Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Altering the Deal

Darth Osano

For what it was worth, Pollux's mind was also elsewhere. He was wondering if it was easier or harder to keep dullards in line compared to other folks. On one hand, they were easy enough to persuade and manipulate. On the other hand... Being susceptible to manipulation went both ways. Pollux wagered that [member="Narbo"] could easily be made complacent so long as Pollux was able to detect and snuff any attempts to get his now-favorite Aqualish to turn against him. Tabs would need to be kept, even if Narbo was painfully molded to the Aqualish stereotype.

"Yes, she has security... But you have something Pabitha does not." Pollux continued before Narbo could give a stupid answer like "fleas" or "genital warts" or "unchecked lechery." It was a rhetorical statement. "You have friends now, Narbo. Wealthy friends from far away."

The Mandallian giant was a fancy set-piece and all, but how much money did he have? Not enough if he couldn't afford a shirt, that was for sure. Pollux would talk to him later and come to an understanding. If not, they could always come to a disintegration instead. "By this time tomorrow, Pabitha will be back on Gamor and will not be heard of here again. This place will be under your management."

As it turned out, Pabitha had some family members back home that she worked to support. Pollux intended to hasten her retirement by indicating he knew where they were and how he intended to ship them off to his debtor mines if he and Pabitha couldn't come to an arrangement. That was another necessity for doing good in this business- no familial ties. Meant they couldn't be used against him. A Sith Lord had once visited his whole extended family on Lianna and fixed that problem for Pollux.

"With my help, I can give you every den on this station and much more. All you need to do is play ball. No missed payments."
Now, the Aqualish drug dealer certainly would not be winning any spelling bees or joining MENSA in the near future, but the Givin viewed him as barely a rung above his clientele. Most people probably viewed Narbo similarly; stuffed so full of vices it became hard to see any virtues.

The arachnoid had a bit more to him than his situation as a burnout scum might speak. Simple thugs did not rise to lead a whole swoop gang in a Hutt kajidic without having some X factor.

The fact that Narbo had survived this long with a Hutt bounty on his head probably served as some indicator.

"Friends, huh."

Narbo stared at [member="Pollux"] with all four unblinking eyes. His shuffling tusks clicked together audibly.

"You gotta deal, lorda."

The Aqualish held out one furry three-fingered hand.

Darth Osano

"Good." Pollux said flatly, shaking the Aqualish's hand, silently pleased he wasn't going to have to kill Narbo and start this whole process all over again. He didn't want a repeat of that incident on Geonosis with Bingo Three-Guns the Jawa. Pollux's hands were rather uncomfortable to the touch, cold and coarse. Like a bone that had been picked clean some decades ago and left to sit in a cool desert. Pollux managed to avoid recoiling at the touch of Narbo's sweaty-spider hands. He wanted to say he had been through worse, but... Well, maybe he would one day.

With [member="Narbo"] on board, the Helix Syndicate had begun its first step in colonizing the drug trade out here in the Outer Rim. As with any colony, it would take a great deal of time and money before things really got going. But if Pollux was one thing, it was patient, and if Narbo was one thing, it was greedy. He would stay in line for as long as Pollux could convince him he was getting the best possible deal. Considering Narbo's previous position in the galactic drug market, this would not be hard to do.

This was the beginning of a beautiful entrepreneurial arrangement.

And then the credits rolled.​

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