Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Taste Of Things To Come


City Of Tháinbroek
Midvinter, Beornskald System
This was alien to Joon. More than anything.

She’d vented her anger at Ayra for disappearing on some “expedition” deemed too private for her Apprentice, and now she had decided to train herself while the Master was away. With access to the weaponry, clothing, ship and all resources, Joon had everything she needed at her fingertips.

Navigating the ship was easy, she had been bred for that, and set a course for Midvinter, a planet she had heard more and more of, and seeing a picture of cities surrounded by white snow made her very curious. Weaponry was a different matter – she had taken a blaster pistol which she could fire in her sleep, and also the lightsaber given to her by Ayra as temporary protection.

It wasn’t her own, but she would look after it as if it was.

Wearing her basic gear under a thick cream fur lined greatcoat belonging to her Master, it was a little big, but it was warm. She looked rather…different to the rest of the people she had seen. With Ayra leaving, she had experimented with her look to feel different from the weak clone she was.

Choppy black hair replaced her smooth long locks. Strands of red peeped through. Heavy make-up she’d only just discovered was used to make her more…human. That’s what females did, be it for social reasons or battle.

The air was crisp, the sky cloudy and the whole place seemed old. To say she was disappointed was an understatement. It was nice to look at, but she felt uncomfortable with all the strange looking men and women around; looking like they were real warriors living off the land. Still, she would have a walk around, noting huge walls surrounding some buildings, and mountains in the distance and a blend of whites, blues and green colours.

Joon spent more time looking at the snow; touching it, smelling it, tasting it – the COLD! It surprised her, but also refreshed her. It was the first time she’d seen snow and experienced it first-hand. It was magical, and more beautiful than the sands of Korriban any day.

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
Mysa had returned to Midvinter with notches on her belt. Missions which had been completed for the Sanctum. Yet little had changed.

As the vessel carrying her lowered toward Thainbroek Mysa resisted the urge to look out of a viewing port. She did not want to see the state the City was in. Too broken and it would remind her of the battle she was doing her best to forget. Too fixed and she would feel angry at how quickly everyone had moved on.

It would not be her Grandpa she met in the Great Hall and address as King, but her Father. Part of her wasn't so certain she was ready for that, to see someone new atop the throne... Even if he was her own flesh and blood.

Much had happened in the time since she had last been here, since her journey across the continent before news about the Cordels had reached her. She hadn't returned after that, she had taken Darien to Voss and met up with Thurion to begin a string of missions and external training. The most predominant of which being the Rakghoul outbreak.

All things geared toward keeping her preoccupied and away from Midvinter.

But now that she was home it felt as though the shadows had returned to loom overhead. The ship landed just outside of the City Gates, and Mysa left without a word to the Captain or her fellow passengers. Clad in her Valkyri cloak young Snowstrider began the short trek to the City, gaze drifting to the broken gate which had begun reconstruction.

Each step took her closer to her future, but also back in time.

She wasn't ready for this.

Joon walked in no rush, as there was a lot of activity going on the closer she got to the walled city, or what was left of it. There were holes in the defense, debris collected on the ground for clearing and even some of the buildings, primitive at that, were half burnt and destroyed.

Her hands tucked inside the arms, she still was fascinated by the snow her boots walked over, and she was the only one who looked like she was here for some peace and quiet - everyone else was pulling together to clear up, repair and rebuild the city. There were lots of people also on horses, which she was fascinated by. Never seen creatures like that.

Smells of burnt wood, fish and spice filled the air as the city tried to be as normal as possible.

Up above, flags flew at half-fast, lapping in the cold breeze. Craning her head to look, she scoffed a little. Everything was so backwards and dreary.

Moving carefully to the side of the winding road, so just stood and watched, and judged.

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
A few muffled thuds marked Felix's return to his snowy homeland. The Frir cub seemed to have missed it as much as she had, and while Mysa had felt bad taking him away from his home while she went to Skye and Voss and everywhere else, she wanted to make sure he would be well looked after. He had been separated from his mother far too early, he wouldn't survive without a helping hand. Not until he was big enough to hunt for himself.

It brought a small smile to her face, seeing him practically engulfed in the snow. He followed after her closely, their bond stronger than she had with almost any other human, and together girl and cub made their way toward the gates.

"Missed it, huh?" she asked, as though Felix could respond, "mm, me too. Shall we go see what Papa's doing?"

Breaking into a bit of a sprint, to urge the cub to follow, she could not help but grin. She was home! It was a wonderful feeling. While it didn't erase the hardship and heartbreak, while it didn't make her forget what had been lost, she allowed herself just a few moments of happiness before the inevitable grief hit home.

She was owed that much.

Joon watched some girl and a creature run along the path. The creature looked like a dog, black and white and covered in snow. It was small, and she wondered if the fur lined coat was made from animals like that to keep warm.

She turned as they began to run past, and Joon felt…felt a small bond, she couldn’t explain it; as if she was somehow in tune with her ability and senses. It was strange, and a curious smile curled on her lip. Joon looked at the girl and dog, cocking her head and whistling to get the hound’s attention.

The dog stopped and looked back at Joon, who laughed a little and nodded to the animal, then ignored it and went back to sauntering around the debris, watching people work. How weak they looked.

No strength.

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
It only took a few seconds for the gleeful expression to wear off. In the distance she saw the trees through which she and Théo had once ventured to explore. It was there that she had first met Belawir. It was there that they had come to the Gods for guidance, for protection, to help in the Battle of Thainbroek.

But there was no Théo to share that sacred grove with any longer. He was gone, Gods knew where he was, and now Mysa was alone. Sure, she had her parents... Two lots of them! But without her little brother she felt rather lost. The pair had experienced so many things here on Midvinter, they had grown into their own people at one another's side.

Her run had crawled to a halt, and Felix stopped at her feet and nuzzled her ankles for comfort.

It wasn't fair. Tears stung at her eyes, causing Mysa to look down at her feet to try and hide it. First Thrand, then Théo. The Gods were taking from her the only people who truly knew her at her core. Why were they testing her in such a way? Tormenting her... Had she not been pious? Had she not done all they asked of her?

Felix's attention was stolen for a moment as he took a few steps into the snow and sniffed the air. Mysa followed the cub's gaze toward a strange woman stood amidst the snow. She was an offworlder, that much was immediately obvious, yet she didn't seem to have much of an agenda. Why else would she be stood staring at the broken gates of her home?

Before she could stop him Felix had bounded off in her direction. "Felix, no... Come back." She hurried after him, most people didn't take too kindly to Frir near the City... The only reason Felix was an exception was because Mysa protected him. If she had been anyone other than the King's Daughter she knew he'd have been dead a long time ago.

Hearing the call from the warrior girl, Joon turned to look, a fake smile across her face as she took in her peculiar dress sense and the bounding little hound at her feet.

”What happened here?” Joon asked, looking up at the gates.

There had been a battle, an attack. Like Duro. Invading Jedi and Republic soldiers taking what they wanted and destroying what they didn’t at the expense of everything else like Joon’s sister. She shook her head.

”This is a strange place. It’s cold and, well, seems very old. Do you live here? You look sad.”

She cast a sideways glance to the warrior girl.

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
She was not very good at detecting the deceit in others; she may have been an Umbaran, but she hadn't had the upbringing her Mother had, she had never been taught how to deceive. As a result, the woman's smile seemed genuine... No reason for Mysa to feel on edge or awkward. Instead she scooped the cub up into her arms and let him nuzzle against her neck.

"Sorry about that" she began, before hearing the woman's questions. Mysa's eyes fell upon the gates, while a grim expression fell upon her face. "War" she replied, not wanting to go too much more into it than that.

It still pained her, after all this time, to think about it. Thrand, Théo, all the countless citizens who had fallen...

"This is Midvinter, it is cold yes... Perhaps we should find you a more suitable cloak. Some furs. Come, I'm sure there's something for you in the Keep."

She made a gesture for Joon to follow if she wanted, and began to walk toward the gates.

"I'm Mysa, and yes I live here. This little guy's Felix, I hope he didn't startle you. The natives don't much like his kind." She gave the cub a fuss behind the ears.

Joon nodded a little, the temperature wasn’t very comfortable and she wasn’t used to it. She sauntered along and followed the girl – Mysa. Hands tight in the long greatcoat over her jacket, she watched the animal – Felix – spinning and hanging around the feet of the girl. Strange creature.

”I don’t care for the animal. And war? War with who? Jedi?”

She had seen this sort of destruction before, and it would fall in line with what the Republic Jedi were doing taking out all sorts of new cultures, projects and development. Maybe this Midvinter place was housing something else, like the JN project?

”I’ve seen war like this, I myself survived it and am here to help and bring about order and balance and justice by the night.”

The clone smiled to herself; it felt good saying her prime directive again, without Darth Ayra questioning her.

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
She placed Felix back amidst the snow where he felt at home and watched him flop around for a little while, nuzzling, nudging, tripping... He was a welcome respite from all that had happened, truly it felt as though Runa and Éar had conspired to keep her mental state well following the battle and all that had come from it the night they sent her this cub.

The reminder of the battle's eve made her worry over whether or not Gideon had made it. The young Huntsman had provided some much needed distraction and comfort before the warhorns had sounded. She would have to seek him out, what was his Father's name... Crowseye? Something like that. If he lived in Thainbroek she could find him.

"The Jedi? No..." she almost laughed, though she did understand that many in the Galaxy had a very negative view of her Order. "The Jedi helped to stave off the Vinterbound. They're like... Horrific, icy, undead husks." The reminder of them had her shiver. She wanted to mention the fact that the Sith had been responsible for how organized they had been during the battle, but she didn't. Mysa knew better than to point fingers and blame.

"You're lucky to have survived war, many here were not so lucky as I'm sure was the case wherever you're from. I'm sorry if you lost anyone close to you."

By now they were just about passing through the gates. The Great Hall wouldn't be too far now, and the huts which lined the streets would provide some much needed shelter from the snow and wind which in turn should help the woman feel a little bit warmer.

With both arms around her chest, Joon walked beside the girl and kept an eye on the ground she walked over, breaking a few spots of virgin snow, and a little irked at the occasional patch of ice underneath causing her to wobble.

Glancing to her, Joon noticed the large gates they walked through, reminding her of Sojourn and the secure fort. She didn’t look at the warrior girl as she spoke up.

”I lost four sisters to the Jedi.”

That hurt. That made Joon turn to the girl.

”Don’t defend them, because I was the victim of their greed and violence.” She looked away to the path they were walking with more people around, as if it were a small plaza. ”I’m surprised your kind was spared.”

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
Mysa was not surprised by the woman's view of the Jedi, but it hurt her all the same. Her adoptive parents, Thurion and Coci, were both Jedi, they oversaw their Order, and they did a damn good job of helping their area of space. In fact, they were the kind who redeemed ... They didn't needlessly kill. And never, ever innocents.

The Republic then? The Alliance?

"I learned the hard way that you cannot blame all for the actions of one."

The young girl swallowed, and exhaled a small breath, before reaching down to pick Felix back up in her arms before another idiot tried to harm him. That hadn't been a fun experience.

"There are many kinds of Jedi in the Galaxy, friend. Some reside in the Outer Rim, where pirates and other wrongdoers run rampant... They tend to have a harder hand, need a harder hand, to protect those who can't help themselves. Then there are the Jedi of the Core. From what I've heard they were once good, but the Council and the Senate were too closely woven. The affairs of the State became the affairs of the Order... And when the Sith began invading, well... It turned them bitter. Though I doubt they'd admit as much, they did a lot of horrific things all in the name of Justice."

Mysa practically spat that last word. What the Republic Jedi did was not justice. They were blatant war crimes, and no effective measures or punishment had been put in place at the time. Which is why the Sanctum and the Silvers came to be... But this woman didn't need to know that.

"Some Jedi though, some really do care. They exist without government, they answer to no higher power... Which means their motives aren't skewed, and they can truly work to help those who need it. It's those Jedi who helped here. They did not harm any innocents, just the icy terrors who threatened to destroy all life. Who killed our King and our people, and destroyed our home."

She didn't see herself as a Jedi these days. Her time on Voss was limited, and while she had been away from Midvinter since the battle this was still her home. She was a shieldmaiden, a Valkyri, not so much a Jedi.

The Great Hall came into view, and Mysa gestured to it. Home of the King, her home... Even before Thrand fell, even before Thyrian ascended the Throne, it had been this building which had been home to her. It was here that she had been brought when Kära vanished, here that she had been made the King's Ward until his younger son could come for her. Papa Thurion... Uncle Thurion. It was confusing, at times.

"It will be warmer inside, Friend. Have you eaten?" She glanced to the sky, noting the time of day. "I'm sure that dinner will be ready, and there'll be enough for a guest."

Joon looked at the animal in the girls arms - looked a little wild, but annoying. Like it shouldn't be here. Good job that beast wasn't wandering around or Joon was ready to give it a good kick out of the way. She'd eaten animals the same size of this - she'd do it again.

"The Sith are the ones who know what they are doing. They do it without deliberating and trying to please everyone. That's why Jedi fail, because they try to please everyone in the pursuit of their own blurred vision and don't care who they have to hurt in the process because they're doing it for a 'greater good'." She followed Mysa inside.

It was warm and a wonderful sight to behold, unlike anything she'd ever seen. A smell teased her nose and it made her body tingle.

"I would love to eat, thank you. You shall be rewarded by my Master for this, I assure you."

Joon turned to the warrior.

"Trust me; don't fall for the Jedi way. They will hurt you as they hurt me in the end. Maybe you should come with me after this and my Master will help you. Or I can help you. My name is Joon. Pleasure to meet you, Mysa."

Her lips curled into a smile - the tendrils of the Dark seeped out from her aura, a want to take this girl and make her into a sister like she had missed. To fight with and grow with.

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
Mysa couldn't help but laugh. It was light, more of a giggle, very airy and unoffending to the ears.

"Don't worry about me, Friend, I walk my own path through life." Did she interact with Jedi? Sure. Did she train with them whenever she traveled to Voss? Yes, yes she did. But as each day passed, Mysa realized that she wasn't quite so staunch a Jedi as her adoptive family. She most certainly wasn't a Sith like her blood parents once were... She was simply Mysa.

Once upon a time she'd had some silly thought of being a wonderful pacifist Jedi who could make the Galaxy better, safer. The recent battle had ruined that.

"Though I wouldn't be so quick to judge all of them. Trust me, not everyone is the same. And that's a good thing."

When the stranger seemed to ease up, once in the warmth of the Great Hall, Mysa could only smile. Yes, food did sound like a very good idea. She had missed the strange cooking style of Midvinter. Hopefully älk would be on the menu, a delicacy she had been sorely missing.

Leading the woman - Joon she had just revealed her name to be - through the entrance and down toward the mess hall, Mysa turned her head to look upon her. There was definitely a darker presence about her, but also a naivety... Almost innocence, but not quite. Someone had most definitely skewed her view of the Galaxy. And that bothered Mysa. The same had happened to her when she was a child in Kära's laboratory. But she had been young enough to shake it off when she realized that wasn't the case.

This woman looked a lot older than a six year old.

"Nice to meet you too, Joon... I'm not certain what it is you think I need help with though."

A tender smile, before the hall opened up around them. The Throne was vacant, which made her frown... Where was Papa? When they realized who had just walked in, after months away, some of the servants seemed shocked and then a couple came to fuss around her. But Mysa waved them off with a gentle laugh.

"Where is Pa... I mean..."

Mysa had never stumbled over what to call her own Father before, but she had left so quickly after his coronation that she had no idea what to refer to him as.

"His Grace is absent, at present, M'Lady. Off with your Uncle and Cousin."

That had her smile press into a frown, she had missed him so dearly, but she brushed it off. Théo was here? On Midvinter? That brought back another grin to her lips. With a slight nod, she gestured to Joon.

"Could you have some furs brought for my guest, I'm afraid she's a little under dressed for Midvinter. If my Mother is around, would you let her know that I'm home?"

The servant gave a slight nod, before looking Joon up and down - still so distrustful of outsiders, even after all this time - before hurrying off to see to Mysa's request. Without a word she made a gesture and began to wander toward one of the tables which still bore the remains of a decent lunch. On other tables soldiers, guards, and even servants, ate freely. That was something Mysa loved so dearly about her home.

"Help yourself, Friend. May I ask why you are on Midvinter? It doesn't seem like somewhere you've ever been before..."

Her eyes went a little wide at the foods. In fact, the whole Hall itself. It was alive; warm, inviting and close to nature. Smells filled her nose, but she didn't know of what. It was amazing and she'd never felt anything like it. She twirled in mid-step, like those princesses did when trying on a dress, and ignored the people who looked at her. This was a whole new world from what she new. If one planet was this different, imagine what every other planet was like! And all hers to explore and feed from!

"Oh, you know," she said softly, "help with finding who you are away from what you think you are. That's all."

She stopped by a large table, long and decorated with basic bunting on the side. Her fingers touched the fabric, and then moved to touch the food. It was soft, warm, pale in colour. She had no idea what it was, but it was big and smelt nice. There were various orbs of colour around it, and they looked like fruits. Her mouth watered. Far better than animal flesh and bugs.

"I'm just here to look around really," voice dreamy as she looked at the banquet, "and find out more about the galaxy. This is a place close to where I'm from, and I've never seen snow before or anything like this food. Seems I made a good choice coming here. And no Jedi too, which is a good thing!"

Joon smiled and carefully took a small green fruit between her fingers and gingerly bit in, releasing some juice that dribbled down her chin which she chuckled at and tried to hide. It was sweet and soft, and she devoured it in no time.

"So...are you a Queen or something? A Master? What are you, and what is this place? A fort? Do warriors live here?"

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
The genuine, pure awe in this stranger's expression pleased Mysa like nothing else. So many in the Galaxy viewed worlds such as Midvinter as inferior. It was not technologically advanced, not in the slightest. Its people were in many ways very ignorant, xenophobic, and the lifestyle was basic. To many barbaric, even. But it was home. To see another revel in that was freeing.

"But I know who I am" Mysa said, softly, as she slid a wooden plate from one side and loaded it with a bit of everything. Some very thin-cut älk meat that would melt in the mouth, bittersweet fruits plucked from the nearby forests, even fish brought in on wagons not too dissimilar from the one she and Théo had hitched a ride on... During another lifetime. It felt so long ago that she chased him into the dark light of dawn to keep him safe. So long since they had first seen the Vhaanir.

Lastly she tore some warm bread, threw a thick helping of freshly made butter over the top, and settled it to the plate before handing it across to Joon. She kept a careful watch to see which she responded most pleasantly to the taste of, that way when Joon was ready to leave Mysa could give her more as a parting gift. Nothing like delicious foods to entice someone to visit again.

"Snow can be horribly cold, and very dangerous... But fun, too. If you haven't been around snow before, then I doubt you've been sledding, or had a snowball fight." She grinned to that thought. "If you stay long enough, perhaps I can show you some of my favourite spots, this world is really beautiful."

The way this woman spoke of the Jedi no longer hurt. Mysa figured that, like many in the Galaxy, she'd been given a rough deal, and the war between Sith and Jedi had taken its toll and created a negative viewpoint. Mysa couldn't blame her. She'd seen what war could do.

To the next layer of questions, the young girl could only chuckle. So inquisitive, so curious. Much like Mysa had been when first released.

"I'm not a Queen, no" she smiled, "though my Papa was recently made King, like my Grandpa before him."

The thought of Thrand made her stomach curl, and she settled down the bread she was about to eat with a thin frown.

"This is the Great Hall, where the King resides. My home. It's also where he tends to his people, if they have worries or concerns... They can come and speak to him about it here. As for warriors... Well, most Valkyri are warriors at heart. And yes, some reside here. Mostly the guards though. But it wasn't built to house them."

Mysa sighed a little and tapped her chin. Then she tilted her head just a little and considered Joon silently. Finally, the question which had been running through her mind for a while now bubbled to the surface.

"How long since you were freed, Joon? I know the signs of someone who was kept away from the Galaxy... The way you stare in awe at every little thing." She smiled, but it was a sad smile that didn't quite meet her gaze. "I was the same way, for a long time after... Years even."

Deep down she still was. Whenever she saw somewhere new, or heard a word she didn't know in the basic tongue...

The clone spent a good deal of her time stood looking around the Hall, wrapped in her coat but not needing it, her body temperature pretty comfortable right now in the climate. As Mysa spoke, she took in as much as she could, from the warriors around her to the guards, the food, the decor and the girl herself who she caught a few times looking at her.

Funny; there was a calm to Joon now, as if Mysa has touched upon a more humane side that Ayra hadn't yet. Joon after all had been raised and trained with a number of identical clones who she classed as family and were all she knew. She looked to the plate and held it with one hand, savouring the smell and straight away starting to pick at the food, not really caring for the varied texture and taste, just enjoying the flavours. Salty, spiced, sweet.

"I like it..." she mumbled through food, glancing around and feeling comfortable, ", and it's nice. Really nice."

She had heard the question, and didn't mind being asked, but had to think for a moment, hence her eating. To be honest, part of her was distracted thinking about those who lived here and what Mysa was part of.

"Um, a couple of months." She sucked her thumb dry from the juice of the fruit. "My Master found me on Duro after an assault by the Republic and the Jedi Knights, and she has taken me in to learn about the Dark Side of the Force and fulfil my destiny as a Force Warrior to destroy the Jedi, which is what I was made for to serve the Empire."

It was evident she didn't care about what she said out loud, and there was no filter to her words. She had an objective and a path, and she would tell it if asked. She ate another mouthful and looked at Mysa.

"I like you. I don't understand society, and people. But you seem nice. And honest. I know liars, at least I do now Ayra looks out for me, but you seem nice. You and your people. I have no war with you. I don't want to hurt you and hope we never fight."

She smiled. She was honest, and meant nothing by it.

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
Mysa smiled. A genuine smile. She could get used to outsiders complimenting her people's ways, so many judged, ridiculed, refused to admit that they liked even one small thing because they saw the full picture as inferior. It angered her in ways she couldn't understand. But Joon... Joon seemed to get it.

She hadn't really had friends before, aside from Théo but he was her brother... well, technically her cousin. He didn't count in that regard.

"I'm glad you like it, by all means help yourself to more."

The young Snowstrider had half turned toward one of the servants carrying furs when Joon's next words hit her. Mysa began to choke on the bread she had just taken a bite out of, coughing and spluttering until her face turned bright red and threatened to become purple.

A passing servant, who clearly hadn't heard the strange woman's bold proclamation, gave her a sharp whack on the back which allowed her to begin breathing again. But her face remained red, this time with indignation.

Before she could say anything a shadow loomed over the table, and a calm yet firm voice broke through the murmurs of the hall.

"You will leave now, I will not have my daughter consorting with your kind."

A ridiculously pregnant Kära stood there, pale eyes fixed firmly upon Joon. She did not have to look at Mysa for the young girl to realize she was in big, big trouble.

Despite knowing better, Mysa still spoke against her.

"Mother, it's fine... Please."

The short Umbaran turned her head toward Mysa to silence her, before looking back to Joon.

"I don't know what fool put these ideas in your head, girl, but you're as brainwashed as they come. There is no Empire. It fell long before you could have been born, long before my child here was born. The Sith are gone, and if you know what's good for you, you'll put those thoughts from your mind. Your Master has fed you lies. You can argue against that all you wish, but two minutes in the real Galaxy will still your tongue."

Guards had risen but remained in the background, knowing better than to interrupt the future Queen. The servants continued about their business, but their heads turned toward the clamor when they believed nobody was looking.

"Now, you have two choices. You can sit, eat, and speak plainly of less political matters to my daughter - with no mention of silly Force Sects - or you can leave. And I don't just mean the Hall."

Mysa stared at her feet. How had things gone from so lovely - a true kinship, the likes of which she hadn't found before - to .. this. Whatever this was.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, to both Joon and her Mother... Hazarding a glance to Joon to see her response. She really did hope it wouldn't come to violence, Mysa would never stand anywhere other than at her Mother's side, especially given how heavily pregnant she was.

There was a little snigger from Joon as she bit into some warm bread; nice and crusty. Mysa had a funny reaction, and it was very honest. But as the shade seemed to darken around her, and a cold tingle ran up her spine, Joon's eyes flicked sideways as a voice cut through the air.

A mother to Mysa. A daughter put in her place. A hushed atmosphere - she commanded many; she had power.

As the woman spoke with little volume but lots of harsh, biting words that were more akin to Ayra, Joon didn't move, and slowly rolled the moist bread in her mouth as she spoke down to the clone about her heritage, her roots and her family all gone in a fireball of death and destruction. And then the ultimatum to leave.

Joon liked Mysa, but she didn't like the woman. The mother.

"Insolent woman," she said as she fingered her plate a little. "Ignorant fool. Basking in your glory." She flipped the plate upside down, throwing the food up and over. With that, she stood slowly and turned, raising an eyebrow. Her face that of one trained by one so ruthless as Ayra.

"You don't know me, and I don't care what you think. You don't impress me, and you don't frighten me. I like Mysa, but I don't like you. If you touch me or try anything, I will have my Master send a fleet and blow your planet out of the stars." Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "Stop it!"

She shot a look down to Mysa, poor Mysa looking at the ground like Joon once did when Ayra shouted her down.

"Don't let her talk to you like this, Mysa, or you will always live in her shadow. I better be going." She pushed back the chair and looked at this...mother. "The Empire will rise again and the Sith will lead the way."

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
Kära's silence was more terrifying to Mysa than any word which could've been said.

The young girl flinched as the plate was turned over, sending food scattered across the table. Snowstrider gulped, a knot forming in the pit of her stomach. She had never been in trouble before. Not with Thurion or Coci, Thyrian or Kära. Never. Oh... Well there was that one time that she and Théo hijacked one of Valiens' ships back on Voss but...

That was another time, another place.

"Oh, please don't hurt Midvinter" she cried, exasperated, when Joon threatened to wipe her world from the Galaxy. "Mother means well, she does..."

Speaking of, Mother had taken a step back from the table, one hand clutching her abdomen. Even bearing so much she still managed to seem imposing and strong. By contrast Mysa looked positively weak.

When Joon rose Mysa mimicked her actions, before freezing.

What was she doing? This woman was a Sith... A misled Sith, but a Sith all the same. Mysa could not follow after her, she could not take her advice. And the way that Kära stared at her daughter left her feeling rooted to the spot. Warned against chasing after the stranger.

"Why does this always happen?" she finally snapped, speaking to no one in particular. "First Thrand, then Théo. Now this!"

She shook her head and turned to flee from the room. The Gods really had forsaken her, it seemed.


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