Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Walk in the Woods

Isla nodded slowly, listening quietly. The number of Ren had been changing and shifting greatly as of late. There were still many that she did not know. She tilted her head to the side, eyeing her apprentice curiously. So, this young woman had been brought into the fold to learn the ways of the Ren, and to retain ties with her home world. It was an interesting development. However, the Ren had given Misha a new outlook on life and a certain purpose in serving the Supreme Leader.

“I understand,” She said simply, smiling softly. Isla was glad that Misha seemed comfortable enough around her to share such things.

For a moment, she turned her gaze up towards the sky. She watched the white clouds rolling above them and let out a content sigh. Once more, her emerald eyes moved back towards the spot where Misha’s blasters were hidden. There had to be something more that they could offer her in the way of weaponry.

“I know traditional lightsaber use may be difficult,” Isla started, “But perhaps we could fit you with a lightsaber gauntlet of some kind. That way, you would always have something to protect yourself if someone gets too close.” She perked a brow, watching to see how [member="Misha Ren"] would react.
[member="Isla Ashen"]

Hmm as she listened to her master there were some thoughts coming to her. her ideal saber would likely be something special that she could bond and feel for herself. Something that would be able to push her outwards to telekinetically use and wield it so she would have the superior skills of letting her mental skills attack others. She had seen some other force users in records with some chairs that they would be able to use. She wanted to work on a number of things before she stuck around finding a place. "That could be helpful, I have done some minor research of the different sabers types and the disc saber blades could prove useful. Something that I could throw and control around then let it come back to my hands." She was looking around and at the clouds as well as at the forest itself.
Isla nodded; pleased to hear that [member="Misha Ren"] had been doing her own research. Her brows rose slightly upon hearing of disc shaped saber blades, it was a notion that she had not entertained before. However, she could certainly see how it could be useful and unexpected. After all, the Ren were certainly open to a wider range of weaponry, not simply relying on one type of saber.

“I see,” She started, tapping her chin with an index finger. “I like those ideas, Misha.”

At least for the moment, they had some time to mull over the options and create a plan. She turned her eyes up towards the sky, joining her apprentice in looking at the clouds rolling over them.

“Do you know what types of components we will need?” Isla asked, “I suppose we will need to go hunting for crystals soon, won’t we?”

The only weapon she had crafted was her own saber. Isla had chosen a fairly simple and straightforward design. This would be a good opportunity to explore other types of weapons, perhaps she would even make one for herself.
[member="Isla Ashen"]

Looking at the woman with a nod of her head, making the saber would be something to do for herself and she would be needing to work on it when she thought about it all. "Yes the components for it would be fairly simple but the crystal is somrething that I would want to get special. There is supposed to be some special crystals here on the world itself. Might be interesting to bring it for myself." She wanted to see and if possible, there were supposed to be sentient mountains on the planer. There were supposed to be stones that could do many different things." She was uncertain about it while she remained sitting there with the light coming through the trees but there was a few other things. "THough we should look for it in a place that isn't as open. Night int he forest can turn people around."
Isla wondered exactly what type of crystal that [member="Misha Ren"] desired for her weapons. For her own, she had traveled the mountains of M’haeli. It had been quite an exciting experience. Though, the small red crystal within her saber hilt was not uncommon. Of course, she had heard tell of very special crystals with rare properties. Perhaps that is the sort of power source that her apprentice had in mind.

“Do you have a specific crystal in mind? You need only say the word, and we will go looking.”

The redhead offered an encouraging smile. She did agree with the suggestion to find a more sheltered place to search, it would hopefully offer them a bit of protection while their attention was focused. And at the mention of the forest at night, Isla glanced up past the trees and to the sky. At the moment, it seemed that the clouds were slowly growing darker above them. The air had the smell of rain.

“Maybe we should start back to the ship, what do you think?”

Isla did not mind a bit of rain, but she certainly did not want Misha to get soaked. There would be many days of adventure ahead of them too, this was only the first.
[member="Isla Ashen"]

Looking at her master while she thought about it, the scent of rain was on the edge of her senses as she would and should be able to have the chair function int he rain but staying out would be interesting but not working over the idea. She didn't like being out here in the rain sitting in it with her chair. "It would be best master, for now at least. While my robes and chair could survive the rain it is not a great thing to sit in." She was looking at it while plotting and planning the course to take them back. Since they had gone through a good amount of forest and she could use the time to think about her crystal. Here on Endor there was supposed to be crystals that were special used by the local ewoks to solve problems. If she could make it into a focusing crystal it would be an impressive thing. "I think the crystals the ewoks use would be beneficial they are supposed to solve problems and be powerful."
Isla stood up and brushed herself off. For now, the two would make their way back through the woods. She blinked when [member="Misha Ren"] mentioned the Ewoks, and she glanced to the side at her apprentice. It was a curious notion, indeed. Her gloved hand rose to scratch her head, a few strands of red fell momentarily into her eyes, before being brushed back.

“Interesting. How do you think we should acquire a crystal from the Ewoks?”

Perhaps a crystal could be bought or traded. Of course, there were more sinister options available too. But Isla wanted to see how her apprentice would approach the situation. This would be her task. However, Isla would be there for support. Her boots crunched against the leaves that littered the forest floor.

“We can always do some research back at the shuttle, wait out the rain, and see what we can do.”
[member="Isla Ashen"]

Hmm something to think about, the obvious thing she would be think about would be taking it. THey were small and their spears likely wouldn't be able to penetrate her chairs metal covering. She would only have to protect her torso but there would be some danger to it. Just raiding and taking it meant they would have to risk none of them having it and the creatures were across the planet. If they didn't know where to look something simple could become very complicated as she herself was going back. "We should be practical about it, finding the closest ones and seeing if they have the stone. Aquiring it through trade could be helpful and if that fails then we know where it is and can get it for ourselves through other ways." She left it opened as killing small creatures was something that didn't need to be said in detail before she was heading back and the chair made it easier to think about the plan when there was the light dusting of rain. She could taste it now when the time passed and the ship was coming into view. "It should be interesting, they have from old reports and books a number of things on the world that could be of interest."
Isla nodded, she was willing to try being practical about their approach. Though there was a sprinkling of rain coming down from the gray sky, she did not bother to raise her hood. The ship was close now, and after a few more minutes of travel, they had arrived. Isla lowered the ramp for [member="Misha Ren"] to enter first, and she went along after, making sure to close the ramp behind her. Now inside the shelter of their transport, her emerald eyes shifted around their surroundings.

“If we mean to trade, we must find something suitable to bring them.”

Isla rummaged through the belongings she had, which wasn’t much. There were some standard ration packs, they were not very appealing, but could do if the creatures needed sustenance. Her hand found her newly acquired hunting life that hung from her belt, it was nicely crafted. She turned the blade over once, and gave a slight nod. It could work, and she was willing to part with it. After all, it was only a replacement for the one she had lost in the sands of Tatooine. She held no special attachment to this one.

“These… Ewok,” She started, “Do they speak basic?”

She was not sure if her apprentice would know the answer either. However, it could certainly complicate matters if there was a severe language gap. There was something inside that told her it would not be easy…
[member="Isla Ashen"]

Hmmm as they were arriving back she was looking at what there was and would be worth trading or at least what the ewoks might like. Which was something she was just as uncertain about. Given she doubted they cared for credits as much as maybe jewels for decoration. She was guessing like the Sarkhai they maybe bartered goods with each other so they could get what they needed or exchange something for another. Other idea would be they worked and all added to the vilage itself so each of them built or were part of a community. That could go a long way and there was some small blades her people used for hunting, the ornate hilts of them were carved from bone and looked like tools but they were not sentimental. The bone colored from age as these were the kind you were given for trips. "I am uncertain but we should have a translator probe droid that can communicate with them. I am used to villages and small communities that barter and exchange goods for services or equipment they could use." She was setting it in a case while she sat there looking at some of the other things. "They might like some other food, I doubt they have the technology to preserve their meats or food longer then a couple days. So some of the extra's could be valuable."
Isla nodded, the aid of a droid would be helpful. It was also good to hear that [member="Misha Ren"] had experience making trades and working with tight-knit communities. She mused that it would be an interesting sight, two Knights of Ren in the company of the strange little creatures. It would be interesting to see how they would react to outsiders. After all, this was still their home territory.

“Good plan,” She replied, and began to place more ration packs into her bag. "Which village is closest?"

The rain could be heard pelting against the roof of their transport. There was no telling how long it would last, but Isla crossed her fingers that it would let up soon. She did not want to be cooped up in this tiny space for long. But for now, she had no other choice, and took a seat again. Her gloved hands came to rest atop her knees, and she glanced over to Misha.

“We should take the chance to rest now; we’ll head out once it stops raining.”

After an hour or so, the sound of the rain began to drift away… leaving behind cloudy skies, and wet ground.
[member="Isla Ashen"]

Hmm which village indeed, she would have to work and think about it while preparing. She brought up the aerial map of what they had to work with while she was wanting to see what they had. Provided for her so that she could and would be able to lead them when the rain was finished and it was light outside. "There seems to be one to the north that we can go and check out. Once everything is better outside." Sleeping for now would be the best thing and she moved over to an area as the chair lowered itself to the floor leaving space to move through and it reclined a little. Preserving it for her so that she would be able to sleep in the chair itself. Misha changed a few things to be comfortable herself here in the transport. She was uncertain how her master would sleep but there was a small nod of her head. "We should, it would be best for now."
Isla glanced over at the map that [member="Misha Ren"] had brought up, and she gauged the distance they would have to travel. It was a bit of a trek, and she hoped that the terrain was not too rough. There was only one way to find out, but for now it would have to wait. Isla nodded and let the corners of her mouth pull up into a smile as Misha turned to rest. She pulled her cloak in around her and got as comfortable as she could in the pilot’s seat. With her arms crossed and her head tilted back slightly, she let her eyes close and sleep take hold.

After a time, Isla’s emerald eyes blinked open. Slowly, she sat up and stretched her neck. She took a quick glance at the clock; they had slept for roughly an hour. It was just enough time to recharge and feel refreshed. She tilted her head to gaze out the transparisteel window of their transport; it looked like the rain had stopped. There was even a small gap in the clouds, where there was a small patch of blue sky visible.

“Misha?” She whispered, just to check if her apprentice was awake.

For the moment, her eyes appeared to be closed. Isla mused that she looked very calm, peaceful even. She turned forward; she would wait for Misha to wake on her own. A few more minutes of rest would not be a bad thing. Quietly, Isla slid from the chair and continued to pack her bag, to make sure that she was ready to go.
[member="Isla Ashen"]

Falling asleep was easy, in truth she had always found sleep to be one of the most frantic times in her mind given a couple of things. her world was dangerous and you usually found a place that was semi safe to sleep and give yourself an early way to alert yourself. As sleep came though she felt safe enough here while staying around until she woke up in the morning. Feeling herself there when she woke up feeling her master was awke the sounds of the world, the feeling of it in the morning came to her before she was looking and adjusting herself with her hand to get a small look on her face. "Morning." She was prepared to look on it until she was hovering again and handling her hair. "That was better then I had expected."
Isla smiled, but wondered if perhaps [member="Misha Ren"] was one of those restless sleepers. It was strange to think about, sleep was one of the times when everyone was a bit vulnerable. Letting the mind grow quiet and drift off did require letting your guard down, even if just slightly. But it was quite refreshing; her days were always much better following a good night’s rest. Her hand rose to cover a yawn, and then ruffled through her red hair.

“Good morning.” She replied, “I’m glad you got some rest.”

She looked up from packing and gently lifted the bag up to test the weight. With a nod she slid the zipper closed, it was on the heavy side, but still within her ability to wear on her back. Isla took two of the ration bars, and handed one of them over to Misha.

“We should start with a bit of breakfast.” She nodded, opening her own and taking a bite.

It surely was not gourmet, but it would satisfy her hunger just fine.

“I packed a few different rations to take. There are also a few knives that we can try to offer them, a med kit, and a couple of random items.”
[member="Isla Ashen"]

There was a look as the chair was rising and she gave a nod of her head to see many of things. She was hungry and sitting there did get uncomfortable but you might not be able to feel it. "Hmm some food sounds good." She was happy to see it when she looked over at her master positioning herself before she took a drink to get the taste in her mouth. She was looking at the rations and they might not be the most tasty but she could work with it before moving over to give her master a place to sit and place her food on the chair between them so they could eat and have all of their stuff handled before heading out to see the village and the ewoks. There was a lot going on that they could try.
Isla swallowed the last bit of her ration bar and chased it down with a drink from her canteen. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, and took one more sip to try and wash away the taste. With her hunger satisfied, for the most part, she glanced over to [member="Misha Ren"]. Her brows arched slightly, and she tilted her head to the side.

“Are you ready to go?” She asked, smiling. “We should get going, I’ll be waiting outside.”

With that, she stood up and set the rucksack onto her back. She adjusted her hood and pulled it up to cover most of her face. She lowered the ramp and stepped back down into the open wilderness. The morning air was crisp, the surroundings still damp with last night’s rain. Isla reached up and stretched her arms towards the sky, and then tilted her head from side to side. While their transport was not too cramped, it was certainly nice to be outside again.

Her eyes turned towards the sky, the sun was beginning to break through the clouds now. It looked like it would be a fairly pleasant day for a journey.
[member="Isla Ashen"]

She gave a nod ot her master as she was eating and there was only a few things she needed to handle as her master left. one was changing out the containment system of the chair and the other was making sure she has her equipment ready to go while it was all fresh. Following behind her master afterwards she she used the hand cleaner and some fo the sun screen to be out in the woods. There was a look on her face when she looked around. Some things stored and ready to trade or try to trade with the ewoks here. She was looking at more of it until they moved around so Misha could look over at the forest after the rain and she was glad she wouldn't have to go through the mud. "Ready to go master."
Isla stood silently outside the transport, leaning slightly with her back pressed against the hull. She tilted her head back slightly and listened to the sounds of the forest. There were drops of rain still falling from tree branches, birds calling cheerful songs, and the gentle rustle of the breeze. She would have been happy to remain here for another couple of days, if their schedule would have allowed. It was nice to have a bit of a break between missions.

She turned as [member="Misha Ren"] emerged from the ship, and she gave a nod as the young woman stated that she was ready. Isla pulled out her datapad, normally she would not have chosen to take such a piece of equipment with her, but it contained their map. After carefully studying the screen for a moment, she looked over at Misha.

“Ok, we should get moving.” She said, and started to walk. “We’ll be going north, towards the mountains. We should find the village fairly easily; they are situated in the tall trees, correct?”
[member="Isla Ashen"]

"Yes." Misha was looking at everythign around her and it was a strange thing. She could sense her master, she could sense the world and there was a stillness. She wasn't exactly at peace but she knew that being angry would not serve a greater purpose as it would just make her numb and unable to really feel the darkside of the force. She wouldn't be able to use it while she was moving towards the north with her master. She expanded her senses outwards to feel the world after the storm. The scent of fresh rain that was working on many of things. She wondered about some of the things here though when her eyes looked out upon the forest itself. The moving of the hover chair gave her what she was able to do while looking around. She adjusted herself before looking over at many of the things they could provide here when she moved. "Are there any other lessons my master that we could work on while we are heading there?"

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