Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aggressive Shopper

Thom Naudir

The planet Castell was thoroughly disgusting to Thom. Heavily urbanized, and ruled by a mercantile class, the entire planet was devoted to nothing but profit. Thom enjoyed credits as much as the next man, but focusing your entire life around them was quite limiting. The thrill of battle, the glory of the hunt, and the achievement of victory of your foes was more rewarding than any amount of credits Thom had ever received. Still, credits could get you things in life that a good blaster could not.

Today though, a blaster would do Thom fine.

A particularly rich man on Castell, Ura Garmana, had apparently begun openly flaunting his wealth to any person interested in seeing. Normally Thom would not care, a majority of the mans collection were ancient tomes, supposed secrets about the inner workings of the Force and other such nonsense. Thom did not need dusty books or legends, if a story was worth telling then it would be spoken to another. No, Thom did not care for the library that Ura had spent his lifetime collecting apparently. What really interested Thom was apparently a collection of Beskar armor and blades Ura had gotten his hands on at some point as well.

That drew Thom's attention, and his wrath.

He was currently crouched on a hill overlooking Ura's mansion. The thermal sensors in his helmet were marking every sentry as they moved across the secured perimeter, while a party of guests were being ushered inside. Ura would be distracted with showing the people his collection, and Thom would use the chance to sneak inside. Pushing himself to his feet, Thom did a final inspection of his weapons before setting off down the hill, angling towards a small gap he had noticed in the wall.

The distinct thumps of wide metal feet crunching against the ground was apparent. Two mechanical legs motioning in bi-pedal movements proppelling its rider across open land. A beast of metal clad in camouflage. This my friends was an AT-RT. I could feel my body bobbing up and down with each step and with each piece of ground gained I was pulled closer to my reward. Ura Garmana. A man of many credits and resources. Several days ago I accepted a contract from him and now the deed was done.

As reward I would have a selection of things to pick from and abundance of credits. Not that I needed any more credits. Between the pirates I surrounded myself with and various stashes across the galaxy i was by all means a rich man. Credits alone were nothing though. I relished the feeling of crushing a mans rib cage with my bare hands or watching them blow into bits. Whatever was left of the Mandalorians would be mine and then my crews. The Ten Thousand Fists. Savages with shells of Beskar.

Who would of guessed that would ever happen. Clutching the throttle and pulling back I commanded the AT-RT to come to a slow as a large house came into view.

Destination arrived

" Hmm..." I grunted to myself. Hopping off the vehicle with a thump I stood to my adjusted height of two meters. An intimidating figure to behold especially since I was clad in Beskar'gam. Even now I could see on lookers marvel at the sight. Whatever went on in their minds I cared not for.

All I wanted was the beskar spoils. My armor was hand crafted and for that reason it was not true beskar. Ultrachrome it was rather and it bore the markings of a traitor. Dar'manda.

" Ura." I said simply after approaching the man. He was so very small in person. Behind my helmet my harsh gaze was masked and with the wave of a hand I was motioned to leave the main area were his more of his guests would arrive.

" You know where to go." He said lowly and with that I departed into a massive hall filled with various artifacts. At the end, The collection of beskar and mandalorians artifacts.

[member="Thom Naudir"]

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