Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Aeropoltians

Designation: Sentient

Homeworld: Aeropolta

Language: Aeropolt

Average height of adults: 1.8288 meters (6')

Skin color: All shades of brown

Hair color: Blond

Breathes: Earth Like atmosphere

Force Sensory - Aeropoltians use the force to help guide them around Aeropolta. The reason for this is that the center of Aeropolta is actually a force wielding machine that contains the atmosphere around it. They determine their position based on where they are compared to the core. This also gives them the ability to feel where every Aeropoltian is on Aeropoltia. If it wasn't for the force preventing force users from seeing in and out of the planet, Aeropoltians have strong enough of a sense to see where every single being is in the galaxy, right down to their exact coordinates on a planet. They also can tell what side of the force you are on.

Flight: All Aeropoltians have the ability to fly due to giant wings on their backs.

Weak Bones: Due to their bones being hollow, they are easier to break

Primitive Species - They are just reaching the age of space flight. Because of this, they don't quite have the technology that other galactic species has.

Distinctions: Giant wings the color of all shades of grey, including black and white, determined by its affiliation with the force

Average Lifespan: Anywhere from 80 - 120 years

The 5 tribes:
Malinara - Usually Grey in the force, Malinaras are willing to do what it takes to protect themselves and their family. They also live closer to the equator then the other tribes. The Second largest group out there, they are about 1/2 the size of the Bidark (500,000)

Balltine - Usually Light in the force, Balitines are more likely to look at the good in people and will not likely to hurt you. They live peacefully and are respected for their honesty. 1/10 (100,000)

Bidark - Usually Dark in the force, Bidarks are likely to watch for any form of deception. They don't even trust their own brothers as they are all after personal gain. Even the Balltine are wiery around them since they can't sense even a spec of light in them. They also happen to be the largest group out there with half of the species being Bidark (1,000,000)

Lilalac - Usually Light in the force, Lilalacs are classified as one of the most beautiful of beings. They usually wear pure white robes made out of white Aerosheep wool. They try their best to keep their force affinity as well as their skin as flawless as possible. They are only 1/10 the size of the Bidark. (100,000)

Quiladoke - Usually Grey in the force, they are more intune with the force then the rest. They sit in their meditation rooms most of the day and observe the planet. This group also has the biggest concentration of male and female Aeropoltians as they don't concentrate on one subject and thus are sought after when a crime is committed as it is most likely that a quiladoke had seen the crime occur. They are the third largest group being 3/10 the size of Bidarks. (300,000)

Diet: They can eat anything a human can eat. However, alcohol will kill them

Communication: They have the same medium as humans

Culture: The basic culture is split into the following sections; Government, Religion, Gender Roles & Money.
Government: The government is a basic Tribal Council Government where the "tribes" are represented by their "Chief" on a council that meets once a month in the Capital. The rest of the time is spent with the people in their territory, talking with their people about different things.

Religion: Aeropoltians believe that the force is actually the result of an ancient being that was torn apart and scattered across the planet. When this happened the consciousness of this ancient being was also spread out and guides them every day.

Gender Role: There are three genders; Male, Female, & Wise
Male: Males are the ones that produce the seed for reproduction. They have three kinds of chromosomes that can be used; W, X, & Y. A W chromosome creates a wise, an X chromosome creates an female, and a Y chromosome creates a male. Their roles in society is to protect both Women and Wises. They also help with a lot of the physical labor.

Female: Females are the ones that produce the egg for reproduction. The main role of the females is to care for and teach the children. They also the ones who usually cook & clean for the Wise who lives with them. They are also willing to do anything else.

Wise: Wises do not contribute to reproduction. Instead they advance the knowledge of the species as a whole. For every male/female pair there is a wise. The wise only knows information on what he is interested in. Because of this, he has nothing to do with cooking, cleaning, and the such. Instead, he is always researching and usually has to be forced to eat.

Money: Computerized bank account.

Technology level:
Space Travel: They are just entering Hyperspace. In fact, Samuel Milo's ship, The Star Gazer, will be the first ship to utilize a hyperdrive.

Hygiene: They have hospitals, bathrooms, cleaning supplies, and many other things to keep everybody from getting sick.

Cloning: Their cloning is fast and efficient. They only use the cloning facility to generate food for themselves as their resources are limited.

Synthesizing: They can create anything just by building it up from combining; protons, neutrons, and electrons to build molecules, then take those molecules to make atoms, then take those atoms to make whatever they need. This is also their most advanced technology.

Transport: Due to them being able to fly, they don't have any need for transportation machines except when it comes to transporting large objects so they have floating platforms to transport big objects.

Weapons: Slug weapons (Bullets) - They had haven't advanced enough to make laser or plasma weapons yet.

Armor: Generated by a synthesizer, all their armor is basic bullet proof vests.

Droids: All droids are antigravity droids. They have a droid for every job deemed too dangerous or delicate for Aeropoltians to do.

General behavior: They love the open sky more than anything else. On a beautiful day, you will see thousands of Aeropoltians flying through the sky. On a stormy day, you might find a few daredevils who are willing to risk it in order to be outside.

History: The Celestials created the Aeropoltian's using their knowledge on genetics to create their wings. They then left the planet before the first Aeropoltians awakened. The Celestials then observed as the Aeropoltians grew and developed as a society. They watched as the Aeropoltians separated into small tribes. They watched as they start to develop their own beliefs and customs. They watched as the Wise took over the other two genders. They watched as the two genders rose up and challenged the Wise into accepting them as equals. They watched until they were recalled for the war that destroyed the Celestials. Afterwards, society grew and became what you see today

Notable Player-Characters: Samuel Milo

Intent: I wanted a species who has just come into the Hyperspace era and was genetically created for scientific research by the Celestials. I want to see how others interact with a "primitive" species.
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