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Akio Diachi the Blue Wanderer

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
"I have killed without mercy. I have protected the weak. I have loved without abandon. I have hated devoutly. I have known betrayal and loyalty. I have seen the eyes of my enemy fade, just inches from my own. I have felt the infant's first moments and the elder's last breath. Through it all I have learned something greater than all of it. Wisdom."
Akio Daichi
The Blue Pilgrim
RANK: Pilgrim
AGE: Mid twenties
SEX: Male
Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic
Sexual Orientation: asexual
HEIGHT: 5’ 4”
WEIGHT: 120 lbs
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Blue
Force Alignment: Neutral Good; Force Aura
Voice sample Jun Tanaka

STATS (Per Pazio's Pathfinder scale)
Str 8
Dex 18
Con 18
Int 10
Wis 14
Cha 12

Class (Pathfinder Scale) Ninja-4/Monk-5
Relational Ties:
1) [member="Ostdern Mastogar"]
Significant Other: [member="Erud'ryz'ladre"]
Master: Saint Monica (formerly Karen Roberts)
Children: None
Parents: Unknown--Both presumed Chiss
Nemsis: Kuro (Assassin and former colleague from a bygone age--NPC)


"Embrace your weakness and it loses its hold over you, release your strength and reforge yourself in light of your lacking. Only then will you be your pinnacle."

++Skilled Martial Artist: Akio has spent several years making his body into a honed weapon
++Wise Beyond Years: Akio has spent a long time learning from the wise ones. He keeps an open mind and is always learning more--which is the definition of wisdom.

+/-Determined: Akio's life goal is to be a champion of the weak. He believes this is what he is called to do, and he will not let anything stop him.
--Emotionally out of Touch (racial trait): Akio is largely emotionally out of touch. As a Chiss he has a hard time accessing that side of himself. Its not that he doesn't feel this, he does not know how to express it easily. As such, he often appears emotionless, or even cold and rese
--Techno-phobe: Learning of the vast ways of the galaxy and tapping into infinite wisdom has its cost--for Akio, that cost was any chance of learning anything about Technology.
--Exotic Armory: You cannot pick up Akio's weapons of choice from the local Merr-Sonn store or whatever. He has a unique set of skills and weapons, and there are many he cannot use.
"People are always disappointed when I walk in the room, like my Force Aura was a lot stronger than I ended up appearing."

Face claim: Godfrey Goa

Akio is a strange one, even for a diverse galaxy. When the Chiss is not wearing his armory, he is often dresses in either lose-fitting, bright orange robes that primarily serve to not impede movement or one of his may sets of force imbued armor. The culture of both, especially his robes is archaic and exotic, for even the Jedi. Most question who and what he is in the social standard of things. His body is riddled and littered with endless scars; cuts, burns, acid damage, slices, bullet wounds, and many that are rather indistinguishable. He is exceptionally slender, though his muscles show great tone and definition from endless hours of martial arts.

Across his back is a cortosis katana; a relic from a by-gone time when he was an assassin with few equals. In his hand is usually his ultrachrome Monk's Spade, an exotic weapon that serves as his walking staff. To most it appears to be nothing more than an ornamental walking stick. Akio prefers to settle things in a bloodless fashion, but when needed, he can be a fierce opponent. An amulet, glowing when the Force it calls upon, hangs from his neck, emitting a gentle hum in the Force and amplifying his presence. The blue crystal of his amulet is cut into a circular stone with a hole in the center the draw string runs through. Its color, though generally blue, fluctuates upon the wearer's emotion. The ring on his right hand hums with a subdued glow, resonating with the Force and amplifying his abilities of Tetaminis and Force Barrier.

On his forearms the Chiss wears leather bracers lined with force imbued throwing quills. They shimmer with purple energy from the Force, radiating power. His eyes meet you with an intense, red stare that shows the resolve of a man who has lived many lives in a short time. His presence through the Force itself radiates learning and hard earned wisdom. He is calm, almost emotionless to the point of of passivity. There is no aggression left in his young body.

"I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out who I am. Now I am trying to reconcile that to what I want to be."


Akio was raised by a strange sect of obscure assassins. He is generally not coming forward in his past, relaying information often in riddles, strange sayings, and lies. What is known is his wisdom, and his desire to walk freely among the living to do the will of the Living Force. It is uncertain if this is because of his failed memory or if it is moreso because he wants others to be more receptive to the future than his past.

Bellow is Akio's forgotten past, things that are locked away from him for now. Do not use this information to metagame:
Akio was born outside of wedlock to a female Chiss general. Through a tryst with a lover of a much lower station than she, this woman became pregant with what would later be known as Akio Diachi. Not desiring to shame her family, the woman worked her military connections to have an extended leave for one year. During this time she gave birth to her Child and searched for a way to do away with him quietly. She was approached by a shadowy man who only offered to take the young away where he would never be able to bother her. The mother readily agreed.

Akio was taken to a monastery of Umbarian assassins. They solely worshiped death, and believed that killing was an art unparalleled to any other. With their cold, calculating way, they sought to do so without emotion. It was not rage, fury, or any emotion that this Chiss was taught, but to enjoy the art of slaying like the art of sculpting or painting.

He was scorned by the other initiates and nephytes his age because he was of a different race. This, coupled with his racial coldness and the culture he was raised in, made Akio resolved to become one of the most skilled of their killers. And this he did. Against the odds, Akio rose to become one of the top of his class. He mastered every weapon through endless hours of training and dutiful dedication. Any who stood agaisnt him dissappeared. At last, the Chiss graduated and he found himself in the wide galaxy, ripe for his picking.
Training style

Act I.
Scene 1-Knowledge is a worthy quest.
Akio felt the pull of Force to Illum. He knew not why, only that he was drawn. From there the Chiss met [member="Stardust"] . The Blue Wanderer went with her and found crystals. When they left the planet the two of them began, at the guidance of the Force to follow to Dantoowine, where they would look for and find Holocrons. After they had found them, the two felt the pull to Kinooine. There the pair met two Force Ghosts, one named Jon Colleroy, a Jedi who had seen the early days of the Jedi and was expunged for falling in love with his wife, Mary, who had write a holocron they found on Dantoowine about Tutumis. The Ghost knew a great deal about Force Alkhemy, and began to teach the Chiss how to master this skill, feel it to be the will of the Force.

Scene 2-Recovering the Armory
Following the bidding of the Force, Akio found himself alone. He had a vision of dunes of Tatoowine, and following its guidance went there. The Chiss followed its direction, being picked up by a small family; Dak, Velda, and Raven. They uncovered a lost temple, where Akio found force Imbued throwing quills. Tusken Raiders struck, killing Dak. Akio stood his ground, buying Raven and her mother enough time to escape, slaughtering the Sand people. Filled with remorse, he followed the Force, stowing away on [member="Seanna Vel"]'s ship. When he awoke from sleep, he found they had crash-landed on Tython.

Scene 3-Learning the Ways of the Force
As Akio wandered through the galaxy, he heard of the Jedi many times. He ventured there, looking to learn more from these powerful Force users. In their temple he waited, listening in, learning through observation. He heard of Matsu Ike, and sought her out, learning the art of Force Imbuedment from her. At the temple, he heard of the great Master Karen Roberts, a Jedi of great practical power. Learning from her, he began to find out the greater mysteries of the Force.

Scene 4- Finding Love long lost
Akio searched for Dryzl for quite some time. His memory was--spotty at best. But he felt an inexpiable draw to search for her, a face he saw in some of his more intense flashbacks. At last he found her on Soccorro, a harsh barren land. They together began to work on a new life.

Act II. Go forth Changed
As a man who had been shown the error of his ways, Akio worked to make life better for so many across the galaxy, his new mission was to help make people better, to show them like he had been shown that there was hope in life.

Scene 1--So You think you can Kung Fu/Force?
With knowledge and power comes the need to pass it on. Akio began to pass on what he had learned in life, teaching the ways of the Force in wisdom and action to others, and he began to show others the arts of self defense for their own protection and protecting others.

Scene 2--A Knight Errant
No knight, with a lady in waiting is worth anything unless he quests across the worlds doing as he can to help save those in need and protect the innocent. Akio did just that as he traversed the planets, the dark void of space, and did all he could. A lot of his work he assisted the Silver Jedi with this end. Though he does not consider himself a Jedi, he certainly does enjoy helping them with their causes for the good of others.

Scene 3--Keep your Skills Sharp
As he goes along his way, Akio works to learn from others better ways to understand the Force. Being among the Silver Jedi gives him the unique chance to see their views and learn a more orthodox view of the Force.

Act III: Though they are Lost, they are not Forgotten.


Act I:

Act II.

Act III.

"If you want peace, you must be ready to fight for it."

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
[Known] [Proficient] [Adept] [Skilled] [Master]
Sense based
Meditate [Skilled] > Jedi Focus Discipline [Adept]
Sense Path [Known]
Force Vision [Known]

Alter based
Force Imbuedment [Skilled] (Learning the ways of the Force pt 2)
-Force Barrier [Adept] (Learning the ways of the Force pt 3)
-Force Valor [Known] (Learning the ways of the Force pt 3)
-Tutaminis [Proficient] (from master [member="Karen Roberts"])
-Battlemind [Known] (Leaning the ways of the Force)

Control based
Force Push [Known]
-Force Speed [Known]
-Force Heal [Known]
-Balistikinesis [Adept]

Jar'Kai [Master]
Soresu [Known]
Ataru [Adept]
Shien [Adept]
Niman [Adept]
Unarmed combat [Master]
Melee combat [Master]
Cooking [Skilled]
Strategy [Skilled]
Climbing [Adept]
Stealth [Adept]
Force Skills to learn:​
- Force Destruction
- Force Shockwave

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream

-Classic 70's Jedi
-Melee, katana, and lightsaber combat
-Zen, Buddhism, and Shintoism
-Samurai Jack (Sorta inspiration)



Emotional Quest: To take care of Dryzl; to come to terms with what he has done in the past
Physical Quest: To start a new life with Dryzl, to protect the weak
Spiritual Quest: To fully comprehend the ways of the Force

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