Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alderaan, Shades of Grey

Verrin started to chuckle at her tone, but broke off in small gasps, "Ah, hurts to laugh," he said which was almost enough to make him laugh a little bit more. He thought over the situation some more, but.. he was a terrible liar. He always had been as he never had much of a use for it preferring to either speak the truth or not at all.

"It will be fine," Verrin said, but he wasn't sure who he was saying that to. Perhaps to both of them?

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra breathed in and stood slowly, taking him over her shoulder again and pushing them both into a standing, or rather him half dragging, position. Her eyes found the path once ore and she started on towards the compound that belonged to the Jedi, a slow, agonizing mile away. "By the way, next time we meet up, we should do something much less damaging and go out for a bite agree?" She smiled and glanced at him, trying to keep her mind off what was happening right now and how far it was. @Verrin Ris'To
"That would be nice. I know of a nice little diner on Coruscant," Verrin said. A lot of what was going on with her needed to be talked about, but... later. He wasn't in the shape to do much anymore, but he could try and help her get her mind off as they got closer and closer to the enclave. He could make out the outline of it in the darkness, his natural low-light vision making it easy to make out the small details as they grew closer.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"You better keep that promise for me having to lug you back home, and no where drinking, dont want to have to do this again." She smiled and looked at him in the slowly lowering light, her silver eyes still kind, soft, and cheerful as she stared at him for a few moments before looking back at the path and squinting. "Almost there, i think thats where you need to be." She picked up the pace a little and worked her legs to move up the hill towards the door.
"I think I have earned a drink," Verrin said trying to put as much of his weight on his numb legs as possible as forcing her to carry him was not something he ever wanted to force on her. He wasn't the lightest person around, and he did not like being a burden to others even if it was not his fault. Plus while he was a Jedi, there was nothing wrong with an occasional drink. The name of the game was moderation and control both of which he liked to believe he had.

His eyes, both sharp and attuned with natural low-light vision, easily made out the enclave, "Yea, that is the one," Verrin said but he wasn't sure if her question had been for him or herself.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra's feet dragged them up the hill and towards the guards outside the enclave, her breath hard as she was pushing her body well past the point of exhaustion. "Got a Jedi for you guys..." She said as she stopped and nearly fell over with him still over her shoulder, her vision had already blacked out and now she was focusing all efforts on not falling back down the hill. @Verrin Ris'To
Verrin couldn't stop the tired smile that slide across her face. Was he a toy? Verrin raised his head to the door sliding open revealing Jedi Knight Corvan, the man who was leading Verrin, and the other group of padawans, on their meditation trip, "Master, she needs rest. We," he said pausing as he really hated lying. It was something he had little experience in, "Were attacked. She saved me. She needs a place to rest."

He watched the old knight waiting for him to say something, but he didn't instead he nodded and stepped forward to help them, "Put her in the room close to mine, please," Verrin said, his vision starting to blur. He wanted to be able to keep an eye on her encase something happened again. He wasn't sure what he could do in his condition, but it would help him sleep better if he was closer to keep everyone safe as well as to stop her if something happened.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

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