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Aliit City

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Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
Name: Aliit City

Image Source:
^^Pic was taken from the city I built as Jarell Xaaris in Second Life SWRP

Classification: Enclave/City

Location: Dxun, deep in the jungle past the mountains

Affiliation: Who owns the city currently? Mandalorians

Population: Mandalorians

Demographics: All types of races

Points of Interest: The Mando Cantina, Enclave Council hall, Each Clans private Hall,

Description: No description as of yet due to the fact this will be built through roleplay

History: none as of yet

Links: (Optional. You may provide any links to other existing Codex/Factory entries that constitute any significance to this entry.)
Alright, there are two ways to go about this. I understand that you plan to build this through roleplay. So what you can do with that is go ahead and describe what you plan to build in the rp here and we can continue on with the review after you've made the adjustments.

The second option, is because the city hasn't been built yet, and you have no description really would be for this to be considered a WIP (work in progress). In that case this sub would be archived until you have finished the thread in which you are building the city up, as work in progress submissions are not permitted. All submissions have to be complete when they are posted in the codex. Anyway, so you'd start your development thread for the city, we'd archive this temporarily, and when the thread is complete and you have your descriptions ready you would simple pm the Codex Admin ([member="Valiens Nantaris"]) and he'd bring it back here for you to make the final edits and such to it. Then it could be judged.

Let me know which route you are going with and we'll move on from there. Please feel free to PM myself, or Valiens if you have any questions.

Under your description, and history there is nothing there really. You'll need to describe what the points of interest are like each one. What kind of defences if any they hold. What the city in general is like, large or small, military outpost, civilian city, etc. Ideally, I'd like to see a paragraph for each point of interest. Doesn't have to be super long, but just thoroughly describe each point.

As for the history, since this is a new city, I wouldn't expect much to be there, but a sentence or two wouldn't hurt - explaining that it's a new city. Maybe the date it was established and who helped to build it.

For now, I'm going to lock the thread and mark this for archival as a WIP. Just work on what I mentioned and when the thread is done, as I said before just pm the Codex admin. You can have it brought back out when you're ready.

[member="Jarell"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"]
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