Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alnice D'Lessio

NAME: Alnice D'Lessio
FACTION: Outer Rim Coalition
RANK: Apprentice
SPECIES: Lorrdian
AGE: 19 years old
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'9" (175cm)
WEIGHT: 140 lbs. (63.5 kg)
EYES: Honey brown
SKIN: Medium brown

Avatar: Caleb Thomas' Rei, from the Annie Mei Project.
Sins: Pride
Virtues: Humility, Charity
Relatives: [member="Alna Merrill"] (aunt), [member="Jorus Merrill"] (uncle-in-law), [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] (cousin)
Languages: Basic, kinetic communication aka "Twitchsmirk"


  • + Stop Blinking So Loud! Perhaps unique in the galaxy is Alnice's combination of Teräs Käsi training and Lorrdian kinetic communication. Being able to understand "Twitchsmirk" lets Lorrdians understand a person's meaning without having to hear them speak at all, and Teräs Käsi teaches a state of zanshin that allows its user to predict and avoid attacks.
  • + I Know Kung Fu. Alnice has spent the past five years training with an old man in the mountains. This has had two main effects: first, it's given her a functional understanding of Teräs Käsi, a striking martial art that augments her natural kinetic awareness. Second, it's initiated her into the Matukai way. This means that she's well-versed in augmenting her body with the Force, and can achieve physical feats well beyond what an athletic girl her age should be able to boast.
  • - Also, What's A Lightsaber? For every bit of power Matukai training offers, it takes potential away. Specifically, the potential for anything other than Control-sphere powers. Alnice isn't able to project the Force outside her body at all. She also has a distaste for blasters, as even stun blasters and ion guns are far too lethal.
  • - The Day Needs My Saving Expertise! Alnice's charmed life has left her with an intensely optimistic view of the galaxy. As a consequence of this, she has a very specific idea of how the world works. If she sees suffering, she fixes it, actively and immediately. If this sort of selfless, naive heroism doesn't sound like a problem, then you haven't been on the Rim very long.
  • ~ Cool Big Sis. Or at least she's trying to be.
Much more impressive than when she began her training, Alnice is a tall, toned young woman with frizzy hair, a bright smile, and a healthy build. She's still rebuilding her wardrobe after several years of training in the wilderness, and as a result most of her clothes are comfortable and functional rather than stylish. She has no visible scars, though she's been considering a tattoo. Also, girl's ripped, yo.

None to speak of...yet.


Alnice D'Lessio is the daughter of Alton and Shri D'Lessio. When the nebulous D'Lessio clan parents died and passed on their business to their legion of kids, Alton took his share and went on a galactic crusade against poverty, illness, and oppression. How he managed to stay in business and even make money while constantly philanthropizing all over the known universe is a mystery to everyone, but the Alton-tribe D'Lessios nonetheless live comfortably despite their nomadic and selfless lives.

Around the age of fourteen to fifteen, Alton and Shri's daughter, Alnice, met a shaman on a backwater planet full of dangerous plants. While her GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER father and his LADY OF ADVENTURE wife were off learning the ways of the native's arcane rituals and religious turmoil, the young Alnice spoke with the mystic at length. They talked about the world, the passage of spirits, and in general Alnice was a polite as she could be to the benevolent old crackpot.

When the old man offered her a test, namely a blindfold and a pile of colored sticks, Alnice humored him. The object seemed to be to try to pick out the one red stick from the pile, blindfolded. Of course, being the perfect daughter of a perfect man, she got it on the first try. Beginner's luck. Then on the second. Coincidence. By the third, it was becoming routine, and Alnice thought the game was rigged to make some kind of point. The fourth, however, she hesitated. Her hand never touched the pile, but hesitated above it.

"I...don't think it's in there."

This confirmed the old man's suspicions. When Alton and Shri returned, he shared the news with all three of them. Their daughter, Alnice, was "gifted," which the two experienced explorers quickly translated as "Force-sensitive." Naturally this meant she had to be trained before her entire life was lived with a painful empty void where something needed to be. And where, pray tell, in a galaxy full to bursting with Jedi and Sith and all the spectrum in-between should the young daughter of an adventurer go learn about the Force?

Why, from some old kook on a mountain, of course! Alton had once met a monk of sorts, Regan Ken-Taro, during his travels. He dropped his daughter off at Regan's cabin on Auratera, and though her family stuck around for a few days to catch up with an old friend, shortly they left her there to "discover herself." Alnice's Force-sensitivity was weak, almost nascent, and it took a great deal of work to bring it out. By fanning the flames of what Regan liked to call her "soul furnace," eventually Alnice started to display some proficiency with the Force. In all honesty, though, it would almost be easy to confuse it for athleticism and combat training, as the subsequent years of chopping wood, mountain climbing, meditating under waterfalls, martial arts, and general conditioning resulted in Alnice turning into quite the impressive young specimen.

Eventually, during a simple but hearty meal full of old jokes and quiet conversation, when Alnice asked for a second helping, Regan initially offered it... then physically kept it out of her reach. Realizing the challenge almost immediately, Alnice took to it wholeheartedly, and the two went on a ridiculous chase through the woods and cliffs surrounding her mentor's cabin. The trial came to its conclusion at the edge of a fallen, have-rotten tree, overlooking a sheer drop of almost 500 meters. Alnice hopped back like it was no big deal, and Regan decided she was ready. Within three days, she bade farewell to her old master and caught a ride on a passing cargo freighter in the "nearest" (meaning literally miles upon miles away) spaceport.


Nothing yet.


Mercenary, Artist.
[member="Alnice D'Lessio"]

Of course Alton would go and have a perfect daughter. It's good to see you, Alnice! Come by sometime for dinner, hm?
[member="Alnice D'Lessio"]

Here ya go cuz.


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