Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ain't that a shame.

He sat in an alleyway in Correlia, smoking a cigar filled with spice. A grin was on his face, as he watched the empty streets. However, at the time, Broorn was completely unarmed. He had just wanted to leave his apartment and smoke some spice without his land lord smelling it upstairs. He spat on the ground, turning his gaze back to the ground, inhaling more of the smoke.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
After being heavily injured by the Chiss known as [member="Broorn Sabor"], Tugoro had made it one of his top priorities to capture the criminal. The young padawan would walk along the streets, after finishing up a rather strange infestation job within Coronet. He had encountered a large Devronian, who seemed to used revolvers as a method of extermination. The boy's brown cloak would billow in his movement, stopping only as he did. The crowd around him would mumble in annoyance as they made their way around him, seeing as he had come to a sudden halt. Slowly craning his neck to the side, the familiar scent of spice would waft into the boy's nostrils, it's source coming from a nearby dark alleyway.

Pausing briefly, Tugoro would turn his attention towards the direction in which he had been heading, trying to decipher the feeling of deja-vu. Rolling his shoulders in a shrug, the padawan would pivot on his heels, beginning to make his way towards narrow space between the two buildings. A strange feeling began to overwhelm the boy's mind as he continued to walk, sensing a recognizable energy signature. Though, [member="Broorn Sabor"]'s location would remain hidden in the darkness, only revealed to the boy as the spice was hit. The flare of the lit cigar would attract Tugoro's eye, causing him to turn and face the Chiss' direction. The padawan would remain silent, simply staring at the blue skinned alien.
He continued to grin, inhaling more of the smoke. He looked down to the ground, extinguishing his cigar before pulling out another one. Obviously a chain smoker, Broorn ignited that cigar, inhaling it quickly before extinguishing that one, just throwing them onto the ground. He slowly stood up, spinning to the left. His smile faded as he saw a figure standing in the corner. At the moment, he could not recognize the figure but he wore a robe and in Broorn's book, that was either a Sith or a Jedi. "Woah man! I just came to smoke some...cigars! That's it, that ain't illegal! Do you smell that spice smell? Well, it was because another Chiss came in, smoked some spice and bolted. Y-yeah, that's the truth, sir!"

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
The strong scent of the spice that [member="Broorn Sabor"] smoked became increasingly powerful, as the Chiss exhaled and extinguished his cigar. Of course, another one would be lit in it's place, causing a brief look of disgust to cover the young Jedi's facial expression. Taking a few steps closer, the boy would listen to Broorn's rambling, unable to hold back a chuckle at the idiotic story. Out of all the things that he could say, the man decided to say what he had said. Lifting his gaze to the surrounding alleyway, Tugoro would spot another ladder, one similar to the one he had used long ago against the same Chiss.

Slowly turning his gaze back to Broorn, the boy would sigh, once more taking another step. "It's over, Sabor." He would say, having done some research on the Chiss.
He recognized the voice immediately, taking a single step back. "Please man! I'm clean, alright? Don't take me in, don't!" He begged, slowly stepping back. "PLEASE KID, I'M FETHING BEGGING YOU!" He continued to walk back, accidently tripping while not paying attention. He startled crawling back, fear on his face. "KID, I'M FETHING SORRY! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! J-JUST LEAVE, I'LL STOP SMOKIN', I SWEAR!" He yelped, too frightened to climb to his feet.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Rolling his eyes, the young Jedi truly did feel embarrassed for the Chiss. His display of fear was pathetic and unneeded, for it simply made the boy want to puke. Breathing in deeply to calm himself, Tugoro would continue to step forward, approaching [member="Broorn Sabor"] who had backed himself into a corner by now. Though, that corner happened to have the ladder that he had seen earlier. Still giving his attention to the Chiss, Tugoro would raise his arm, having his palm swipe upwards, leveld out with the criminal's form. With the harnessed power of telekinesis, the young Padawan would aim to lift the man to his feet unwillingly, and slam him against the alley's wall.

"Relax, Broorn." He would say, still advancing on the man's position.
He hit the wall, groaning in agony. He glared up at the boy, shaking his head. "P-please..." He muttered, slumped down. "I'll...g-give you fething anything! Y-you want credits? I'll give you fething credits...a-and spice!" He looked around nervously, sweat pouring down his forehead. "N-no! Please, d-don't take me in! I'm clean, I swear!" He slowly pulled himself up, stumbling backwards in absolute fear.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
"Relax." The young teenager would repeat once more, watching as the Chiss fell to the ground. Shaking his head from side to side, he could not help but feel sorry for the criminal.

Having released his telekinetic grip, Tugoro would advance on [member="Broorn Sabor"], before lifting a single arm up. It would level out with his upper torso, it's wrist being in front of the padawan's mouth. Clicking a button on his armored gauntlet, a light would begin to flash, before he created a snapping noise with his middle finger and thumb. Tugoro would tired of talking, he would let someone else do it for him. Leaping down from the rooftop, Rusher would appear, the leader of Strike Squad. The soldier's jetpack would activate as he fell, casting a bright orange light through the corridor. The rocket propulsion would soften his landing, it being directly next to the Chiss. Having turned from the blue skinned alien, the young padawan would leave, deciding to wait at the alleyway's entrance.

Reaching forward, the plates of light armor that Rusher wore would scrap against each other, as he moved to grab the man. If this was successful, the criminal would be heaved to his feet by his jacket collar, and slammed against the wall once more. "We don't want your dirty money, Chiss." The human would spit, putting his helmeted face in front of the blue skinned man's, "I've been doing a little research, want to hear?" The man would say, gripping a blaster pistol in his left hand, while he pulled out a datapad. Looking down at the old file the Republic had managed to save, Rusher would speak, "Used to live on Coruscant, huh? Momma and Poppa bit the dust, eh?" The human would continue to taunt, before lifting his blaster arm, and attempting to slam the weapon's handle into the alien's head.

"Your brother live on Tatooine? That's where you two went, be a shame if anything happened to your family." The soldier would finish, turning to walk out of the alleyway, towards the exit.
He took the abuse, blood dripping from his nose. He couldn't even find the strength to be angry, just watching as the man continued to taunt. "M-m-motherfether!" He mumbled, falling to his knees, watching as he headed towards the exit. He pulled himself up against a dumpster, gripping his bleeding nose. He stared into the night sky, groaning in pain. "D-DON'T L-L-LEAVE ME 'ERE!" He gasped, slowly pulling himself forward.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Quickly lifting his blaster wielding arm, Rusher would aim the pistol at the ground, ahead of [member="Broorn Sabor"]. Squeezing the trigger, a single bolt would soar forward, slamming into the pavement that the Chiss was slowly approaching. It was not an attempt on his life, merely a way to stop him from moving. "You stay there, got it?!" The soldier would scream, leveling the barrel of his weapon with the Chiss' face. After that, the man would continue on his way, exiting the alley in order to meet with Tugoro. Giving the boy a nod, Tugoro would do the same in response, turning around to watch as two Republic troopers advanced on their position.

The duo would rush down the alley way, their blaster pistols out in the open as they advanced on Broorn. If they found him in the same place, they would attempt to subdue him, by slamming him into the ground and cuffing his wrists. If he had escaped, they would be able to do no such thing.
Fear appeared on his face as the bolt landed in front of him. He watched as the man walked out of the alleyway, grinning. He slowly pulled himself up, ready to start retreating when someone from behind, plowed into him. He hit the ground, easily being cuffed. "NO, I C-CAN'T GO TO JAIL AGAIN, MAN! I'M CLEAN, I FETHING SWEAR!" He shouted, squirming as the handcuffs were being locked onto his wrists. "LEMME GO, MAN!" He continued to yelp, attempting to crawl forward but was unable to do so. He just lay there, groveling on the metallic ground. He groaned in pain, unable to see the faces' of his attackers. "NO! I'M FETHING CLEAN, FETHING CLEAN!"

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Grasping tightly around the Chiss' arms, the duo would pull the man to his feet, pushing him forward in order to have him walk. As the officers fought against the struggling, they would talk, trying to calm the man down, "Listen pal, the charges are just possession of spice and resisting arrest! If you continue, it'll be much worse!" He yelled, attempting to kick the man in his behind. The trio would continue on their way through the alley, until they approached it's exit. Parked in front of it, was a Republic speeder, used to transport officers and ones in custody alike.

Glaring at the Chiss with his emerald eyes, Tugoro would watch silently as the officers tried to force the man into the speeder. Shaking his head in disappointment, the young Padawan simply thought of the different path the criminal could've taken in his life. [member="Broorn Sabor"]
He was easily carried out of the alleyway and over to the speeder. "KID PLEASE, TELL 'EM I'M INNOCENT! I WONT FETHING SMOKE ANYMORE...I'LL GO CLEAN! PLEASE, I'VE GOT A CRIMINAL RECORD I'M SURE TO GET TIME IN COURT! PLEASE, TELL 'EM TO LEMME GO! I WONT SMOKE NO MORE, DO YOU HEAR ME? PLEASE, I CAN'T GO BACK TO PRISON, THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE THERE THAT I OWE DEBT TOO! I'LL FETHING END UP WITH A SHIV IN MY THROAT, PLEASE! DON'T-" He was interuppted as he was placed in the back of the speeder. "Please, y'all can't take me in! How many credits do you fething want? I'll pay you anything to let me go free!", he said, talking directly to [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]'s men.
"Quiet down, will you?!" One of the officers would yell, turning around in his seat to look at the captive. "Everything we do is for the Republic, no bribery will work on us." The other pitched in, while activating and prepping the speeder for take off. From outside of the vehicle, Tugoro would watch quietly, his cape billowing as the craft's engines engaged. It would begin to hover, before launching forward through the city, heading towards one of the closest police divisions. "If you're on parole, you should've known better." An officer would say, trying to converse with the man. "Relax, Bytor. I'm sure he'll give us full cooperation, and things will go smoothly," The other officer would say, pausing in order to turn and look at the Chiss.

"Ain't that right?" [member="Broorn Sabor"]
"Please officers, that republic ain't 'ere to help ya! C'mon officers, I'm fething begging ya! I can't go back to prison, man". He looked around nervously, looking towards the window to his right. In a rush of fury, Broorn sent his boot shooting into the window. However, the glass did not shatter but Broorn continued to send his boot shooting into the window. "I AIN'T GOING BACK!" He shouted, spitting at one of the officers. "FETH BOTH OF Y'ALL!" He hollard loudly like a spoiled child once he is not given what he wishes.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Tugoro's eyes would widen as his jaw dropped in awe, watching as the speeder that had taken off proceeded to crash. It would take a sudden turn, before slamming into a building.

Within the vehicle, [member="Broorn Sabor"] had begun to kick at the windows, while the pilot turned to look at him. Pointing at arm at the frantic @Chiss, the officer would yell to his partner, "Restrain him!" Before averting his attention back to flying, the pilot would be hit in the eye by the criminals spit, causing him to flinch in disgust. "WHAT THE KARK!" The man would scream, his leg accidentally jerking up and hitting the speeder's controls. The craft would begin to dive, before impacting with a building. It's hull would grind across the buildings surface, causing bright sparks to scatter everywhere. Eventually, the speeder would approach the ground, slamming in to the streets, before impacting with a wall. The officers had long been knocked unconscious, though it was unsure as to what had happened to the Chiss.
A large cut and a bloodied nose would all be on Broorn. However, Broorn was very well concious, just banged up real bad. Broorn quickly stood up, reaching over to the guard's. He searched them quickly, discovering one of their blaster pistols. It would be difficult for Broorn to fire the weapon with his handcuffs on, but he could still kill somebody nontheless. He pointed the blaster at the window, squeezing the trigger. The blaster bolt struck the window, shattering it. He quickly climbed into the window, accidently being cut with one of the remaining glass shards. He griited his teeth in pain as he pulled himself through, falling to the ground. He pulled himself up, sprinting and diving across the hood of the speeder. He chuckled at his luck, beginning to limp/run down the street. "FETH YOU!" He hollard, grinning.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]

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