Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aggressive Negotiations

The time had come to take her Apprentice, [member="Mandy Diaz"], out into the galaxy as a new follower of the Darkside. The Dagobah Sith had stolen her away from the slums of Coruscant and gave her a new life and a new purpose. She had shown the girl the true power of the Darkside, built a foundation in the Force for the girl to build on, and explained the meaning of the Sith Code. There was much molding yet to do with her Apprentice before she could become a true and proper Sith. And in order for that to happen, the girl needed to see the galaxy in a different light. Plus, the art of diplomacy was something the One Sith had been stressing the Master's to both engage themselves and to teach their Apprentices.

"We will be going to the planet of Adumar. The planet was recently brought into the folds of the One Sith government. However, there seems to be opposition at the moment. We are to go there and lay any doubts or fears they have to rest. A Sith is not always about fighting and conquering. Mere words can have a lasting effect. Plus, it will be good for you to work on your speech skills."

This outing was also for her benefit as well. She needed to learn more about politics and how they worked herself. She had been given a lot of responsibilities of late and she needed to show the Lords she could handle whatever they threw at her.

"Along the way we will instruct you on the ways of lightsaber combat. The basics for now...and when you are ready, you will construct your own lightsaber and we will move on to the advance stages of forms and combat." Darth Venefica produced a hilt from the left side of her belt, different than her personal one on her right, and handed it to her Apprentice.

"This once belonged doesn't matter anymore. It is yours until you create your own. Now, feel how light it is in your hand compared to a blaster. It's a more civilized weapon for a more civilized time."
Mandy nodded to her new master. That term still felt odd to her. Master. The code was a bit confusing as well. She understood the general principals, but was Venefica her master and by that aspect, her chains to be broken? Who knows. A problem for another day down the road. She smiled, following [member="Darth Venefica"] to board the ship. "You want me to...Talk to their government? On behalf of the Sith? I...I don't know if that's a great idea." The highest ranking person she'd ever spoke to was...Well...Venefica. Aside from the thugs on the Coruscant streets.

Her excitement rose however when she spoke of constructing a lightsaber. She was highly interested in making her own fancy glowstick that her master had, and other members of the Sith carried as well. To have her own would be a step in the direction of success. "Really? It's mine?" She seemed almost mesmerized by the weapon she was given. "Thank you!" She'd have likely hugged the Darth if she didn't think it would garner her an unamused stern look. "It is quite light indeed! Does it work?"

[member="Darth Venefica"]
She gave her Apprentice a brief smile. "It is a good idea for you to talk to them. We'll lead and you follow our cue. One should always look for alternatives first before reaching for their weapon and calling upon the Force. You will learn in time that violence should always be your last resort...especially in dealing with officials. Also, killing the weak when they pose no real threat to you is nothing more than abusing your talents." She had learned this late herself but know understood the implications from exercising unnecessary brutality. It was childish and beneath her.

Darth Venefica took a small glance at the lightsaber she gave to her Apprentice and smiled again. It had served her well since she killed the first owner of it. But with her newly crafted lightsaber, designed by and for her, she no longer needed to carry that memory around any longer. The blade will serve her Apprentice well.

"Indeed it works. And it is yours until you are ready to construct your own blade that reflects who you are. Remember this always Apprentice...that weapon will identify you as a Sith. It will cause others to fear respect you...but also, it will create enemies for you. And never draw your weapon unless you intend to use it."

With the duo now aboard the vessel, she handed her Apprentice a small holovid. "On this device contains the information of the seven different lightsaber forms. Though it is possible to learn them all...only one will truly serve you. Go now and learn about them and return to me with your decision."

[member="Mandy Diaz"]
Her head sunk down. She was not gifted with the graceful words of a senator, judge, or negotiator. For most of her life she was simply told what to do, and when to do it. She had no place of authority, or the opportunity to form compromises or negotiate terms of any sort. This made her a bit anxious, fearing the potential to mess up something important. Even still, she listened to the words of her master and forced a smile out of the corner of her mouth. "As you wish, master. I will do what I can by your guidance."

She looked again at the lightsaber as Mandy was cautioned in its visibility and use. She had received the same speech when she first held a blaster. Never draw it unless you plan to fire it. It would be an interesting change to hold and wields something like this beam sword, or lightsaber. Fancy name for a glowstick. Her fingers ran over the smooth hilt as she observed it in its' entirety. Tapping on the activator the weapon sprung to life in a vibrant gleam and the iconic snap-hiss. It frightened her for a moment, and her hand shook before immediately pressing the button again to deactivate it. Perhaps practicing would be better suited somewhere safer.

For now, aboard the ship she would take hold of the holovid presented to her, and nod her head as she went back toward where her quarters would be to watch the recording. Some time would pass before she would complete the video. She felt the precision and footwork of Form II would suit her needs well. Judging by the lack of defensive means when faced with ranged opponents, one could simply wear armor for protection. Satisfied with her decision, she strolled back to find her master and returned the holovid. "Form II. I believe it will suit me, so long as I can wear body armor. Is that acceptable master?"

[member="Darth Venefica"]
"An excellent decision, Apprentice," she began, "And yes you can wear armour. Most Sith these days have taken to wearing them. Armour is not our style...we don't fear death. But we will not judge you for wearing it." There was a time she tried on a suit of protection, but she felt her movements were being restricted. So her best defense was not to get hit, which didn't work all the time since her body bore two scars from Republic blasters, a scar on her right leg from a Jedi she got back on Kashyyyk, and a scar on her right shoulder from a Jedi Twi'lek on Manaan.
"Now tell us why you think this form is a good fit for you?"
[member="Mandy Diaz"]​
(OOC: Sorry about the awful post...stupid cold)
A raised eyebrow would meet Venefica eyes as she spoke of not fearing death. Mandy was entirely disinterested in the whole death thing. She'd much rather live. Live as long as possible. She'd take the armor.

"Thank you master. I much prefer the idea of having something to stop a blaster, or even potentially one of these shiny swords, if the need arose and I were to slip up, or worse, be out matched. I've no inclination of dying any time soon, if I may say so."

The second question of her master was a pretty simple one to answer for her. "Well, master. I chose this form because of its finesse, the idea that it is designed for combat against other lightsaber wielding opponents, and because it is seemingly more elegant than the other forms. Also, the fault inherent in the form where it is less formidable against ranged foes brings me back to the armor portion. Ranged foes do not frighten me so, if I were to have protection from their weapon of choice."

Hoping to have satisfied her master, she leaned back into her seat, throwing her long legs up onto the console, with her arms folded behind her head, lazily watching the endless void of space with contentment. Space was beautiful to her. Then again, she'd never really experienced it before, so perhaps it was simply the shock of the vastness of space that astounded her.

[member="Darth Venefica"]
It occurred to the Sith Lady that was the best answer any of her Apprentices gave her. When that question was posed to the others, they attempted to make a half-hearted stab at an answer. Darth Venefica would have been satisfied if they just would have answered the question with a simple 'I do not know the answer'. She didn't need her Apprentices trying to please her but for them to willingly learn, understand, and be honest. Luckily for them, the Sith Lady did not believe in punishing them.
"Another note to keep in mind in regard to Makashi is this. Unlike the other forms, it only requires the use of one hand. There are two reasons for these." Darth Venefica stood up and produced her weapon then ignited it. "This form is designed to parry attacks...not block them. Because of this, it grants you more fluid movements in defending yourself and allows you to observe your opponent's actions without putting yourself in harms way."
She put on a small demonstration for the girl, showing her how each move she made with her body was graceful and in synch. Makashi by design allowed the practitioner to fight without spending to much energy. It was considered a defensive form by others only because those others wanted to kill quickly; which meant they were expending far more physical energy than that of the defender.
"The second reason is the free hand. You would have noticed by the vids you watched that the other forms rely on two hands. In order for someone to use the Force, they have to remove one hand from the hilt...tipping you off to their actions. This you gives you a chance to prepare yourself. However, with Makashi there is no tipping...only surprising...thus giving you an advantage of your opponent."
Darth Venefica shut down her weapon and returned it to her side. Casually she stepped over to a computer terminal and fingered a couple of buttons, activating a floating training orb. She knew her Apprentice had next to nothing in the ways of lightsaber form, but this lesson was not about her skills, but how she moved and reacted to the orb's attacks.
"The orb has been set on the lowest power setting. This lesson is two-fold. The first is to get you use to handling a lightsaber and the second is for observing your movements. When you are may begin."
[member="Mandy Diaz"]​
The young acolyte listened to the master impart her words of infinite wisdom to her student. She was confident, and well versed in the form it seemed. Perhaps this was her preferred style of fighting as well.

"Is this the form you excel at, master? If so I believe I chose wisely for a second reason. You seem to know the ins and outs of the form and the various strengths of utilizing it."

Mandy watched as the woman ignited her blade, explaining further the details of Makashi and even demonstrating her meaning so that she could visually understand the idea and theory behind the use of the style of combat. It made sense to her, and she longed for that kind of talent to be hers to control. Right now she felt awkward simply holding the lightsaber, and wondered the length of time it would take to accomplish such skill and mastery over both a lightsaber and a combat form.

"I don't suppose I will be using the Force to fling small rocks at people in combat...What other uses of the Force are there that I can control in a fight?" The girl was inquisitive, eager, and ambitious. Three things that were both commendable and dangerous. She wanted to take in everything she could, but thought little about their practical uses or the reasoning behind them. She simply wanted to learn all she could.

The girl followed to the center of the room and watched as Venefica activated the training orb. She nervously activated her lightsaber and stood still, the glittering blade humming in the air as she awkwardly looked to the droid. She took a few practice swings with her left hand, and again with her right, trying to feel for where the saber felt most comfortable. It was equally awkward in both hands, so to her she didn't think it mattered much, so she continued with her left. "I think I am ready."

She watched as the floating droid did its' thing, and fired a single shot towards her. Instinct kicked in and she stepped away in a flash to avoid being shot, but doing nothing with the weapon in her hand. Another shot fired moments later, and the girl jumped back, doing her best not to be hit by the bolts. Again the droid fired its practice rounds at her and she slashed through the air at it like it were a baseball bat aiming for a ball. Her form was awful. She missed, and she felt the twinging pain of the shot catch her square in the chest. A soft yelp came from her lips as she looked towards [member="Darth Venefica"] for guidance.
"Indeed it is," the Dagobah Sith replied, answering her young inquisitive Apprentice. "I have mastered this form through hours of practice and dedication...though I never trained against droids....or orbs."
The Vahla Sith Lady never understood the fascination of training against droids, something she whole-heartily believed was a sign of cowardice , instead of living creatures; those that walked on both four feet and two. Droids could be programmed. Droids could be predictable. Droids don't feel pain nor understand fear. Two concepts she cherished. When she trained, she wanted to taste the fear from her opponent and bask in their pain. She wasn't a monster nor a mindless killer, she just saw the picture in different colours and patterns. But for now, orbs would suffice for her Apprentice.
"Everything...and anything can be transformed into a weapon with the use of the Force...but we will discuss that later. Baby steps...first know your tool then know how to use it."
Darth Venefica could only smile at the display from the girl. The girl had did her best to defend against those pesky laser shots, and the Sith Lady knew she would not succeed. Other Masters wanted nothing but perfection from their Apprentices, a carbon copy or mold of every Sith throughout history. Killers without consciences. So when their students failed, they were punished. Fools. Darth Venefica believed that through failure, which everyone would experience, granted one more focus and a stronger purpose to succeed. She wanted her Apprentices to fail so they would grow stronger from it. It was an odd view for a Sith but it was the truth.
"You are allowing your eyes to betray you, Apprentice. Close them and feel the Force around you, call to it...use with it. Trust in the Force and it will trust in you. The Force, if you allow it, will guide your movements. When you are it again."
[member="Mandy Diaz"]​
She mastered the form and never used droids or orbs? Mandy looked towards the floor, slightly embarrassed that she needed so much guidance and help. She couldn't even stop a training droid from pretend killing her. If this was any indication of her future ability, the outcome looked grim. With a bit of shame she nodded and looked back toward the Sith Lord. "I...see." The younger girl would listen to Venefica continue her direction. How can I see with my eyes closed? That makes no sense at all! She rubbed her forehead with her left hand, feeling moderately hopeless of overcoming a task like this. "I'll try...But...Do people ever...Fail at this? As in, do they ever not grasp how to use the Force, or a lightsaber, even if they are sensitive to the Force? That is a fear I have, if I may be honest, master."

As she spoke, she would turn back towards the droid and lower her saber, watching it with a certain determination to not fail a second time in a row. At first, she would instinctively maintain her vision on the droid, dodging side to side and avoiding the blasts, then again swinging towards the strikes blind. Though she didn't get hit this time, she also didn't deflect anything back. Swing and miss! Finally she heeded the advice of the Sith lord and tried to focus herself with her mind, allowing the Force to corral itself within her body, giving her a sense of direction and purpose. Once more the droid fired its' practice round and that red-headed girl darted outwards, slapping the bolt with only a single handed tap of the blade. She felt it conenct, and a massive grin made its way from cheek to cheek before another shot rang out. Like the prior, she slapped it again, sending the bolt whirling off toward the end of the room harmlessly.

[member="Darth Venefica"]
"Everyone fails," she replied honestly. It was the nature of things to fail at something new to you. "But it is how you overcome and perceive failure that breeds your success. This is all new to you, my Apprentice. Over time everything, including mastery of the Force, will become second nature to you. good. Use your fear...let it grow inside you as you do battle with the orb. Fear is what will keep you alive. Fear is what will give you strength. your ally."
She watched the girl struggle against the orb for a second time. Her Apprentice was hesitant to trust in the Force, and why not? The concept of giving yourself over to something you truly don't understand was both hard and out of one's comfort zone. Holding a blaster was natural for the young girl but for Darth Venefica it felt out of place, unnatural to her. Switch the roles using a lightsaber and the Force and Darth Venefica was right at home while her Apprentice would feel like an outsider.
"Trust the Force. Allow it to work through you and with you," she whispered not wanting to break the girl's concentration.
Darth Venefica could feel the Force growing inside the girl, a sign that she was giving into it's help. When she did, her Apprentice was able to deflect the blaster shots away, making contact with little effort. Her Apprentice was learning. Her Apprentice had took another step toward something greater for herself.
"Well done," the Sith Lady commented as she clapped her hands in approval. "Put your faith in the Force...always. control the Force not the other way around. It bends to your will...answers your calls...and it lives to serve you. Now try it again...except this time against two orbs."
[member="Mandy Diaz"]​
The encouragement did much to lift her spirit and place her at ease regarding the risk of failure. "I am grateful for your advice and guidance master. Thank you." She smiled warmly. It felt like for once things were actually looking up and getting better for her. She'd lived so long in poverty on Coruscant that she had forgotten what it felt like to be happy or to have anything of value. She'd needed guidance and help to reach where she was now, and the Sith lady had been that bit of hope and strength.

"I will try to remember to believe in the Force. It's just...A strange feeling I suppose, to rely on something other than myself when that's all I've ever had to rely on, you know? A lifelong habit is gonna be hard to break, but I understand."

Stepping back into position she readied herself as another orb was released and the pair began to prep their protocols to attack her again. Mandy took in a deep breath and angled her saber in her hand slightly off center, relaxed a bit, with only a single hand like she had been told, trying as much as possible to break the "baseball stance" she had been using up until now. Clearly that was not the intended method, nor was it effective, and to continue doing it would be at the detriment of her learning. Best to squash that preference now before it developed into another bad habit.

The two orbs fired almost simultaneously, and Mandy followed Venefica's advice and trusted in the Force to guide her blade. Managing to deflect the first of the bolts she wasn't quite fast enough for the second and was forced to side step away as the bolt grazed her shoulder, leaving a small sting as it zipped by her. She readjusted and a look of determination crossed her face as she stared down the orbs once more, and as they floated about and fired Mandy's wrist snapped up and batted them both away at a faster, more consistent and accurate direction, nearly hitting one of the orbs as it deflected back towards it.

A wider smile graced her cheeks as she watched the bolt nearly hit the training orb. She was getting better slowly, but surely.

[member="Darth Venefica"]
The Sith Lady was more than pleased to see how the young girl not only followed direction, but at how well she adapted to the scenario. She didn't expect her Apprentice to become a master duelist in the time it took them to reach Adumar but she did expect her Apprentice to begin understanding the fundamentals of lightsaber combat. It was essential for her survival.
"You are grasping the use of the lightsaber quite well, Apprentice. Remember that it is and will always be your true ally in the face of adversity. The Force can only grant you some much energy to use before it is depleted and needs time to replenish. The lightsaber is almost infinite. It will...over time...need to have the crystals recharged and certain components replaced due to wear and tear."
The shuttle's communication speakers erupted into activity as the pilot alerted the two that they were now descending to the planet of Adumar. Now the Sith Lady was more than anxious to observe the young girl deal with the most complicating aspects of Sith life; politics. Fortunately it would not be against another of their Order but still, politics is politics.
"Come Apprentice...let us see what we can do about setting these politicians on the right path," Darth Venefica said as she exited the small cargo bay.
[member="Mandy Diaz"]​
Mandy remained quiet while her master gave praise, understanding the importance of what was being relayed to her by Venefica. While she was still new to this, it was becoming more natural, at least the lightsaber portion. The Force was still quite an anomaly to her. Aside from lifting a few rocks she hadn't really grasped much of its' use for anything incredibly relevant yet. Perhaps that would come later, when there was need and ample time to learn such.

At the behest of her master, she powered down her saber and returned it to her side, following behind Venefica as she listened to her speak. "Alright. But, master? A question if I may? What exactly is to happen if they won't...Ummm..." She paused momentarily, thinking about how to ask what she was driving towards. "Cooperate with us? Do we have an alternative solution?" She felt she may already know what the answer was, but wanted clarification so that when the time came to speak with the gathered group of politicians that were had many more years on her that she would not look like a fool.

[member="Darth Venefica"]
"If they refuse to cooperate after we ask nicely...then we make them cooperate," Darth Venefica said.
She could sense the confusion in her Apprentice by what she had proclaimed. Most Sith, the Sith that only saw brutality and death as a means to solve everything, used death and fear of death to bring people in line. But not her. She had learned along time ago that there were other alternatives to bring people, even corrupt politicians and Moffs, in line. Death was the last resort.
"Persuasion, Apprentice. Killing them outright will not solve issues of this nature but only cause a rift in the pecking order. Infighting will occur while other players make a bid to fill the void we would have created. However, through mind manipulation and subtle ideas planted into their feeble minds we will open their eyes."
Upon entering the newly created Embassy on Adumar, the duo were greeted by Moff Haliz and his staff. Several Imperial Stormtroopers stood a few feet behind the Moff as he extended his hand out in greeting. Darth Venefica ignored the proffered hand.
"Welcome to Adumar my Lady," Moff Haliz said retracting his hand.
"You may drop the false pretenses Moff Haliz. Instead you can make yourself valuable by discussing why the Dark Lord has found it necessary to dispatch my Apprentice and me to Adumar."
The Moff hooked his right index finger into his uniform's collar as if it magickly grew a size to small. He looked at his staff then at her Apprentice, summoning the courage to speak freely.
"The information I have for you is of a sensitive nature and is classified for your ears only, my Lady."
"My Apprentice is an extension of myself. So whatever you need to say to me you can say to her as well. Or should I assume that you are hiding something along the natures of you being in bed with the troublesome politicians?"
The Moff's eyes grew wide as he understood what the Sith Lady was implying. He snapped his fingers and was handed a small datapad from a female Junior Officer. He typed in his security code and after going through a series of security protocols, was rewarded with the information he sought. With a wavering smile he attempted to hand the device to Darth Venefica.
"See my Apprentice...fear keeps the weak in line but it is the loss of their material world they have forged through greed that keeps people like the Moff in line. Moff Haliz...if you would be so kind as to hand the datapad to my Apprentice."
Without hesitation, Moff Haliz handed the small electronic device to the young woman.
"There is a pattern of names lying in secrecy contained in that information. Your next lesson...rifle through all the data and compile a list of names you and I should visit. Now Moff Haliz...what else to you have for us?"
[member="Mandy Diaz"]​
Wowwwwww...I feel awful for neglecting this for so long... I want to get back into using her again.

Mandy listened to the guiding words of her master and nodded along as she spoke words of wisdom to the young girl. "If I get you, you mean killing one weed will no doubt spring up yet another? And so on? It is better to coerce them to our side rather than kill until we find a suitable replacement?" The girl smiled to the older Sith, hoping she understood and answered correctly. Following along aside Venefica into the massive embassy she drew in a deep breath and attempted to calm her nerves as they were approached by a man and what looked to be his councilors, or servants, and a handful of guards. When the man extended his hand she would have been surprised that anyone else would ignore the gesture, but she knew Venefica better at this point to realize she saw no relative use to the gesture, and simply smiled, nodding to the man even though he seemingly ignored her presence in favor of the more prominent Sith before him.

The Moff clearly didn't want to speak with Mandy present, and this was less than surprising to her. She looked like a teenager, not a Sith, not a warrior, and not a politician. She was, for lack of better words, still something of a child, though she did feel a boost of confidence when Venefica refrained from dismissing her, and instead asserted her right to stand aside her. Keeping silent with a simple nod to her master, she extended her hand and gently took the datapad from the clearly intimidated man, and slowly began to gaze at the names that were transcribed within the datapad while the Moff discussed things with her master.

"Jar'hen Terent...Rethan Vorse...Sevel Tary...Urq Nev. The names listed here are tied to resistance movements forming within the heart of Adumar..." She thought for a moment...One of the names sounded familiar to her. "Master...Rethan Vorse. I know that man...I've seen him before on Coruscant, talking about overthrowing the government there and he had managed to gather quite a small army under his belt, but then he suddenly disappeared. I was told that law enforcement had captured him but he escaped. Perhaps it's the same man?"

[member="Darth Venefica"]

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