Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Aeisir (Pronounced "a-sur")
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Datar
Language: Aeisir, Basic
Average height of adults: 1 meter.
Skin color: Black
Hair color: Varying shades of the color spectrum.
Breathes: Oxygen
+ Small frames allow for very fast movement.
+ Capable of sustained flight due to bird-like wings.
+ Faster than normal reflexes.
+ Quick thinkers with sharp minds.
+ Often seen as cute or adorable. This can be used to an aeisir's advantage.
- Very light and fragile bones.
- Easily catch the attention of slavers, as they are often sold as exotic pets.
- If they are not on Datar, flight tires them out quickly. The longest known flight of an aeisir off of it's home planet is five minutes. However, using air currents eliminates the need to flap their wings, instead gliding.
Distinctions: Large ears, bushy tails, bird-like wings.
Average Lifespan: 350 standard years.
Races: None.
Diet: Mostly berries and vegetation. They refuse to eat meat, as not only can they not digest it, but it is against their beliefs.
Communication: Speech, body language.
Culture: Aeisirs are primarily a closed in species. Though they live fairly close to their ghostling neighbors, they are rarely seen. However, if one is very quiet and has a good eye, they can sometimes be spotted in the upper levels of forestry. In it's natural habitat, an aeisir will run off if approached too quickly, or if it feels threatened. As for speech, their main form of communication is their own, described by series of chattering. Over the years, however, many of them have learned to speak basic from watching ghostlings and other visitors to the planet.
Technology level: Their technology level is very limited. Although they are very smart, they choose to keep their technology to a minimum.
General behavior: Aeisirs tend to be really mischievous and curious. They love shiny things, and can easy become transfixed once they lay eyes on a "shiny". For the most part, aeisirs retain a childlike behavior throughout their years, which usually ends anywhere between 200-230 years.
History: Aeisirs have been constantly evolving and changing over the last few millennia. The very first of their race began as basic rodents which thrived on the forest floor. Later on, forest predators became an issue for them. Over time, they began to sprout their first hint of wings. At first, their new appendages were somewhat of a pain, and could only use them to jump to greater heights, thus easier evading their hunters. Eventually, they grew to full sized wings, allowing them more freedom and space. With this new ability, aeisirs were able to reach new heights and make new homes on the upper branches of Datar's trees. While their wings evolved, so did their intellect. Soon after the first flight, some began to brave the world outside of the forests, and into the ghostling villages. This led to some being able to pick up basic from the ghostlings themselves, as well as slavers and others. Unfortunately, one such slaver saw the profit in capturing and selling aeisirs. This became a very profitable trade indeed, as they were sold for pets at high prices, due to their exotic looking nature. This led to seclusion, and the majority of them his in the deep depths of the forests. This slave trade still goes on, and every now and then a few are captured. This increase in rarity only drives people to search harder for them, as the price is terribly high.
Notable Player-Characters: None yet.
Intent: To create a new species for the board to use.
This seems like another way to bypass the Angel-barrier, just without using a humanoid body.
Ontop of this the strengths far outweigh the weaknesses, one of which is not a serious weakness (the pets part) and another has no logic to it (the less-flight-off-their-world) I don't know how you can balance out quick bodies, minds, flight, reflexes with one substantial weakness of frail bones. Also this would directly impede the notion of them living to such a long age, given their rugged lifestyle.
The intent itself makes it seem as though it's been made on a whim, there's no particular reason given aside from "let's make another species."

As such, I'm choosing to deny this submission. If you feel this has been unfairly judged you may discuss the submission in the Factory Discussion forum in order to have guidance to bring it to a higher level, and you're welcome to Second Chance this.

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