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Private A Twin Thing?

Location: Theed, Naboo
Wearing: [xXx]
Tag: | Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren |


Finding out that there was real family out there had been one of the most surreal moments in Liam's life. Or so he had thought until he learned that part of that family contained a sister - a twin sister no less. He had been flabbergasted, completely mind blown, and for days could not wrap his head around the idea. He had spent so much time, so many years without family. Sure, he had not raised himself, but that family had been necessity and convenience. He had been a charge, not family, and had always accepted that fact. So to learn there was actual family? Well, naturally he had set out to find it. Immediately.

Well...maybe not immediately. Liam had needed to establish a life first after all. He had needed his own ground, his own footing. He couldn't very well find family as a loitering bum, now could he? Not that, that would have been the case really. But he had found his way to the Knights Obsidian, and took his place among the Lotus. His home was established, connections with people were made, and through it all? Fate, or perhaps Destiny seemed to line up. To find his sister among the Lotus had been the very last thing Liam had ever expected, but it had happened. And Liam being who he is? He did not hesitate to introduce himself to her - and tell her exactly who he was, no less. The conversation had not....been ideal, but considering the shock factor? Well...

But! That was all behind them now, and the pair were at least on good terms. Schedules and life tended to keep the twins busy, so nailing down time to visit wasn't always easy. Liam personally wasn't sure he was ready to face the rest of the family, but he absolutely covet his time with his sister. Right now he had a table for the pair of them, a little caf shop that he frequented often - that served more than caf naturally, and he already had a drink sat and waiting for his sister when she arrived. He had news to share, he had gotten himself a mentee now, and was excited to share the news. Plus, he was eager to know how his dear sister was feeling to boot.

When the bell above the door jingled, Liam's gaze lifted, and a smile followed. "Teyla," he greet her and stood, just like he always did, and offered an arm out towards her.
This business of having a twin was all still very new to Teyla, but having twins herself had opened her eyes to what a life growing up with one might have looked like. There’d always been a profound feeling of something, or rather, someone, missing throughout her life. Teyla had always attributed it to a combination of how she was raised, and being adopted.

The path of childhood had been missed, having spent most of it being told to be quiet and not fidget, or being constantly handed off to nannies when Jaggen or Sarnae were too busy for her. She and her sisters had moments of happiness and peace, but experienced more meals with the droids than with their parents; and what little childhood was left after that? It didn’t last long. She was barely seven when they sent her to the Order of Sanctuary.

Just a few years older than Careina.

Being chosen to serve as a Handmaiden in her teens had been a real accomplishment, a source of pride and prestige for her parents, but it’d come with the surrendering of the last vestiges of her innocence.

Only now, through the eyes of her children, did she see how steep a price that’d been.

Liam seemed to have been just as isolated, in his own way. He’d been raised by their mother’s Jedi Master, and while the woman had tried to step into a familial role and was kind to him, she did so at a distance. Being a Jedi came first, everything else second. It had sounded like a very lonely life for a child.

It came with the realization that neither of them had ever really experienced the closeness and warmth of typical families, and Teyla wanted to foster those strong ties for her own children. She wanted her family to be a family and not just a collection of strangers who happened to share the same space as one another.

If that meant cutting out chunks of her own busy schedule to go visit with her twin brother at a local cafe? Then count on her being there. She wouldn’t suffer one more second of distance and isolation.

“Hey!” she exclaimed, opening her arms and burying herself into a brief hug before finding her seat. “I hope you haven’t been waiting long… how’ve you been doing?”

Liam Du'Cal Liam Du'Cal
Tag: | Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren |


It was still the strangest thing, to see first hand that Teyla was a real person. Even after the pair of them had gotten acquainted and through the phases of familiarizing the other with their histories, it was still strange to look up and see that she was there. That Liam had a sister - a twin no less. The galaxy was a crazy place, and yet he was that much better off for it.

When he was embraced, he held onto his sister for only a moment before letting her seat herself. "No, not long at all." he assured her as he sat, which wasn't entirely true, but he had been here early for other reasons. The little old couple who ran the place expected him here for at least on meal on his less busy days. So he had come early to snack and explain why he couldn't eat a full meal at that time, just in case his sister had showed up hungered. If not? He would come back for dinner and be no less pleased about it.

"I've been..." he made a slight face as if trying to find the right words to use. "Busy, but not in a traditional sense of the word? I took on a Squire, and she has had quite the interesting past." A hand rubbed over his face just once and he shook his head. "Sheltered her whole life, protected from anything and everything Force related, and made to believe that all things within the Force are evil." A sigh escaped him through his nose. "So it's been eventful."

Liam adjusted in his seat, leaning forward onto folded arms to support his weight against the table. "What about you? How have things been going? How are those kids?" He hadn't personally been around the children for any length of time thus far, scheduling made that difficult. But eventually, they would figure all of that out! ...Hopefully.

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