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Adelram Thul

Adelram Thul

Azrik The Condottiero
NAME: Adelram Thul
RANK: Sith Lord
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6 feet, 1 inch
WEIGHT: 180 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Slightly pale


+ Charismatic: There seems to be a compelling charm to Adelram, and he has the ability to inspire others.
+ Superb Pilot: Adelram has a natural feeling for flying and its finesse that goes along with it.
- Photosensitive: Bright flashes of light can easily blind this man
- Berserk Button: This character will get extremely angry at certain provocations.

Adelram is a young man of average height, with short wavy black hair, and brown eyes. He is always seen dressed in a fancy black uniform or black robes.


Born a bastard to one of the most blue-blooded family's in Alderaan. Char was a descendant of a noblewoman named Elana Thul of House Thul and an unknown individual who allegedly had an affair with his mother, although rumors circulated of an affair with a dark cult-like individual with connections to House Thul and the Sith. Elana's husband was the head of House Ulgo, and the affair was quickly covered up and Char was named a true son of Aethelred Ulgo with a lineage that can be traced back to powerful nobles of Alderaan. His father was at one point one of the most prominent and powerful members of the Alderaanian Parliament, and to secure his allegiances he had married Elana of House Thul, a Duchess, to consolidate his power within the Alderaan Court among the great houses. Yet as history has shown us many times over, Alderaan is a place where vicious and intricate games of politics are played by the highest-ranking nobles. In a scheme carried out by House Rist, a bomb was placed at the Ulgo estate during a charity event and party between the two houses of Thul and Ulgo. The resulting explosion killed several Alderaanian nobles which included Elana, Aethelred, and the son of Elana's older sister named Adelram, who like Char was a child of not even a year old. It was unknown who was really behind the bombing, but it was clear the objective was to kill Aethelred and his son. Elana's older sister Artesia, while not as influential but much more cunning than her younger sister, switched the identities of her dead baby son Adelram with the child Char, thus the assailants believed Char was dead. And Char became Adelram Thul.

Although the true members of the conspiracy to kill Aethelred and Char were never discovered, it was revealed the assassination itself was conducted by House Rist. The assassins were brought to justice and executed. Artesia, however, knew that it was only a matter of time before the true identity of Adelram was revealed, as the boy entered early adulthood Adelram was exiled by his 'mother' as a guise to keep him away from his enemies. Adelram went to live in the Tingel Arm where he learned he was force sensitive in secret. Knowing the connections of Alderaan to the Republic and House Thul to the Sith, Adelram decided to join the Sith using the connection of his adopted last name. He knew the Sith would give him the power and strength to fulfill his dream vengeance. With his newfound powers in the force, Adelram plans to become a great Sith warrior and retake what he believes rightfully belongs to him.
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