Armand Temi

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Intent: Personal treatment option for the Fountain of Youth Clinic
Development Thread: TBD, will dev if needed.
Manufacturer: Fountain of Youth Clinic
Model: N/A
Affiliation: The Age-Renewal Chamber was developed as a commission for an wealthy client of Dr. Armand Temi who chooses to remain anonymous. This client desires an anti-aging treatment that will be more permanent than temporary youth serums and doesn't want the look of plastic surgery, face lifts or toxic injections.
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Made out of aluminum with window ports made of acrylic. Two hatches that allow patient entry and exit. Two chambers inside which can be independently pressurized. Four cameras inside which allow the patient to be visually monitored. Medical bay inside chamber which allows technician to administer treatment and nutrients via remote control. Surgical grade material and not resistant to weaponry.
Description: The Age Renewal Chamber is built using chamber technology that already exists in various medical and defense facilities across the galaxy like the Hyperbaric Chamber, the TRK-R Treatment Chamber, the Stasis Chamber, the Ozone Chamber, and the Facial Transformation Program.
Once the living subject enters the chamber, they are temporarily put into stasis and injected with stem cells from regenerative species like Abyssin and Swope Swope. In addition the chamber will also implant a molecular compound that lengthens the telomeres in the brain which also reverse the signs of aging. The patient is also treated with nonlethal dosages of oxygen, known to help with a variety of degenerative conditions. In early prototype trials the Age Renewal Chamber was found to reverse the aging process by one standard year for twenty-four of continued treatment in the Chamber. Therefore if a patient wants to reverse the aging process by four years, they would need to spend nearly one hundred hours in the treatment chamber.
Unfortunately the prototype trials found that patients who were given treatments which lasted beyond twenty-four hours were subject to nausea, diarrhea, hallucinations, dizziness, heart conditions, joint pain, muscle pain and seizures. The Age Renewal Chamber is not recommended to be used for over thirty hours of continuous treatment or risk of patient side effects increase, including risk of death. In addition, the patient must wait at least one-hundred and twenty days before attempting another treatment as not waiting was also found to increase the risk of the same above side effects including death. This means in any given year a patient can only reverse the aging process by three standard years.
A further weakness of the Age-Renewal Chamber is that it has not been tested in clinical trials at length and the long term effects on living creatures has not been measured or studied.