Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Adddan Prewosm

Name: Adddan Prewosm

FACTION: Pirate/Adventurer

RANK: Wanderer

SPECIES: Human-Zabrak mongrel

AGE: 20 years

SEX: male

HEIGHT: 2 meters

WEIGHT: 100kg

EYES: fiery red

Black hair

SKIN: slightly dark white


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):


Very strong physically and agile.

very good at stealing both with the hands and with force.

very good winning in the casino thanks to the force.

he has good aim.

good at naval design and mechanics


Weak with empathy (Can hardly feel the emotions of others)

No knowledge of lightsaber fighting.


Despite being a mestizo, his appearance is practically that of a human, except that he is 2 meters tall with strong muscles, short black hair and fiery red eyes that combined with his attractive but cold face gives a wild feeling.


Born to a human prostitute and a Zabrak he grew up on the streets of Nar Shaddaa and learned a lot from that, coupled with the fact that he was force sensitive allowed him to gain many very useful skills in theft, along with his strong fighting abilities. managed to survive until he became an adult.

At the age of 20, he managed to leave the planet in a Corellian freighter that he won playing cards and with a large number of credits to his name, won at the casino and by theft and with the hope of making a name for himself.


VCX-100 light freighter



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