Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aegis-Ignus Contracts

Location: Esperanza en route to Ignis Industries Headquarters
[member="Darth Ignus"]

Keric was sitting in the command couch of Esperanza as she dropped out of hyperspace. Almost instantly, he was accosted by system control about his destination, length of stay, and a preventative admonition about following the rules. Keric took it all seriously, keeping the humor he felt hidden behind a mask u til he was off screen and headed in system. Anyone dropping out of hyper into a 'civilized' system was usually run through the same conversation. It never stopped smugglers, only made sure they couldn't claim ignorance of the rules.

He wasn't here to smuggle anything though, so he had little to worry about. The smuggling life was mostly behind him, now that he had started Aegis Security and Enforcement. It was actually company business that brought him here, the very first inter-corp contract. His agents had been making due with whatever clothes they could afford, whatever weapons they brought with them, and their personal vehicles. This trip was aimed at solving two of those issues. He came to get contracts for Ignis Industries to supply Aegis with some light armor that would act as a uniform, as well as rapid response vehicles for on duty work.

If at all possible, he'd also like to see if he could get a contract for securing Ignus' shipments and installations, but at the moment that was secondary.

As he neared the planet, he set up a call to Ignis Industries Headquarters.

"Esperanza to Ignis control. Requesting landing instructions."

"Ignus Headquarters. What is the purpose of you visit?"

"This is Keric Dynt, Chief Executive Officer of Aegis Security and Enforcement, I have a meeting with one of your executives."

"Mr. Dynt, please following the incoming instructions. Have a great day."

Keric signed off politely, then downloaded the incoming instructions to his navigation computer. It took him down to a pad where he landed his Nephilim starship and locked it down.

He took a few moments to get ready, putting on a button down shirt that had the Aegis logo on the left shoulder, rank insignia on the collar, and a badge on his breast. He left his weapons on the ship, he wasn't under contract here, so had little right to walk into another corporation's headquarters armed.

Then he left, locked up, and walked to the main building, dining in at the receptionist's desk, then waited to be called up.

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