Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aboard The Grand Hammer

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]

He chuckled a bit as she spoke and squeezed his hand, It'd been a long time since he'd allowed anyone to touch him...let alone a beautiful female of his own race. His mind raced but never the less he let his answer slip forth.... "It was harder than you think darlin" His tone holding a certain happy softness as he spoke.

His attention quickly focussed upon Zenva as she began to lay out her offer, Excitement coursing through his veins like lightning at her offer, though he'd never show it. His tone as he answered her would however give away just how excited he was, Though a simple response it held more truth and devotion than anything else he'd ever said to a woman...... "For my dream Lady Vrotoa....I'd burn down the galaxy for you!"
Zenva smiled, a dazzling, joyful thing. "While I appreciate your enthusiasm Kaster, if you burn the galaxy to ash we'll have no buyers left." Suddenly the Zabrak Matron flowed out of her chair. She paused only briefly to ensure her dress was settled properly before she started toward the doors. "Come. You can talk and walk at the same time I hope." She didn't pause or even so much as blink an eye at the eight Elites lining the walls outside her conference room. "Clever Kil'kae. I tell team one to stand down and you bring team two," she commented absent mindedly as she passed.

Zenva set a no nonsense pace as she traversed the hallways of her flagship, the heels of her metallic silver pumps ringing on durasteel rhythmically. "The first thing we will do Kaster, is return to my shipyard. From there we can set about redesigning the Grand Hammerhead Class into something more befitting of what you intend to do with it. I have new defense guns I would like to install on your model. We'll have to remove the HSDV-1s and the rail tanks after that. We'll replace them with something a little better suited to piracy. Archon A class gunships, Blood Dart Interceptors and perhaps a new bomber I'm working on. What do you think?"

As the pair walked Zenva's Elites fell inline behind them, just as silent as before. Though it seemed they gave Kaster and their Matron a little more space than before.

[member="Kaster Sane"]
"True.....But its an option" He said with a non chalant humor as he stood from his chair and quickly grabbed his helmet as he trailed her out of the room. A smirk curling his lips as he gave a nod to the line of elite troopers just outside.... "Boys" His tone calm yet cocky as he passed the guards and caught up to the Matron [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] , Her voice nearly mesmerizing him as she spoke the details of their next objective.

"It will be a mighty vessel it sounds, And the bombers do sound like they'd be very useful." His voice crackled a bit as he caught himself glimpsing once again at her supple bottom, Wondering two things as he quickly looked forwards, The first being "Was it the same beautiful red as the rest of the Matron", and the second being " I wonder how fast the boys would frag me if I touched her?". Both questions holding equal importance to Kaster.
Zenva's stride was impressive, in her high heels she stood a little over six feet tall. Each step was taken in confidence, her heels striking durasteel with a resounding ring. Cored muscles shifted intriguingly beneath crimson skin and ebony tattoos cut bold, thorny lines from the nape of her neck to her achilles tendons. The cut of her dress left large sections of her tattoo exposed, one continuous piece that spread from her spine to curl and slash along her ribs and vanish beneath the thin silver material.

"Oh and it will be a grand vessel Kaster. A veritable typhoon of destruction for you to commandeer..." The Matron paused mid sentence. Abruptly she stopped walking and the only thing that saved Kaster's dignity, and maybe his life, was the elite to his left who took hold of his armored shoulder, stopping the Mandalorian mere inches before he would have crashed into the Matron. "Typhoon. I like that. Kil'kae take note of that less I forget." Just as suddenly Zenva was on the move, her stride returning to a rapid pace. "What we need to decide Kaster, is where to set you up. Every smuggler worth the name wants ground on Nar Shaddaa but I would urge you to consider other locations. Albeit I can secure you space on Nar Shaddaa but there are other worlds with less competition. Nal Hutta, Sriluur. Thoughts Kaster?"

[member="Kaster Sane"]
By this point his mind had turned to soup, Trapped helplessly by the sway of [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] 's hips as she walked. Fiery orange eyes wandered over every seductive inch of her exposed crimson skin, Drinking in her beauty as if it were a fine wine. Weaker men would have passed out from the sheer exhaustion of keeping enough willpower not to drool on them selves at such a sight..

Truth be told, He would have walked right over her had it not been for the elitle trooper grabbing his shoulder...
But none the less instinct wins over logic and reasoning. The second the troopers hand had landed on his shoulder those instincts kicked in, And in a flourish of motion the trooper found himself on the ground bleeding and cradling a now possibly fractured arm and gasping for air as Kaster stood there looking rather sheepish and talking fast.... "Oh poodoo mate! Are you alright? That's my fault I may have overreacted a bit...." Feeling a twinge of guilt, Kaster dropped a few credits beside the trooper and told the others to go find him a medic before quickly taking off after Lady Zenva.

Wiping a small bead of sweat from his brow as he finally caught up to Zenva he quickly put a soft smile on his features and hoped she wouldn't notice the guard on the floor as he promptly responded to her.... "Though Nar Shadda would be thriving, its too crowded for my tastes my dear. Nal Hutta would work, as would Eriadu or Tatooine even"
By the time [member="Kaster Sane"] caught up to her, Zenva had turned to see what the commotion was about. Her glare was once described as a look of pure death and if she was one to decorate her ship with living flowers, they would surely be wilted by the scowl she wore. "I fear Eriadu my not be far enough at the moment, mister Sane." She said as her gaze traveled past the Mandalorian, the sound of thundering armor rolling toward them. Without another word the Blood Matron stepped into an alcove, clearing the path of the charging Elites.

Three Elites rushed forward without hesitation, one barked a quick set of orders as they moved, "Low. High. Four left leg." The orders not making much sense unless the Mandalorian turned in time. The first Elite came in low, sweeping an armored leg at the Mandalorian's knees in an attempt to fowl his footing, tripping him if able. The second arrived only a step behind the first. Instead of launching an assault however, the Elite spun and dropped to one knee, it's left leg up and braced by his hands. The last Elite charged with a roar, stepped off the braced leg of it's comrade and lept into the air. Momentum and the weight of the armored warrior gathered behind a wreaking ball of a punch aimed squarely at the Mandalorian's nose.
Blood sprayed across the Zabraks face, He'd managed to leap over the sweeping kick only to have his nose broken by a flying punch. He stumbled back slightly as his vision blurred, Rage filling him further as he spat blood and charged the group. His first attack was a straight kick into the face of the trooper that had swept at his legs, The heel of his boot aimed to collide with the mans face just hard enough to shatter bone and cartiledge. The second part of his attack focused on the big one that had broken his nose, A spinning backhand brought across the cheekbone hard enough to rattle teeth should suffice to render him useless. As for the kneeling commando a simple side kick to the face with enough force to spread his nose across his face was hopefully enough to finish the man off as Kaster stood bleeding

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]

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