Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Acquiring the Goods

Chiasa, fickle beast that she was, had finally decided to fulfil one of the unspoken expectations of any accomplished force user. The passing on of at least some of her knowledge. Which had led to the eventual finding of [member="Gatano Tarahn"]. How they would work together and how it would wind up was yet to be seen. In her usual manner, rather than wasting time with interviews and so on, she'd decided to get to work immediately, and also to set Gatano to work. The first step in this was of course to make sure he was at least well enough equipped that he wasn't just going to die. It would be rather a waste of time if he did.

Which meant a few stops before she could just throw him into combat. The first of which was Apatros.

But oh no, you say, that's Techno Union space! Surely there will be combat! You would think so, except the Ravens had merged with the Techno Union based on an alliance that she'd initiated, and even more relevant than that, the cortosis mine they were going to was in fact owned and operated by ArmaTech. She was quite sure her husband would not mind in the least if she and Gatano showed up and arranged for him to get enough cortosis for himself, and had sent a quick message to let him know that was what she was doing.

Just in case anyone got any funny ideas about seeing to it that she went through another more permanent disappearance.

"This part will be rather boring I'm afraid. At least when we go to fetch your lightsaber crystal after wards the view will be more exciting. Draco has this place quite modernized and efficient though, so we'll largely be signing paperwork and loading cargo. Still, on the whole boring is likely better than being shot at I suppose."

This was commented over her shoulder to Gatano as she piloted the Exceeder they were on in towards the mine.
After a brief period of time spent trudging through the galaxy, as a Jedi novice-turned-wandering-layabout, Gatano had finally found a little bit I motivation. It came in the shapely form of Chiasa Vereen, a Master force user who had kindly taken him in as her apprentice. While Gatano had no true idea what he was actually doing, following this notorious and incredibly powerful (at least to his novice eyes) Master of the Force seemed like a pretty good plan.

Chiasa had agree to help Gatano acquire some weapons, and some Cortosis for an obscure blueprint he had picked up during his travels. It was his hopes that these would further his plans for invading and ruling over the forest moon of Endor as King of the Ewoks. Erm, I mean, becoming a more powerful force user.

He giddily stared deep into the dark mine that houses the invaluable rare, lightsaber resistant mineral. He had enjoyed such a quiet trip so far, and had Chiasa to thank for it. Seems like this "Aquiring of the Goods" would be smooth sailing from here on out.

"I'm in no rush, Master. Although I am eager to show you my plan for the Cortosis.... In any case, I would prefer shooting things over paperwork any day." Gatano said to his master, whilst vainly attempting to control his excitement.

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