Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Wrinkle In Story

Once Upon A Time, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away...​

You're standing on a subway platform. Why are you here? Are you waiting for the Subway Train? These are questions you ask yourself...Well, maybe you don't, but they are still concerns that will be in the back of your mind. The sound of metal on metal becomes louder...closer. The dark tunnel heralds the arrival of the train with an onrush of wind and the triple pinprick of the train's headlights.

The train squeals to a stop in front of you and the doors slide open. "Now boarding, Station B" plays over the intercom. A few people file onto the train, heads naturally tilted downwards, reminding you of cattle. There was no imagination in their lives, no change from their day to day lives. However, you are different. You hold your head up high...or don't, but you're not these people, that's for sure.

The doors are open, beckoning you to enter and take a ride. At the same time, a stairway behind you leads up into a dark and depressing city. What do you do?

Triter Zone

The Littlest Space Pirate
[member="The Page Master"]

Triter Zone peered around at the throngs of people on the commuter tram platform, his cloak drawn tightly around himself as he tried to make himself innocuous in their midst.
What was going on here?
The young space pirate peered around at the station; it was about as generic as such places went, and could have been part of the underground transit system on countless worlds. The dull buzz of bored conversation filled Triter's ears, and he peered at the people around him, noting the downcast gazes, their trudging steps, their defeated posture.
Where is this? The Amaran thought. How did I get here?
Triter had no memory of how he had gotten where he was now; when he tried to think back, his mind's eye became clouded, and he rubbed his forehead at the onset of a headache. The young male was just beginning to make for a nearby corner to hide and collect himself, when a metallic screeching sound caused him to look toward the tracks. He watched as a tram arrived, its doors swishing open to admit a crowd of new passengers.
Triter stopped and stared at the train.
There was something oddly intriguing about the transport's open doors, causing the Amaran to cock his head slightly. He found himself beckoned toward the train, unable to even consider resisting the strange urge to board it.
Where does this thing even go? He thought as the doors swished closed behind him, and Triter found his way to a seat; there were far fewer people inside than he had expected.
After a moment, he felt the train lurch, and it was too late to go back to the platform. The Amaran stared out of the nearby window at the dark tunnel beyond.
Kark, what did I just do?
As the train pulled away with [member="Triter Zone"], another identical train pulled into Station B and opened its doors, waiting for any and all who would show up to board.;_ylt=AwrB8pz3GUNVIH4AVV.JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIzYTdjOWdjBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANkMTM3OGU0N2QxMmM1ZGVkZDJlZDQyOWQ0NGMzNTY1NgRncG9zAzQ2BGl0A2Jpbmc-?.origin=&

On board, the amaran would note that there were 8 people scattered throughout the train car. The train car ahead of them was the operator's car. Once the operator had set the auto pilot on, he opened his door and stepped out. Only taking that one step out, he motioned to what seemed to be a wooden triangle hanging from a metal chain at the front of the car near his door. With bags under his eyes, he spoke dejectedly.

"This is the Emergency Stop cord. If at any time you want to end it all, just pull this cord. Thank you." He walked back into the operating car and the door slid closed. Not long after the conductor had said that, a pimply youth with a lip piercing started to quickly walk toward the cord, but then suddenly stopped. He looked conflicted about grabbing the cord or not. With an insecure grunt, he turned and walked back to his seat where he stared at nothing in particular out his window.

The intercom started to speak with the same voice from the platform. "Last stop, the Library. ETA, 5 minutes. Heavy rainfall expected at destination."

The Page Master sat on an isolated bench watching the whole thing. Of course, no one could see him, for he was incorporeal and ethereal. He kept working on how the rest of the story would play out while Triter studied his new surroundings.

Triter Zone

The Littlest Space Pirate
[member="The Page Master"]

Triter looked around at the compartment of the tram car, watching the human with the lip piercing hesitate before returning to his seat. The young Amaran puzzled at his surroundings; there were only a few people in the car, far fewer than Triter was sure should have been normal, and he himself was still left wondering just what had compelled him to board in the first place.
When the PA system bonged and made an announcement, the space pirate glanced up at the speaker grill, canting his head once more in curiosity. The Library? Normally, there would be more information than that given before a stop; street names, alternate destinations, even if it was the last stop there ought to have been something.
The train began to slow, and Triter stood, holding onto a nearby pole until the sound of screeching metal ceased and the doors of the car had swished open onto a lonely, poorly lit but oddly evocative station, its classical stone architecture making it appear more like some Pius Dea cathedral than a subway.
As it was the last stop, Triter and the handful of other passengers exited onto the platform, and the train clattered away behind them, curving away into the loop tunnel and disappearing. Though he was deep underground, the Amaran shivered beneath his cloak, the cold, wet air from above gusting down the stairway that led up to street level. Obviously, it was pouring, and probably windy.
Pulling his cloak tighter around himself and putting up his hood, Triter began to climb the stairs, wondering just what kind of library was worthy of a dedicated subway station...
As the Amaran would walk away from the train, the people around him would freeze in place and turn black, just like a shimmering silhouette. If he reached out and touched them, they would feel cold and hard (like rock). Once exiting the stairway, he would find himself in the middle of a grassy knoll. What an odd place for such a subway station to lead from...There were trees scattered about and he could see a large, old looking building. Two marble lifeless lions frozen with a roar on their lips stood watch on either side of the entrance. Warm lights could be seen through the windows and it all seemed rather inviting...compared to the cold rain, at least.

When/If he made his way across the lawn, Triter would only have to knock on the door for them to swing open on their own. Once inside, they would shut non-threateningly, yet eerily. Walking into the building, he would see rows upon rows of dusty old books. As he turned a corner, he could see a boy in a yellow rain coat. That boy, not seeing the fox, disappeared as he ran down a row of books. Any attempt to chase him would turn up with nothing more than bookshelves, undoubtedly confounding the pursuer.


As he wandered, he would eventually find himself before a desk with a strange man sitting behind it. The man was The Page Master in a younger-looking, plainer, physical form. He did not seem to notice Triter as he kept reading the rather large tome before him.


[member="Triter Zone"]

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