Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aggressive Interview

[member="Darth Metus"]. Or [member="Isley Verd"], depending on who he was being that day. In either case, he had garnered the Twi'leks personal attention. She had always been aware of him in an offhand sort of way just because of the sheer amount of business the Ravens did with Stargo. It was their go to company. It produced anything they dreamed up, and custom built starships to meet their needs. Of their contracted companies, it had proven to be the most reliable.

Until it turned out there were explosive charges in all the ships and overrides in all the droids. That little revelation had not only sky-rocketed the Twi'leks paranoia, it had also raised the question of what else was hidden in the goods that were part of their everyday lives. After Cryaxs betrayal anything seemed possible.

Techs she herself had hired had found nothing else however, and pencil pushers had found signed documents requesting the additions. Cryax had signed, but it had been Patricia who'd filed. No surprise. Still, she'd dug into the man behind Stargo to make sure there were no new surprises coming her way. She liked to be the one doing the surprising thank you very much. Some of the things she'd found were.. very interesting indeed.

So she'd sent a message requesting a meeting, and was sitting behind the desk in one of the offices in the Dragon Palace Casino, with ten droids who just so happened to be programmed to try and kill him as soon as he entered the room. Three with blasters, one with a slug thrower, one with a flamethrower and 5 unarmed beyond their mechanical strength.

It wasn't personal. It was just business.

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