Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Almost Famous

I’ve got a good one for you today, Momma.

The humanoid was short, raspy voiced, and liked snickering. He always sounded like he was plotting something, but still, he was Momma’s best slave deliverer. Krall Dregor grinned. He knew he had to bring something better to the table seeing as the previous trade he tried setting out wasn’t worth her time at all. Momma waved the other slave away with the flick of her wrist.

Why, he disappointed her once; disappointing her twice would have sentenced him to a Mommaless life. And did he want that? No. Momma was good money. She usually had clean money. It was hard to find, especially on a hell hole like Nar Shaddaa. Anyways, plenty of slaves liked going in with her, simply because of her tendency to treat them like stars.

But most of the girls she hired were prissy and demanding once fanned with enough attention. Momma usually ended up trading those somewhere else. She didn’t need that kind of drama, especially not from a slave. She stroked her meaty chin and nodded to Kela, a pretty twi’lek girl who served as her general translator.

She wasn’t in the mood to talk to Krall Dregor. Not today. Not after his prior disappointment.

Okay, Mr. Dregor.” The young twi’lek peeped. It was obvious she wasn’t used to being up here working with the other traders. She was usually kept in Momma’s playground — a set designed to look like an actual hollywood set. Momma liked rotating her slaves and servants however, and now, little miss twi’lek was up here in this cold, brown, meeting room.

Momma says bring her in.

| [member="Vindicta"] |


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Vindicta looked up as the man who called himself 'Krall' yanked on the chain attached to her collar. He snarled for her to move it, and the young human considered staying put, just to make him mad; but decided she didn't feel like getting beaten today.
She began to walk with him, her tanned skin peeking out of her leather armor, which was missing sections on her chest and back, to show off the brand seared onto her skin. The burned skin no longer bothered her, but she still hated looking at it.

She no longer had her sword with her. Draco had taken that away when he had sold her to this 'Krall'. The Mandalorian had told her to 'behave for Momma', which had confused her, but she supposed it was better than what she had thought he was going to do.
Vindicta kept her gaze on the floor as the man announced her, and began talking about her. She knew better than to look up, a lot better,

[member="Momma the Hutt"]
When the man had the woman brought out, Momma was surprised to see a considerably stronger built woman than the typical slaves he usually brought her. She was a considerably all human girl, though she was obviously young based on her features. In fact, the woman’s physique reminded her of a certain mercenary she had just employed. Perhaps these two could look out for each other.

Momma stroked her chin, eyeing the woman up and down. No, she definitely could never play a role in Momma’s romance movies. Perhaps she could be an action star or a stunt double. Momma always made sure her slaves had important rolls. Could the girl speak basic? It was a standard in most holos! Momma would require the girl speak basic.

Jensm. Haku wohot ua cohai?
Languages. What does she speak?

Momma’s tone was stern and for the first time, her voice was heard. The twi’lek next to her was quiet, her eyes gazing at Krall. He was much shorter than the slave he had brought over. Momma had come to accept that he was the shortest human she knew.

Toupee mi, chik. Haku woy la naa uba?
Tell me, girl. What do they call you?

| [member="Vindicta"] |


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Vindicta kept her eyes on the ground as she heard the Hutt speak.
A Hutt? That was who Draco had sold her to? Vindicta had seen Hutts before at the arenas, and knew their reputation. From what Draco had told her, Hutts had made offers for her almost every day. What had made this one special?

She kept quiet as she heard the Hutt ask what she spoke, and 'Krall' respond that she was fluent in both Basic and Huttese. She had learned the language by eavesdropping on the others around the arenas, and often used it to insult her opponents.
Then the Hutt asked for her name, and Vindicta stepped forward, her eyes still aimed at the ground.

"My pee kasa Vindicta, Lorda."
My name is Vindicta, Master.

[member="Momma the Hutt"]
Momma’s eyes lit up as the slave replied to her in huttese. She was bilingual which was great for Momma. She had a few slaves who had taken the time to learn the language and pass it on to the others. She didn’t require that they speak it, she was grateful enough that they took the time to understand her. Though the girl’s—Vindicta’s—accent and pronunciation weren’t exactly spot on, Momma the hutt clapped regardless.

X'hoo! X'hoo, Vindicta.
Excellent! Excellent, Vindicta.

Momma cheered, her hands clapped together. She was compelled to buy this young woman, but of course she learned from her talent agencies. She had to know who the woman was, what made her kick. That way it was easier for her to room her with other guests.

Nan weonoo, jot ten paknee ata wa kohcha.
Come sweetheart, let us take a walk.

Well, technically Momma the Hutt was hovering in some sort of hutt chair that allowed her to stay mobile without slithering. She did regular hutt exercises but she enjoyed being lifted off the ground and sailing smoothly. It was way faster after all. Momma’s twi’lek motioned for the Krall and Vindicta to follow.

They moved through Momma’s halls, several portraits of a young Momma the hutt were hung on display in black and white. The carpet beneath them was red and velvet and stretched on. There were several galleries in Momma’s possession, and they walked past them.

Hee toupee mi poy, kava woy uba banka vehpobaee holo? Vehpobaee HoloWood?
So tell me dear, how do you feel about movies? About HoloWood?

| [member="Vindicta"] |

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