Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public A Trip

The bar creaked softly in the wind, as the dying fire in the hearth crackled. Only a few drunks were left at this hour, along with Korum Krov who was sitting alone in a booth, whittling. Every so often he would set his knife down, and look around the room while drumming his fingers slowly on the wooden table. He had hoped this job wasn't another dud, but as service droids began to clean booths he was beginning to think his passenger was a no show. "A few more moments" he told the droid as it reached his seat, waving it along towards the next. If his luck kept up he might start having to take bounties again just to make ends meet.

The door to the bar swung wide. Korum pointed his head towards the entrance to see who had just come in.
An old man, drenched, barely keeping themselves upright stood in the doorway for a moment before they stumbled over towards the bar. At this sight Korum decided to check how late it was, his watch read 1:20am galactic standard time. He let out a long sigh, his hand making a slight humming sound as it rubbed his against the front of his helmet. He realized that his passenger probably wasn't coming. So, he put his knife back in his pocket, stood up, and left a few extra credits on the table for the servers that had allowed him to stay. He then, pulled himself toward the door on his staff and out into the night.

Entering into the cold, Korum braced himself as the wind hit hard. The rain coated one side of his armor then slid into the seams. Gaining his bearings, he looked down each of the dark empty streets before he turned towards the direction of his ship, strolling towards it down the road.
Now at at his ship. Korum climbed up the ramp out of the rain, and rung out his cape before heading inside. his Astromech came towards him whistling angrily once he'd opened the door. "Yeah... no... I... Ju..." he tried to respond to all the small droids accusations "Hold on.". The droid didn't like being left alone for long, so he figured that they'd yell at him for staying out as late as he had. But, this time he'd also apparently forgot to close the ship door when he left. And, something had gotten in. "A monster?" he asked patronizingly "Well then, where is this "monster" now?" R-6 beeped grumpily leading him towards the storage room where they said they'd trapped it.

"Alright then, wish me luck." Korum chuckled as he opened the door and entered the storage room. Soon after, His head turned toward a container in the corner, where he thought he heard the sound of rummaging coming from just behind it.
Stepping Silently Korum crept behind the boxes making sure not to startle whatever it could be. Rounding the corner He barely caught a glimpse before it had begun to run, but making sure he wouldn't lose it dragged the creature toward him with the force. As it flew to his hands It let out a long small squeak, and there he saw it was just a mouse. He held it gently in his hand as it screeched biting and writhing till it slowly calmed down. Out in the hallway he stepped back and turned to his friend presenting the mouse saying "Behold, the monster!"

R-6 beeped sheepishly while he followed Korum towards the kitchen slowly building back his whistles to anger. "I know, I shouldn't have left the door open or left you alone for so long. Im sorry." he replied as he got a cracker and gave it to the mouse, while he sat down. They stayed in silence for the next few seconds only hearing the nibbling from his hand. Standing up he said I'm going to put this monster outside somewhere warm, then lets get going alright. The droid gave a small nod after which Korum walked back out into the storm.

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