Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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{ T H E ME }





Tags: Haraldr Stormfang | Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius | Valerian Sigismund Valerian Sigismund


Aurelian did not plan for this to happen in this manner. It was an annoyance, a miscalculation which in turn annoyed him even more. It was disturbing him greatly and distracting his thoughts away from the solemnity this occasion should bring. It was a sacrifice he had to make, an extra step which would announce his intentions and aspirations before he deemed it time to do so. Vandemar and the Empire had swallowed much of his time in the past decades, to an end which was more than desirable. Economic and military power he could muster was massive, primarily due to its technological scale, but also by its simple comparison to other imperial remnants.

Now he stood in the antechamber of the entrance hall of the Spire, a few kilometers below the Eternal Throne itself. A thought, it made him smile. How long was he on watch here, how many countless hours did he spent here already, in these halls, right next to the doors when he was still a Knight-Captain in the Household. It was an entertaining thought and yet melancholic. It was when the great Emperor was still alive. Feth to those narrow-minded fools who brought him down for aspirations only mortals could fail to understand. Sigismund would finished what He had started. Even Tacitus only had a limited understanding, but an understanding he had.

With him stood two white armoured Knights of Zakuul, they were both Knight-Captains, veterans who had served him for many years now. He could sense their anticipation. They were excited. He wished he could share this feeling. This taking over meant little more than potential war.

It was time.

With a nod to one of his companions, they would open the door and he started marching. Towards the Throne Room.


P R I M A R I O N _ H I P E R I U S


It did not take Primarion long to understand the flaw in his idea and plan, the complete nonsense of what his consideration were. It was not that the goal or way was flawed, but that he had actually believed the Sith to stick to at least minimal patterns of strategic insight and intelligence. A miscalculation he made, an error which would not be repeated. They were as useless as they could be and after realising the futile attempts at maintaining cohesion, he ordered his fleet and Legions back and left Sith space. Aurelian would welcome them back without hesitation.

Now he stood in the throne room of the Eternal Throne with dozens of others. An honour guard of Knights of Zakuul, their leader the High Justice, a bit more than a dozen officials from the world below, leaders of Overwatch and that was about it. It was a strangely rushed ceremony, Aurelian did not want this. Primarion understood why.

Outside the sphere of glass was the Invictus Antagonistes, mercifully watching over the world and throne room as a large guardian. Next to it the ships of Task Force Valkorion and the ships of the Eternal Fleet he had brought here with him, the rest was currently at the Fleet Spire on Vandemar. All in all a powerful fleet presence, but would not do them very well if such a foolish mistake like on Draconia would be permitted here. Of course that was an amateurs mistake. The Imperator knew that security and defenses here were much more sophisticated and even though there was a fancy seat over there which had commanded the Eternal Fleet back in the day - it was stripped of power, it was made sure that only the Grand Legion had the means to freely use the fleet.

Some of the low chatter died down as the the elevator announced itself coming up.







Tags: Haraldr Stormfang | Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius | Valerian Sigismund Valerian Sigismund


The Elevator was going up. It would go upwards for a very long time before it arrived at the peak of the Spire. Where the ancient Eternal Throne stood.

Aurelian rarely thought about the past, it was not a necessity, not a valid point of focus in his opinion. He remembered every bit of it and could pull memories to daylight which were so minor and unimportant that it was sometimes ridiculous where his thoughts went. Despite all the alterations, the Force experiments, the bio-engineering done to him, he still thought humanly. His thoughts could drift and follow the faintest of hooks to very distant places and strange ideas. Yes, he could do that while his brain was also processing other information getting in, from his senses, from his live feed, but still they could wander.

Now his thoughts were set on the future. Immediate and far. He was forced to act and would continue to act along the path. The incident on Draconia gave the Zakuulan opportunity to move, to take up the seat below the Throne. His two-world realm would become more united, more stable. More expansionist. Aurelian would not hesitate now to fortify his position among the stars. The sly smile rushed across his mouth, thinking when he heard how Tacitus proclaimed himself heir of Valkorion. Old bastard. Other than his old Knight-Captain, he never really believed in another person aside from that man.

The trio was rushing through the levels in the turbolift, swiftly carrying them beyond the clouds.

He respected DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran and Rurik Fel Rurik Fel , even though he never had much to do with the latter other than working for his Empire, but they were figures in a play which was not set by them. Which was not initiated by them, just continued. Same goes for the younger Michael Barran Michael Barran , growing old by now as well. They were allies, opportunities but either they would outlive their purpose or their purpose would outlive them. Once Aurelian moved further, he expected to meet something the Force sent. He expected to meet an adversary, an opponent.

It must be killed, Tacitus was right and He must be the one to crush it.


Aurelian Sigismund
Hegemon of Zakuul and Vandemar, Moff of Vandemar, Exarch of Zakuul, Imperator of the Eternal Legion
The Griffin of Zakuul



{ C R OW N E D }

The turbolift doors opened and the Throne Room of the Spire and Zakuul lay in front. The long connector leading to the main platform, the emblem of Zakuul in gold and surrounded by blue light artistically put into the flawless floor, flanked by a narrow trench of water which surrounded the entire construct. The path led to the main platform, a set of stairs ascending to the first platform and a narrower set of stairs ascending from there to the mighty shape of the Eternal Throne itself.

Aurelian Sigismund left the turbolift, leaving the two white-clad Household knights behind who bowed, and marched forward. Directly at the exit he passed Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius and Haraldr Stormfang and members of the Zakuulan leadership, all bowing to his presence, before he moved on through the Honour Guard of Zakuulan Knights. Their polished golden armour reflecting the blue blades of the lightsaber pikes as they stood at attention as his every step passed each individual.

Ahead two people waited on the first platform. Aurelian climbed the stairs as he offered a courtly and brief dib of his head towards the Head of Government of Zakuul and the High Justice, the two highest ranks of the world below. The High Justice held a laurel wreath while the chancellor held a scroll. They both blocked the stairs towards the Eternal Throne itself and left of them stood a chair, simplistic in design but solid and big enough to fit the Hegemon in his armour.

Aurelian kneeled in front of them, going down on one knee and lowered his head.

High Justice Octavia Sunfell held the wreath over his white-haired head while the chancellor opened the scroll and read the proclamation. Once he was finished, she lowered the golden wreath onto his head and he rose.

"All Hail the Master of Zakuul!" The Chancellor incanted and the Throne Room, the Spire and planet vibrated with the response.


Haraldr Stormfang

Tags: Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund
Location: Eternal Citadel on Zakuul

I was hardly one to care for pomp and circumstance. Defending Vandemar from pirates and other scum at the edge of the galaxy was more to my liking. A good fight was what I preferred more than a grand ceremony. Landing on Zakuul was hardly much an issue due to Aurelian's work in claiming the world. A part of me was disapointed in that fact. Granted, how Aurelian spoke of Zakuul seemed to have what is here in the present day be a shell of former glory.

I and others were stationed alongside the primary Honour Guard. My more grey-colored armor stood out slightly among the gilded warriors at my side. My power armor was hardly much different in ability to their's. However, all that shiny metal would have been dented and scratched aplenty with the missions I was engineered and trained for. Shiny armor like the others' also would be more of a hinderance to what I was made for. It would be hard to scout ahead in hostile territory if the enemy could see where you were as long as the sun beemed down at a proper angle. This dulled grey and the glory of war was what I preferred more than gilded apparel and cermony.

The Honour Guard group marched behind the Hegemon as a display of the power that was at Aurelian's back. The Chancellor called out accolades for the Hegemon. With the words the Chancellor spoke in hailing of the Hegemon, we in the Honour Guard stopped.

"All hail the Master of Zakuul!", I proclaimed alongside the others in the response. The chamber vibrated with the roar of power. I would be a fool to not have joy for the ground gained in power by this for my people. However, I still remained bored as the ceremony progressed.

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