Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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RANK: None
SPECIES: Battle Droid (Prototype)

AGE: 7 (AI sounds 20-30)

SEX: Programmed Male
HEIGHT: 6’5”
WEIGHT: 245lbs
EYES: none (HUD is red)
HAIR: None
SKIN: None


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • AI Drive, Though first of his kind he contains an AI drive
  • Versatile, Programmed to use any weapon, knows every weakness a weapon could have.
  • Advance Droid, Please look below for his abilities

  • Prime Directive, He can’t turn down helping someone in need.
  • Heating/Cooling Systems, Although he is strong and agile after using certain systems he may overheat and would have to cooldown.
  • Ammunition, His favored multi purpose Arm-cannon would only have so much Ammunition until running out.
  • AI, Its AI has more humanity then it was originally programmed to have.
  • Battery, After using a lot of his abilities in battle other then having to cooldown there is a chance he will have to recharge.
(Look above)

A Battle-droid created to end the war. The first of his kind he was packed with everything a great droid needed and was even programmed with an AI. Eventually he was trashed after he showed some humanity instead of being some mindless killing machine. The AI adapted and was able to escape the clutches of whomever had built him. He stole and aircraft and ran. He was only seen a handful of times as a bodyguard to certain hierarchies. At this moment he still wanders space for a home or a Master




None (As of yet)


  • Built in Arm-Cannon, Multi-purposed w/ Different firing types, Can be concealed and deploys from his arm
  • Adaptability, Known to adapt to almost any situation by scanning the area.
  • Propulsion Tech, Can jump very high distances with little effort. Also Allows him to be much stronger than most other Battle Droids.
  • High Agility, Due to its propulsion drives it can move at very high speeds
  • Scanning/ Advance Targeting HUD. Can scan objects fast noticing their problems or flaws. An irreplaceable ability when in battle.
  • AI Adaptability, THe AI he holds is strong and could even unlock security doors without the code
  • Invisibility, His Armor plating has a special Bioframe that allows him to Cloak himself for a short amount of time. (Most likely to drain his power cells
  • Weapon proficiency, Has data on almost all blasters and even use of a vibroblade.
  • Nanomachines, Self repairing nanomachines allow for him to slowly repair if in critical condition.
Using standard issue Droid armor it is tough but can still be penetrated by light saber and conventional blasters.
Adam (ADM-00) said:
ARMOR: His armor is made of a highly resistant compound of Songsteel, Mandalorian Iron. It is very strong and very light. It is even know for deflecting blaster shots and can even resist lightsaber slashes. Although after being slashed or shot a lot it tends to break.
Is this droid canon or have an existing factory submission?
Mandalorian Iron - or Besk'ar is not readily available to just anyone. The makers of this droid would have to get access to the mines of either Concordia or Mandalore in order to harvest the ore, and then have Mandalorian expertise to melt and forge the ore into applicable armor. Just as a side note, the only way you'll find this being plausible is either by having Mandalorian creators - or stealing it (which is admittedly harder)

Factory wise - you'll need a dev thread detailing how this happened.

[member="Adam (ADM-00)"]
[member="Adam (ADM-00)"]
Songsteel and Mandalorian iron are both restricted materials on this board, and any non-canon droid that is not already an approved factory submission is generally suggested to be submitted - otherwise you face the chance of being reported during role-play.

To fix this I will actually give him standard-issue Droid armor. I have now noticed that it is a tad op and, I have no connection to actually make in this case.

I will fix it momentarily

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