Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Allya (pm to join, unless a Dathmori witch)

[member="The Gray Assassin"]

she had felt his body, he was unprotected she knew he had others on the way, and then her leg began to cold. She knew he was up to something before he did it, as she try and sense an attack coming. Though her normal body heat was fighting off a little, it was time to attack back. She had no choice it was time to do it, she then gripped her hand, and crushed him where men did not like to be crushed. She figured he would wince and stop attacking her, and contrate on protecting his two little freinds. This would give her enough time to get her stealthed shuttle, and get out of here. As she would not have to leave it on for long, to have a lasting effect. She just clenched her fist, and carried on running, as her leg began to get colder.......
[member="Darth Banshee"]​
Ajihad was too concentrated on the Cryokinesis to realize what she was up to. He suddenly felt a gut-wrenching pain as his family jewels were nearly shattered. He fell to one knee with a grunt. It was all he could do erect a barrier of telekinesis to prevent her from potentially killing him on the spot. A low blow, a tactic not often used by an honorable opponent.​
We he redesigned his armor, he'd have to add a cup.​
[member="The Gray Assassin"]

As she gripped her assailant in his undercarriage, she used the force to warm up her body as she continued running. As it built up inside her, she began warming up the trees around her. They began to hiss, as the sap began to boil. She was going to ignite them, and leave a path fire behind her. She was in hopes of not being pursued any more, this was slow process, as the trees needed to become dry first, and she was running at same time. Though if people where chasing her, they soon find themselves in the beginnings of forest fire. She saw a piece bark explode of a tree as she passed it, this place was starting to get hot.
[member="The Gray Assassin"] with permission escaping.

Darth Banshee kept running, as she did the fire burned brighter, she kept on running. The witches had powers she not yet comprehended, she had to run, work out new strategies, and most of all she had survie.
The fire behind her had left, no route for them to chase her. Soon she was at where she left her ship, without a second thought. As soon as she board her ship, she started up the nav computer, she was getting the hell out of dodge before they tracked her back here.
Soon the hyperdrive was ready, and coordinates locked in, her ship took off, and head back to sith space. She was left wondering what she have to do, if she ever faced who ever that was again.

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