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Approved Tech ACS-001 Arbiter Battle Armor

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ACS-001 Mk1 Arbiter Battle Armor
Image: Here
Image Source: Here
Intent: Provide High Grade Armor for the Galactic Republic elite
Development Thread: As Needed
Manufacturer: ArmaTech Combat Systems
Model: Mk1
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: Addition of Helmets, Jetpacks, and Aesthetics
Production: Limited
Material: High-Density Duranium-Neutronium Plates; Molytex-Bronzium Fiber Jumpsuit

Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 15 Kilograms

- Vs. Blasters: Class 7- Designed to disperse energy and heat it is highly resistant to blaster weaponry
- Vs. Slugthrowers/Shrapnel: Class 7- High Caliber Armor piercing rounds will penetrate the armor without much difficulty
- Vs. Bladed Weaponry: Class 7- Striking the jumpsuit will result in heavy bruising but not penetration except for high quality weapons such as Beskads and Phrik weapons
- Vs. Environment/Elements: Class 6- Resistant to Heat and Cold, it is extremely vulnerable to electricity
Special Features:
- High Blaster and Slugthrower Protection. Being a multi-layer set of armor it provides excellent blaster and projectile protection
- Right Gauntlet: Miniaturized Light Repeating Blaster, Czerka ZX miniature Flame Projector
- Left Gauntlet: MM9 Miniature Rocket Launcher, Velocity-7 Dart Launcher, forearm mounted Control Panel
- Shoulder: Grappling Spike Launcher
Support Systems:
- Internal Power Generator, Personal Shield Generator (Capable of Producing Ray or Particle Shields but not both at the same time)
- Power Armor Liner, Temperature Regulator, Internal Air Supply (30 Minutes), IFF Circuitry, Digital Life Support System Readout
- Repulsorlift Coils and Electromagnetic plates in the Boots
Utility Harness:
- High Tension Wire, Twelve spare power packs/Magazines, three ion flares, energy rations, a spare comm-link, two water packs, two medipacks (including Allergy relief, Needle and Stitches, emergency bandages, one shot of kolto, and one shot of bacta), two thermal detonators, and EMP Grenade, a Combat De-Ionizer, and Binders
- Limited Power: While most of its systems don’t require much energy to be operated, the ones that do like the Shields, Flight Systems, and Energy Weapons drain it rapidly. It can only operate a single one of these functions at a time, and 2 minutes of continuous use of the shields, though the shields will fail if overloaded as well
- Limited Ammunition: The Weapon Systems utilized by the armor have very limited ammunition and reloading them in combat is almost impossible
- Weight: The armor system is heavier than most armor due to the inclusion of a generator and a shield projector. The weight reduces the endurance and the mobility of the wearer noticeably.
“Arbiter” Battle Armor is a set of armor plates and jumpsuit designed by ArmaTech Combat Systems is designed to take punishment and supply the wearer with a vast array of offensive and support systems to adapt to any situation they may encounter during combat. It is dark grey and black, similar to Mandalorian armor in appearance with two large seals on the chest directing energy away from the core of the body. It is notably heavy due to the weight of the plates and myriad of systems included within the armor system. The interior jumpsuit is comprised of a molytex suit with vital organs and exposed areas covered in bronzium fiber threading. The jumpsuit includes a power armor liner to assist in dispersing physical and blast impacts, reducing injuries and the likelihood of knockdowns. The liner also provided increased protection from fire, acid, intense heat, and cold. The armor plates covering the body are comprised of high-density duranium and carbon nanotube reinforcing, designed to survive blastercannon shots. The chest and shoulders are significantly more heavily protected than the rest of the body to better protect vital organs without sacrificing mobility. The plates consist of a helmet, cuirass, pauldrons, gauntlets, waist-piece, greaves, and sabatons covering the majority of the body. The armor can be fully sealed against chemical and biological attack, and is even capable of being hermetically sealed against vacuum.

The armor has a thermal regulator keeping the wearer cool and dry in desert temperatures, and warm in artic climates. The regulator even grants limited resistance to fire and ice. An integrated Personal Shield Generator is equipped within the armor and is capable of deflecting small arms fire for several minutes, and providing limited protection from large weapons such as laser cannons and missiles. To assist in flight the sabatons contain repulsorlift coils, as well as electromagnets for use in weightless environments. The suit is powered by a fairly powerful generator on the back plate of the armor giving it a hunchbacked appearance. Overall it can supply power to all functions except the Shield Generator indefinitely. The armor has IFF circuitry on the back of the suit for identification and command purposes to allow the HUD systems to properly identify each other. The forearm plates of the right gauntlet contain a Light repeating blaster reworked to be controlled by the HUD, and a Czerka ZX miniature flame projector. The left gauntlet contains the control panel for the armor, an MM9 miniature rocket launcher, and a Velocity-7 dart launcher. At the shoulder a Grappling Spike Launcher is attached to assist in ascending a building or wall. A utility harness is used to carry a number of tools, weapons, and equipment need by the wearer.
Draco Vereen said:
Miniaturized SE-14R Light Repeating Blaster
Either this needs to be listed as "miniature light repeating blaster" or something similar, or the SE-14R needs to be submitted with the reduce size in its own separate submission.

Draco Vereen said:
Power Armor Liner
What is this?
Draco Vereen said:
The gauntlets contain retractable Duranium vibro-knives in the knuckle plate of the right hand, and contact stunners on the left hand, increasing the unarmed capabilities of the wearer immensely.
How are all of these armaments fitting into the hand/wrist area of the armor? You have roughly 4-5 pieces of equipment listed per hand with the above included.
Silara Kuhn said:
What is this?
It doesn't have a wookiee Link but it is described in Boba's Armor.

Fett wore a power armor liner. This liner shirt had a micro energy field projector and two layers of thin ceramic plates, in order to disperse physical and blast impacts, reducing injuries and likelihood of knockdowns. The power liner also gave him increased protection from fire, acid, intense heat, and cold. His main clothing was a reinforced armor mesh battle/flight suit. The inner lining of the suit blocked poisons and corrosives for a period of time. This suit had pockets on his hips and thighs (one on each side).
I reworded it and removed some of its effects for this sub, but the above can be found Here the second paragraph of the Armor/Clothing Sub-Category of the Equipment Category.

Silara Kuhn said:
Either this needs to be listed as "miniature light repeating blaster" or something similar, or the SE-14R needs to be submitted with the reduce size in its own separate submission.

Silara Kuhn said:
How are all of these armaments fitting into the hand/wrist area of the armor? You have roughly 4-5 pieces of equipment listed per hand with the above included.
Edited. My apologies, I had removed them from the Weapons section but not the description.
What would you consider reasonable. Also it does have a built in generator. I was thinking along the lines of 10 KG for the generator 15 for the armor.

[member="Silara Kuhn"]
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