Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Witch on Elrood


The small transport sat on its struts like a waiting beast as the woman walked through the tall grass. He bright brown eyes squinted slightly in the midday sun as winds gusted randomly across the top heavy local grasses.

The azure sky looked down upon the yellowing grasses as steady streams of ships came in and out of the atmosphere in the distance. The scent of pollen and warm topsoil filled the air as insects could be heard chirping when the wind abated. It was picturesque.

Her hair flew about her face as she walked and held a hand just at the tops of the grasses to let them wave against her palm. The simple clothes, boots, relaxed pants and tank top, we're well suited for her training. It was a good day.
…Not for long.

A maelstrom of dark energies seemingly manifested in the distance away from the Witch. It was hard to find cover amongst the rolling plains though the acolyte did his best. Onasius Gruwel was a hell hound let off his leash by the One Sith. To them he was a sharp pair of teeth and claws focused by the Dark Side. These Sith found it entertaining to watch what happened when they let the assassin roam free among unassuming planets and colonies.

This time they had unleashed their fury on a small farming community. They had not given him a location name, nor any real objective. He was to strike terror in the hearts of the inhabitants of the planet. Leaving them with the knowledge that there were always dark forces brooding just out of sight. Onasius had been studying the area for a week now. He had taken a couple victims, though mostly hunted local game for food. A group of hunters in the area suspected there had been an invasive predator let loose from a cargo ship. They quickly learned how wrong they were when they went looking for a glory kill.

Sleek black robes melted into the shadows cast down by a tall shield of trees growing in a small ravine. He had felt a disturbance in the area the moment she decided to land. The Yevetha Sith was a nexus of the Dark Side, and any disturbances in the Force resonated within that nexus like echolocation. The same worked the other way around, however, and since Onasius was still an acolyte he had yet to learn to hide his Force Signature completely. This meant [member="Daedel"] most likely felt his presence even if she couldn’t pick him out of the shadows. He would simply be a shiver up her spine.

This new disturbance in the Force interested the acolyte however, he sensed a power within her. Among non-Yevetha, respect or power were hard to come by from Yevetha. So the fact she interested him at all and he didn’t charge her from the start was a testament to his teachings from the One Sith. He had learned to weigh his options.

He wouldn’t strike a Rancor without first learning its soft spot.

(OOC: hope you don't mind me jumping in!)


[member="Onasius Gruwel"]

She slowly sat amongst the tall grass eyes closing as she focused her mind on her training as she removed the satchel on her shoulder. The contents lifted from the pouch with a quick spell and hovered off the ground before her as a darkness pricked at the back of her mind.

Light glowed in the two small crystals that hung with the other materials as she raised her hands and began whispering words of power. One by one the pieces that she had spent hours the night before focusing on began to fall into place. Emitter, hilt, power supply, lens, circuitry and crystals began coming together in the long staff hilt.

The darkness grew and she heard her rancor, Walks with Storms, growl in the back of her mind before she pushed the distractions aside and focused on completing the final phase of her sojourn alone among the stars.

Her weapon would be ready soon....
Ebon colored eyes were unmoving from the woman’s presence. It was the first time Onasius had been able to really study someone within the Force, their movements, their emotions. She had such a different Force signature from himself; his was dark like an abyss, like an un-satisfiable hunger. The acolyte was not powerful enough in the Force to truly read her, but he was still cautious. The assassin would wait to see what she was trying to complete. It just required her not noticing him.

It wasn’t too long before Onasius felt a wave of power wash over him. There was a much larger presence in the vicinity, one he had not mapped previously. Whatever it was, it seemed to be similar in feel to @Daedel. This beast, it called to the evil darkness within Onasius, enticing his natural Yevetha bloodlust. It had been too long since he had spilled the blood of a worthy opponent. This beast likely came from a very violent kind.

Equipped with his robes, tunic, lightsabers, and natural weapons, Onasius started to make his way silently toward the Nightsister. He would be nothing more than a snake on the hunt for a mouse.

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