lighter discrepancies had been managed. Now they were returning to Val'hala, each factory and building set about with remodeling and like.

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