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Adzatsmam, Darth Ayra & Freedon Nadd [Adzatsmam]

| [member="Adzatsmam"] |

Darth Ayra dropped out of hyperspace and powered down the hyperdrive of the Initium. Loading up the sensors on the screen before her, she brought up the Grand-class cruiser that was set to be the venue of her visit with Adzatsmam. They were here to barter. The Massassi had the holocron of Freedon Nadd- an extraordinary find- whilst the Sith Lord had access to minerals, ores, resources, wealth, contacts- genuine, real power- that was useful to any individual.

Docking with the ship, Ayra rose up to her feet to enter the cruiser and meet with Adzatsmam.
[member="Darth Ayra"]

Adzatsmam had spoken to the woman lightly over the holonet, getting the point that she wanted access to the holocron he had obtained. Just as to any individual, he gives them one chance, the benefit of the doubt, acting only in self defense until they become an enemy. So for now he would welcome the conversation and meet someone new. Adzatsmam waited where the ship docked, being the first individual the woman would see, along with a Kissai and one of the Massassi warriors. He crossed his arms and waited to see how she greeted him.
| [member="Adzatsmam"] |

Darth Ayra climbed into Adzatsmam's ship, the cowl of her robe raised to conceal her facial features from the Massassi and Kissai who was waiting to greet her. She was quietly surprised. Meeting the original species to which she owed her doctrines, philosophy and belief was extremely rare. The texts that Ayra had procured made out that the species had died off, centuries before the Four Hundred Year Darkness and the formation of her Sith Order. If they could come to enter my service, she thought to herself as she came to a stop before them.

"Which one of you is Adzatsmam? We have much to discuss."
[member="Darth Ayra"]

Thankfully the Holonet was helpful in translation, but this was Adzatsmam in person, and the experience would be much different. Adzatsmam spoke up, but as he did a droid chirped up hearing the language of Basic. It was shaped like a disc, turned on its side and hovering over. Basically unweaponized, one could tell it had a basic blaster pistol, but it didn't have much more. "Galia, Nu buti Adzatsmam. Nu valia falykas kait j'us avoztuna re imbelsia, kad mes dary nenx odacon zhol, mazo Nu neyasi zhol dartovi nenx dalykas." Adzatsmam spoke in Sith. It was unknown if the woman spoke Sith, but that was all Adzatsmam could speak... His attempts at basic are, well, embarrassing and pathetic.

The droid chirped up to be of assistance, "Greetings Outsider, I can be of assistance with communicating. Adzatsmam, the Vazir of the Shahku Tribe requests for you to slow down, perhaps he waits for a greeting of some sort. He is the leader of his people, and probably wishes to see a formal greeting. He does not expect to be treated as royalty or anything similar, especially from an outsider, but I believe it would be upsetting to him if there is no formality. The rest of what he says is comments about how you discovered him, but it doesn't matter." "Doroti," Adzatsmam spoke up again, "liepti tave moteris mes nayir byloti vel ant sis sandoris, Nu buti ratye iv re jostas ilsia kots." The droid turned to Adzatsmam and seemed to give a nod before turning back to the woman, "The Vazir is talking about the agreement you two have spoken about, he states you two must talk more on the subject as he seems reluctant about the idea at the moment. However, he is not stern on disagreeing."
| [member="Adzatsmam"] |

Darth Ayra listened to the droid intently, gauging that the bigger Massassi was the one that she sought. When the translation had been complete, the Sith turned her gaze back to the holder of Freedon Nadd's holocron. "I am the Dark Lord of the Sith. My name is Darth Ayra. I seek the destruction of the Jedi Order, and the holocron that you supposedly hold contains knowledge that will get myself, and my Apprentice, closer to that goal."

She turned her gaze to the translation droid and listened as her introduction was translated into Sith'ise. When the droid had finished, she turned her gaze back to Adzatsmam. "I will do what is necessary to get what I want. I have decided to play this tactfully. I realize that the discovery of a genuine Massassi tribe to still be alive to be rare. Thus, I have not come to cause you or your people harm. In fact, I would have you and your tribe join me. Assist me in reaching my goal and you will be rewarded with what you desire."

Darth Ayra did not deal in appeasement. She considered this Massassi, and the rest of his tribe, as servants to the Dark Lords of the Sith, as they had been in the old times. In a Galaxy full of pretenders- who pretended to be something they were not- here stood a fully fledged Dark Lord who had seized the mantle from her Master and completed the necessary steps to achieve powers in the dark side that surpassed those who pretended to be the true rulers of the Sith.

Yet, there was so much more for Darth Ayra to learn, and she knew in the decades- perhaps centuries- after her rule, that her Apprentice and their Apprentice would discover more about the dark side, attaining feats that would one day absolve the Sith of the Jedi and finally realize their ascension as the rulers of the Galaxy. It would all be built on the work that Ayra did in her time, and discoveries such as Adzatsmam, his tribe and Freedon Nadd's holocron would all contribute to that single goal, based upon the Sith'ari and the Rule of Two that he had created centuries ago.
[member="Darth Ayra"]

The droid didn't need to translate for the woman to Adzatsmam, as he only had trouble speaking it. Getting the jist and translating a word here and there he would understand the point of what the woman said, bit he wasn't happy, at all. His crossed arms gave a slight shutter as his head lowered and his eyes shut, the Kissai looking concerned for her Vazir as she took a step back. "J'us tevola je'as nuyak fahka," he said, starting to slowly open his eyes and give an angered look to the woman, "nemsi nuyak drajunas ir ane zygis, ir liepti nun kia grizti j'us?"

The droid stayed silent until Adzatsmam was finished. At first, the droid was between them, but then it removed itself from that position, slowly taking a position beside Adzatsmam. "Nu dary nenx qutza lig tave Jidai Tvarka sso sis amzi, nuyak liesti buti nesti nuyak tauta atgal kia btirjaga ir na ar adata, mes valia vartoti re laikas is zo azesi iv jena'tes. Re tauta BUTI tave zarchas Sith'jari anas evita kam j'us buti nudien. Re kraujas buti ane kraujas. Mes buti deli is rysys xis buti zo gresme kia re brolin ir sessuo tikazi mes misini doru. Tave zarchas Sith'jari mriajas xis iv ane zavus niekinika ir minti tau buti valzino, itsu ane savas kraujas kia gauti ane midwan ir guleti ant gtura. Drajunas buti midwan, moteris, dary nenx gresti nun is nuyak fahka, zhol buti tave beze viae ra nutarisas j'us gal fasona."

The droid slowly turned to look at the woman after listening to Adzatsmam, "I'm sorry miss, but it seems Adzatsmam feels terribly offended by your offer. He feels you have come to his home and insulted his rule among his people, those who chose him, when he did not. He states that the Sith Lords who made the basis for what you pledge your life to are indeed of his blood, his people are among them. They enslaved their own people because they feared their combined power, he says that they died and were killed by their own ignorance. They wanted individual power, to rule over everyone and everything, which is why they fought amongst themselves, probably why the rule of two was instated. Family is power, the most unwise decision you can do at this time is to insult the Vazir in his own home, among the most powerful of his family. However, he is not banishing you, nor is he in a negative opinion of you, he just feels offended. I believe he feels working together, rather than being another slave, is a better proposal."
| [member="Adzatsmam"] |

Checking her approach with this Massassi, Darth Ayra carefully replied to his response: "You misunderstand. I am in no position to demand you to serve me. It is precisely that antiquated thinking that I have eliminated from my Sith Order. Both of us could become valuable allies. I have made many allies, spanning the Galaxy, and adding you and your family would be beneficial for me and my goals."

"The time where the Sith were conquerors and warriors has passed. Those who wish to espouse the old ways, as seen with the formation of the One Sith, will inevitable lose their power and die. No, the nature of the dark side requires subtly. Secrecy. Patience. I stand before you as the Dark Lord of the Sith, who is capable of exacting great destruction upon her enemies. Yet, the destructive powers of the Force is minuscule compared to careful planning and a well crafted plot. These are the true tenants of the Sith and I would have your tribe work with myself and my Apprentice as we plan the end of the Jedi."
[member="Darth Ayra"]

Adzatsmam shook his head and wafted a swift hand towards her as if ignoring the offer had even been made. "Karuvis iv visa, Nu dary nenx qutzi sti tu'iea karza sso sis amzi. Re tnoa laikas buti tave... Siarbras Jidai? Xaz, tau degiklis va kia tegu mus luai ant re fahka dea mes pihse katesi. Noe, mazet ra sis niant kia grizti zeprietu'iea xuontai valia duryermi nun kia tegu j'us latri tave nayeba, qorit sis duryasligea goâ. Sis buti nenx zo amzi kia buti nuoti."

"The Vazir has only two things to say to you. Firstly, your war against the Jedi Order is of no concern of his or his family. His efforts are placed in deciding what to do with the Silver Sanctum, as they refuse to allow his people to live on their home of Dromund Kaas. Secondly, unless any of this has to do with convincing the Vazir to let you study the Holocron you desire, stop discussing this further. He does not feel this is the time to be recruiting. He is willing to discuss allowing you access to the device, but any further discussion of this may lead to you being asked to leave. At worst, banishing you, your presence no longer being welcomed here" the droid chirped, merely being the messenger.
| [member="Adzatsmam"] |

Bowing her head, Darth Ayra showed respect for the Vazir and his wishes. "As you wish. I only wished to convey the importance that the holocron means to me. That I would do anything necessary to learn from it's contents. What would be required for us to reach an agreement?"
[member="Darth Ayra"]

Adzatsmam shrugged, eyeing the woman as he stood there. "Ar j'us gal itik re fahka atgal, Nu galez tezn aukoti zhol atgal kia j'us. Kad nuo dabar, Nu gal tik niant j'us zo knyga iv tave dusasezi. Ar j'us noret aneta kia tave nayeba oim kaj, j'us adata kia viovasi nun" he said, with part of it being a joke, but he didn't know the potential of the woman. "The Vazir states if you could get their home of Dromund Kaas back for them, he would give you the holocron, but otherwise, he can only give you a book version of its contents, as agreed before. Unless you can persuade him enough so he would give you access to the Holocron." The droid chirped.
| [member="Adzatsmam"] |

So, they are willing to give me the holocron, if I give them back their home, thought Darth Ayra. Interesting. Lifting her gaze to the Vazir once more, she said: "I will need more information. Have you made contact with the Silver Sanctum? Do they know about your intentions? If so, why did they refuse your request?"
[member="Darth Ayra"]

Adzatsmam grunted, shaking his head as he threw his arms up in the air, similar to a shrug, he was confused. "Xis Nu buti zo Tsis Sote, tau degiklis va kia byloti kia nun. Nu zinot bandymas dolega deretis kartot amzi." The droid swiveled to the woman after taking in what Adzatsmam said. "It appears the Silver Sanctum Coalition refuses to speak to him indefinitely due to the Vazir's species. He has attempted multiple times to just have a free talk with them, but they refuse to discuss anything because his species has been bad in the past."
| [member="Adzatsmam"] |

Darth Ayra thought over the predicament that the Massassi and his tribe were in. She thought over her options. The most obvious was her ability to kill this giant and the rest of his family, then take the holocron for herself. But that was under the assumption that it was on board this ship. She didn't want to feel out with the Force for it, as it would get the Vazir suspicious. There was also the fact that, if she did help this Adzatsmam, then she would gain another ally for future endeavors and that was always good.

But how could she help him? She had contacts. There was the old Commodore with the Imperial Remnant, Caius Flavian, who was the Senator of Crina. She had contact with Geral Varta, head of the Republic's Appropriation Committee. Then, there was Lady Kay, who was famous for her charity, having freed several thousand slaves in Hutt Space.

"I know people who could represent you to the Silver Sanctum. People who could convince the Jedi to let you and your tribe live on Dromund Kaas. But the Jedi must never know of our meeting, the existence of the holocron or the fact that I am the Dark Lord of the Sith. If these things are revealed, then I cannot help you and your tribe. I will have to leave your ship and find these people. Set up a meeting to discuss your problem. Understand?"
[member="Darth Ayra"]

Adzatsmam was suddenly shocked, his eyes widened and his lips parted a bit as he was surprised by the woman actually agreeing to such a request. Shoot, it was a joke, but maybe he should have requested more. Either way, this was great news to him. His anger was lifted as he responded, "Oy, um, zemone. Zyemus, xaz. Nu valia derinti kia kam mes derinti kia negu, irxiyi tave planeta iv Dromund Kaas. Is tave ateitis Nu galez iezkon j'us del, is lausk mes gal itik jozi iv tave Siarbras Jidai tniza anas gamlena prie tave planeta," he said nodded with a small smile forming. "Adzatsmam is happy with this decision," the droid chirped, "As long as the other items over the holonet messages were promised, this agreement is very persuading. He also states that he hopes in the future he could call upon you to request possible aid, for when he finally decides to remove the planet from the Silver Sanctum Coalitions grasp.
| [member="Adzatsmam"] |

"This is acceptable. You have to realize that this will take time for me to set up everything you required in exchange for the holocron. I will contact you when everything is in place. And of course, assisting you in the removal of the Silver Sanctum- when the time comes- suits our mutual interests. All the Jedi must die."

Bowing her head again, Darth Ayra turned to leave the ship and return to the Initium. If the Vazir had anything more to say, he had a chance to stop her before she left.
[member="Darth Ayra"]

Adzatsmam rejoiced, clasping his hands together in happiness, not knowing something like this could ever happen. He agreed with the woman, "Sis buti zyemus, moteris, dazek j'us." He said to the woman before turning to hug the Kissai, who was filled with awkwardness and ultimate joy. "Ouhi Kissai! Veek mes valia buti fahka kizs mazo letas! Zuti, ir liepti tave ane. Mes nayir kuplah re ane hana, piveje!" The droid chirped in a positive response. "Thank you, Darth Ayra. Adzatsmam is most pleased with this sudden decision. He hopes for the day you contact him again"
| [member="Adzatsmam"] |

Leaving the meeting, Darth Ayra boarded the Initium and retracted it's docking mechanisms. When it was done, the Sith maneuvered the ship away from the Vazir's and plotted a course for Antecedent. She had much to do if she wanted Freedon Nadd's holocron, and perhaps more importantly, the future allegiance of Adzatsmam and his family.


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