Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Tale of Two Cities, Tangled Webs Part II

Coruscant, the proposed and often thought center of the galaxy. One of the only planets that radiated enough light that it could be seen from other systems. The planet that never slept. It was constantly at the center of power struggles. New governments sweeping in to claim it and, thus, seeking the imagined legitimacy it offered. On the exterior the planet wide city glittered like a thousand diamonds in the sunset. But dip below the surface and the ugly truth was that corruption festered and infected from within. It was a beautiful and ugly planet that drew people in with promises only to spell an untimely demise. It was everything good and everything evil.

William felt at home here.

Standing upon one of the balconies he gazed across the city sparkling in the night sky. Above him several skyhooks floated tethered to the buildings below. Lifelines that did nothing but remind those grounded below them that were not one of the gods that looked down from their lofty positions with disdain upon mere mortals. And so those planet bound sought to escape the gravity of their lives for loftier heights of the immortal elite.

Moves on a board. Players striving to overcome one another to replace them in power and authority. The eternal womp rat race of mortals attempting to step on the shoulders of others to attain new heights. Too bad they were playing a one dimensional game on a two dimensional board with three dimensional rules. The bacteria couldn't even imagine let alone comprehend a four dimensional being laughing at their simplicity and ignorance.

He shook his head in amusement while leaning against the railing. A glass of wine swirled between his fingers, hand hanging haphazardly over the rail. If he released the glass it would tumble and fall. Down, down, and down until eventually it would hit a lower level most likely killing a completely different class of sentient being. It's what those in power did. They used those beneath them without care or regard.

A breeze ruffled his hair, the air darkening even more as the weather began turning less pristine. He could smell the ozone of the planetary shields conflict with the overworked weather satellites. A storm was brewing and he contemplated the odds of it actually manifesting. It little mattered, for his plans with his new pet would continue. So he took a sip, the image of a gentleman in a midnight suit.



|| C O R U S C A N T ||
The city planet.

I had never been to the glittering jewel of the Galaxy, so it had come as a surprise when William had informed me that we were going. Even if I were to make my own way there, the practice would be most beneficial. Although I'm no savage or slob by any means, I wasn't used to the kind of fine grooming that William had me subjected to. My hair was piled onto my head, a few delicate ringlets left to tumble down and frame my face. The pins had tiny jewels, matching the simple necklace on my neck. The gown that he had picked out for me tightly hugged my torso, the soft, subtly glittering fabric had one long sleeve that mostly covered the scar he'd given me. From the hip it fell about my legs, pooling on the floor about my feet, which in turn were dressed up in a simple, yet elegant pair of silver heels the same color as the necklace and jewels.

The man himself was ahead of me, through the large double doors out on the balcony, wine in hand. I moved to join him, practicing walking with my chin high and an air of authority and elegance about my form.

Approaching him from behind, I allowed the soft click-clack of my heels on the balcony floor to announce my arrival before stepping out to drape my arms over the railing, gazing out at the city stretching out forever beyond us. Feeling the cool breeze roll across my features I turned my nose to the air, inhaling deeply and feeling that deep excitement of a brewing storm.

"Feels as though it's going to turn dark tonight." I commented, ensuring every word was articulated and elegant, matching the woman I portrayed.

I turned to lean one hip on the railing, facing William with my head tilted to one side,

"What are our plans tonight, my Lord?"

[member="William the Bloody"]
The woman's presence was announced by her deliberate walk, the tap tap of her heels giving voice to the scent he had already caught. He needn't turn, for she came to him as was proper. Taking another sip of the wine he looked across the expanse to the nearest building, eyes focusing on a floor ten flights down. The windows were reflective yet nothing about them kept him from seeing what transpired within. His eyes blinked and took on the serpentine slits, seeing the heat that radiated from within. Four figures sat around a table in what surely had to be a meeting of some sort. His curiosity piqued, yet he knew that soon it would be satisfied.

Turning his head he scrutinized the woman before him. She wore the talons of high class born, regal yet demure, of a woman who knew her charms and utilized them. His understanding of his vassal grew daily, however, there was more he needed to know. Tracing the visible scar left visible he allowed the cold smile to touch his lips as memory of her blood on his tongue gave physical testament to his possession. Glancing back to the floor he had been observing he released a sigh.

“Other than your abilities to manipulate you will upon a target, what is your strongest ability in your estimation? What have you learned from the journal? And what do you yet wish to learn, girl?”

His empty hand slipped into his pants pocket and withdrew a small ruby, it's multi faceted surface catching the evening light to cast red hues across them as he toyed with it idly. A parting gift he unwrapped from Hari in a grisly manner. But one that had gifted him information he did not possess before. Nothing of monumental import by itself. Despite the fact, when combined with his knowledge and power, it opened a new avenue before him.

On the balcony next to them lay Doggo, a giant pile of mongrel who huffed as she watched her master. The girl may have thought she had the beginnings of understanding of who and what her master was, but tonight would show that she had not yet ascertained the truth of William the Bloody.
It was going to be an eventful night.



There was something about how William looked at me.

I couldn't entirely place what it was, but his gaze was intense, like the crack of a whip. Every time he turned those eyes onto me it felt as though a leash had been tightened, yanking me back to heel. His eyes paused briefly on my shoulder, the tiniest hint of a smile curling at his lips. By now he'd have figured out my tells, including the subtle movement in my neck as I swallowed; resisting the urge to lift my fingers to the scar and touch it. That was unkosher for a lady of class, after all.

He asked me a question, his fingers moving to inspect a spectacular ruby as he did so. I thought about the question for a moment, turning so that the railing was at my back and an arm elegantly lay across it on each side. Leaning back, I lifted my chin, staring up into the sky as the distant storm continued to brew and boil.

"You've seen my telekinesis, my Lord. Although, I can't lift much more than that at the moment. I've trained to heal others, but could learn a little more on that as well. My strongest spell is my barrier of protection. Mine can now withstand a few blaster bolts, or even slugthrowers for a time."

I paused, my scarred shoulder rolling back ever so slightly. Even if I'd wanted to, the spell I'd learned wouldn't remove the scars. As I thought about it, however, I realized with something of a start that... I don't think I want to. My family was always careful to make sure that the scars from their lessons were removed, that I was left with no evidence of their torment. I had accepted the lessons, but it had been strange to me that they were reluctant to leave a physical reminder.

"As for what I wish to learn?"

With the softest sigh, I pulled myself from the railing, turning to face him completely once more,

"I have two goals. One is..." I blushed, "admittedly selfish. I want to unlock the secret to immortality. All living things are doomed to pass on one day, but I don't want to. I... don't want to go. The other is more... practical. I once met a man who could cloak himself in the force, becoming almost entirely invisible. Unfortunately, my family got to him before I could have him teach me that power."

My gaze rested on the man sipping wine on the balcony. If I proved my usefulness... would he be able to offer such things?

[member="William the Bloody"]
He observed Sylvi with a look of mild curiosity. The gown she wore revealed half her scar. He had given her several choices for a dress, narrowing it to three. One had revealed the entire scar, a statement of boldness and power to all who saw it. She was a woman who had overcome difficulties and triumphed, no fear and no reservations. The second was one that had just a hint of the scar visible, a sheer cloth that was just transparent enough that a very, very faint outline was potentially able to be traced with the eye. This gown revealed a woman of secrets that offered a subtle hint of mystery and vulnerability.

The third gown did neither and was a test that she had failed. An indecisive selection that, while fetching and fitting, did not tell a story. A missed opportunity and a failure in his estimation. A sneer of disgust given the woman. Her words about her training and teachers made him have the urge to visit her homeworld and teach them just how little they knew. Perhaps they would go together in the near future. The idea removed the negative emotion and replaced it with his normal facade of amused disinterest.

Leaning over the railing, he went back to observing the meeting across the way. A skyhook reigned from above anchored to the opposing tower. But like many such skyhooks there were plenty of cables stretching out to neighboring structures for communication, entertainment, and even private holo feeds. Two such cables were anchored to the very balcony they leaned on.

“You will fail. Immortality is beyond you. Invisibility … may be a possibility …”

The instruction she had received from the Skyholme Lucites were filled with misinformation. Like the Jedi and Sith, though more extreme. Somewhat akin to the Witches of Dathomir. To understand what you could control and wield utilizing raw power versus what needed to be focused and woven in a tapestry of foresight. He had much to correct before he could teach.

“There are many ways to achieve this. Bending light, a control of others’ senses, a spell of cloaking, a variance of spatial dimensional perpetuity. Let us leap right into the lesson. Use your strengths.”

Doggo came over and gnawed on a cable, severing it after a few moments. Catching the end he held it out, nonchalantly to Sylvi.

“I want you to go over there and find out what they are speaking of. Try not to be seen. Most likely you will fail, but perhaps I will be surprised. If not, I'll find another vassal.”



The slight sneer cut me deep.

It was as though with merely a glance, the man had thrust a blade into my gut. It was a different kind of pain than what I was used to. I thrived on physical suffering, used it to fuel and shape myself. It was my language; how I communicated and how I understood. But this? This kind of pain was different. He could only hurt me because I cared about what he thought. Somehow, William the Bloody had taken my attention and fixed it firmly upon himself, I had to be invested, I had to allow him to hurt me.

And it worked... beautifully.

Although my posture remained perfect, my gaze dropped, eyes lowering as a tiny breath almost like a gasp slipped through my lips.

Turning away from me, he continued with the painful lesson, informing me that immortality was beyond my reach. With that, I felt as though the wound he'd made caught fire. Something rebellious sparked deep within me, not merely the desire to prove him wrong, but the wholehearted determination to see such a thing through. He still thought so little of me, and while I couldn't explain it... I wanted him to think more. I was wrapped up in the desire for his approval, and I couldn't even understand why it mattered so much.

"A spell of cloaking..."

I repeated one of the possibilities he mentioned, the one that stuck out to me. But before I could ask anything about it he moved on, he handed me a cable that his beast had chewed until it was free, giving me an instruction to make my way to the building across from us and find out what was being said. I blinked in surprise, my gaze moving from the man, to the cable, and then back to him.

"Yes Master." I replied, a soft smile curling at my lips, "but... not with that."

He expected me to fail. Likely, the offered cable was meant to be a desperate grasp at a seemingly helping hand, only for it to become the catalyst of my failure. It was a harsh, but important lesson, after all. Without touching the cable, I turned and disappeared inside, coming back with a commlink. I'd had the small device for some time, but had hardly used it. Now, however, it would function perfectly as a listening device. Returning to the balcony, I spied the floor he wanted me to go to.

Masters of telekinesis can fly, and those with adept understanding of the art can levitate. Me? The best I can do is slow my fall.

Thankfully, that's all I had to do.

Grateful for the slit in my dress, I scaled over the edge of the balcony, my hearts racing and my body suddenly singing with anticipation and fear. Nothing protected my frail form from the deadly drop hundreds upon hundreds of feet below. I focused on my destination, ignoring the panic, and took a moment to call upon my magic. Without saying anything more, I took a leap of faith.

It was exhilarating to suddenly be in the air, surrounded on all sides by the mounting, building storm. But I couldn't enjoy it, I had to stay focused, to keep the magic around myself and control my body perfectly. The building rushed up to meet me, the other balcony hurtling towards me. Shoving aside all the doubt, all the regret, all the fear, I focused instead on the tiny landing area...

and landed with a soft thud into a crouch.

My breaths were ragged and quick, my entire body humming with excitement and adrenaline. But I'd made it. Hurriedly I stood, tucking myself into a corner. Pressed into the shadowy nook, I was temporarily hidden from view, but that wouldn't last forever. First things first, I took the commlink I'd stuffed into my cleavage and tucked it into the fake potted plant on the window beside the large sliding door, so that the microphone faced the room but the blinking light was buried in the dirt. There, my Master would have his conversation.

Now... I just had to get out.

For now, I just wanted to remain unseen, to have a few moments to think and plot. Closing my eyes, I pulled in all of my magic. The growing, distant storm grew closer, gathering a power of its own. With a deep breath in, I reached out, seeking to take a mote of that power. I imagined wrapping myself up in that power, draping the sheer, raw magic around myself like a blanket, totally shielding me from view.

If this didn't work, I would need another plan... and fast.

[member="William the Bloody"]
His words and expressions had wounded her. The reaction just as he intended. The gasp was like music to his ears. The manipulation of her need was orchestrated like a master maestro, the swell of the thunderous tempo washing over them both. The devious machinations of William was miniscule and subtle, a lesson she would learn if she survived. A whisper of thought from Sylvi of the possibilities he had offered followed by acquiescence to his expectations, yet not accepting his offered assistance. She turned to re-enter the suite, his eyes following her admiring both her resolve and her figure.

When she returned he was once more looking out across the distance to the floor below. Despite his curiosity to her plan he remained aloof and disinterested. Her climb over the railing almost caused concern to leap to the front of his mind. Had he pushed her too far? Was she surrendering her life due to his manipulation? Was she in fact not worthy of his time and ministration? But no, she was determined and focused. She had a plan, one he had not ascertained yet. So silently he watched with a hint of expectation and hesitancy. He felt the gathering of the Force, lines of power being manipulated and drawn for a purpose.

Then she leapt.

He gave no outward response, save for the slight tightening of his hands upon the railing and wine glass. Sylvi soared through the sky, her descent controlled and even, as she dropped levels down while crossing the empty distance. He allowed a smile of pride at her ingenuity and control. What she had just done took more gall and power then she had, just moments before, claimed to possess. It was truly impressive. She landed below and planted a listening device before her figure shimmered like a mirage in the desert, then vanished like a shadow in the morning light.

He clapped his hands in applause. She had taken steps that she didn't think she was capable of. He made a reminder in his mind to give her praise once they returned to the ship, before tearing her down and deconstructing her with brutality. A treat in one hand and the stick with the other.

“Bravo girl. Bravo.”

He looked to the cable laying over the rail and with a nonchalant motion, pushed it from it's berth. Slowly it fell before swinging like a pendulum toward one of the windows where Sylvi crouched. With a loud crash it slammed into the mirrored glass with such a commotion it roused all four men to their feet to investigate. They approached the balcony with hands upon weapons. Meanwhile behind them a shadow wavered and coalesced into a form of a hulking creature, made of darkness. It approached the table where they had been seated and collected something before dissipating into the gloom of the room once more. The men opened the door to their balcony and began to slip outside.


It worked.

I could barely believe it, but it worked. My hearts all fluttered at once, my mind abuzz with the exhilaration of success. I turned look back up at the balcony from which I'd come, to see my Master applauding. From here it was difficult to tell, maybe he was being sarcastic, perhaps he was taunting me. Or maybe... maybe he was truly pleased at what I'd done. However, even as I allowed myself a smile and a moment to enjoy my victory, everything went horribly wrong.

It began when my Master dropped his hands and moved to the cable hanging over his railing. My stomach dropped into my feet, my smile faltering.

Reaching the cable, he picked it up... and let it fall.

As though in slow motion, the heavy cable fell towards me. Frozen in shock for a moment, I felt forced to watch as it hurtled through the sky, gathering momentum before suddenly slamming into the window beside me, shattering the glass. My hands moved up over my head, my concentration pushed to its absolute limits. I could feel the shroud I'd pulled around myself shimmer, wavering as I began to lose control.

Instinct kicked in now; it had to.

Problem one: Body.

I was visible, only slightly, a shimmering shadow, movement in the glittering reflections of a thousand shards of glass. Right now, it wasn't that much of a problem, as the shards bounced the light around and confused the setting, making me just another of the shapes in the night.

Problem two: Location.

The balcony was a dead end. I had nowhere to go from here, if they saw me, these men were just as likely to toss me over the side of the railing as... other, more heinous fates I didn't care to entertain

Thankfully, problem two could more or less be solved by the very commotion that caused all this. Keeping my eyes on the men, I had to time my movements to slip around only as they moved, so that none of them would see the shadow slipping away. Through the hole created by the shattered window I crept, semi-visible. My focus was on stepping only on the few patches of unbroken ground, as stepping on the glass would give me away.

It took all my willpower not to audibly sigh with relief as I slipped past them; making it silently into the room through the hole as they walked out through the doorway. It was almost as though it was choreographed. I glanced into the room itself, just in time to see some colossal creature of shadow slip away into the darkness. William. This hadn't been some random test. This wasn't solely to test me. I was a pawn, already placed on the board without ever even realizing. I wasn't here to prove myself. I was the distraction.

I could hear shouting on the balcony, spurring me back to the present. Now with furniture and walls between myself and the men, and with the commlink still planted, I was able to slip away. I couldn't seem to pull the shroud back fully around myself, so I used timing to keep myself in their blind spots. Thankfully, doors to rooms like this can be opened from the inside without a key, so it was simple enough to eventually make it to the door and slip out into the hallway.

There I stopped, leaning against a wall to catch my breath.

Blood pounded in my ears, adrenaline racing through my core. I placed a hand to my head, my chest rising and falling as I caught my breath. Only now did I realize I'd been holding my breath. However, the moment didn't last. I could hear the sound of footsteps as they moved back into the room, perhaps to get a staff member.

Time to make my way back to my Master's side... the long way around, of course.

[member="William the Bloody"]
William watched with interest as the dangerous scenario [member="Sylvi"] found herself in unfolded. There were many lessons she had needed to learn today and she was already being educated. The first lesson was that she was just a pawn. She was not an important piece on the board, just worthy of distraction, misdirection, and potentially being an acceptable sacrifice in the game of maneuvering. Sylvi was of no importance nor worth. But the hidden gem in the demoralizing realization that one was a pawn was the inspiring revelation that she was at least on the board. And every pawn possessed the possibility to become the most powerful piece on the board should she survive.

A servant slipped into the balcony and refilled his glass before disappearing within once more. Raising the glass he breathed in the aroma before tasting the vintage. The process of creating an exquisite wine was a process that had to be observed closely, every step a meticulous process that resulted in a finished product that elevated the humble beginnings of the ingredients. Much like what he was doing with the young woman.

The second lesson Sylvi had learned was that her perception of her abilities were not misinformed, but completely wrong. She had a wellspring of strength and power within just waiting to be tapped in to. Just waiting for the right guidance. What she had accomplished with the Force while on the balcony was something most Knight level Force users across all the varying disciplines scattered across the Galaxy were incapable of comprehending let alone performing. Of course it wasn't perfect and had plenty of room for improvement. Yet the potential for mastering the ability was there. She was a relatively worthwhile investment, not quite worthy yet.

The third lesson was rather apparent. Never put yourself in any situation unless you have a plan, have an escape route, have the ability to handle the perceived possibilities of the scenario, and have an understanding of possible variables that could interfere from outside sources. She had failed this evening, and it wasn't over yet.

So he drank his wine and listened to the meeting from the lower floor continue even as a shadow shimmered at his elbow, a clawed hands holding an item outstretched for it's master. William plucked the device from the offered palm and slipped it into a pocket even as the shadow shimmered out of existence.

In the hall a massive man with Dathomiri markings on his broad, weathered face stared down from his nearly eight foot frame at the woman that flickered before him. His hand moved from behind his back, a twelve inch blade curved for the purpose of skinning. A smile crossed the giant's face as he lumbered forward with a dark expression of lustful rage.


I hadn't thought this through enough.

Upon reaching the landing, I had always assumed that I'd find a way to sneak through the room and slip out into the hall, to simply make my way out of the building as though I were merely a guest of the place of a visitor. However, I hadn't had the time to properly consider all the aspects of the plan. Like for one, it was effectively a dead-end. So in the event that someone figured out who I was... I was trapped.

This was the realization that came over my features as I stared up at the enormous man standing before me, strange markings on his face, his hand moving to something behind his back.

I took a moment to straighten myself, taking in a deep breath and subtly amend my dress, moving one leg forwards so that it peeked through the slit in my dress. It was unlikely that--if this man had been employed by the occupants in the room--he would be susceptible to the allure of a young woman, especially one that had just revealed that she can appear to vanish from existence. But the weakest cards get played first, to gauge your opponent before bringing out the stronger ones.

"Oh, excuse me..."

I tilted my head down, peering up through my lashes at him. However, even as I appeared the picture of a shy young woman, every muscle in my body was poised, pulled taut and ready to pounce.

My instincts were right on.

The marked man didn't even bother with a response. Pulling his arm out from behind his back, he revealed a huge 12-inch blade, brandishing it with a grimace. Oh no. I felt my hearts all race in unison, a sharp gasp escaping my throat. Instinctively I stepped back, feeling the cool, smooth wall suddenly press against my back. My expression fell to one of shock and fear; two emotions I truly felt, but specifically allowed onto my features as they often give an enemy pause. A frightened rabbit is no threat to a hunter, they are inclined to take their time (and give me time to plan also).

It all happened at once, but seemed to be in slow motion at the same time.

He lunged, wicked, curved blade flashing in the artificial lights of the hallway. I closed my eyes, fingers curling in the slinky fabric of my dress as I hitched it up. He thrust to my left side, so naturally I pounced to my right, shimmering and vanishing from sight as I did. I heard the horrific sound of metal tearing flesh and fabric as I pounced, but with dozens of hearts all racing at once and no thought beyond escape pulsing through my mind, I had no time to worry about it.

The hallway seemed to sway and rock in my vision as I ran, the floor tilting. Breathing was difficult, as if I couldn't catch my breath or something pressed on my chest. Chancing a glance behind me I saw with a white-hot flash of panic the trail of blood I was leaving. I couldn't glance down at myself while I was holding this spell up, but a hand on my side felt wet and warm.

I had to stop the trail. I could hear the lumbering footsteps of my pursuer close behind. Pulling up the dress, I pressed it into my side, continuing to move through the halls and checking to ensure I at least wasn't leaving a trail anymore.

Left, down, right.

No longer leaving him a trail to follow, and effectively invisible, I lost myself in the maze of corridors. Eventually that maze led me to an elevator that I entered and commanded to take me to the ground floor.

Slumping against a wall, I felt my spell flicker and fail. Slowly, I slid down to a sitting position, a crimson smear marking the white behind me, one arm laying across my midsection. The adrenaline faded and the pain took its place; a powerful, pulsing, searing pain that tore through me as the wicked curved wound up my side continued to bleed. I couldn't even think about what would happen when the elevator reached the ground floor. It didn't matter. I squeezed my eyes shut with a grimace and tilted my head up to the ceiling.

I'd failed. Even if I was able to make it back to William (which I wouldn't bother now, I would attract far too much attention), he'd just send me away. I hadn't been good enough.

"I'm sorry" I whispered to the empty air.

[member="William the Bloody"]
“A pity.”

William sighed as Sylvi slipped from view. He had wanted to watch what would happen next, yet it was easy enough to sense his little pet. Her emotions were heightened and suddenly pain permeated her being. Controlled fear and pain while a blanket of calm invisibility cloaked her. The man licked his lips nearly tasting it all. And then the sense of failure and disappointment flooded the line of her descent. Narrowing his eyes he reached out a thought, an echo of her words earlier in the evening.

“I've trained to heal others …”

Releasing the strand of connection after a weighted pause, he turned away to enter the suite. Moving to a throne like seat he reclined and looked into the flames that danced within the fireplace. A flick of a finger and the fire writhed and danced before him until the waves of heat created scenes of a mirage.

Sylvi resting against the wall of the turbolift as it descended. A smear of blood ran down one wall. A log crackled in the fire, the image shaking as in real life the ceiling of the lift dented in under the weight of the Dathomiri male. He had lost her above, but he was able to trail the blood through the Force. It was one of the first skills the night brother had learned. Now the man was trying to tear the paneling away to find entrance to the woman below.

The building alarms began to blare as the men above reported the theft of something valuable. Guards began converging in the lobby, at the exits, near the stairs as they prepared to check any and all who attempted to exit.

William shifted his position as from the open door leading to the balcony one could hear the klaxon of approaching law enforcement. A frown crossed his face while he pulled out a comlink and sent a message that had been preset for this very instance. A reverberation shook the suite as the explosive device was triggered within the basement levels of the building Sylvi was currently in. The added chaos sent all able body inhabitants scurrying to the exits.

Eyes narrowed as he reached out once more to the woman.

“There are two cities. One city is filled with those who fall and make excuses for their pathetic failings. The other city is filled with those who do not surrender to adversity. They make their own path. Which do you belong to? Or has your performance already chosen for you?”



A rumble

Had I fallen unconscious? Slipped into the blackness? I... wasn't even sure. I knew that something had landed with a heavy thud above me. That relentless pursuer had followed the trail of blood. I knew that he'd be on me soon enough, the trail of blood would have led him right here. I knew that I was still bleeding, that the agony was still almost palpable as it coursed through my veins.

But, the blackness refused to come and give me refuge.

There had been a rumble. The entire building shook. After, all seemed to fall into stillness for just a fraction of a moment, as if the very building itself was trying to figure out what had happened, waiting, watching.

Then chaos descended.

Alarms began to blare, erupting in a symphony of panic as the staff from the building were flung into action, rushing to calm screeching patrons and panicked visitors. For a moment, I simply listened, closing my eyes as a little dust fell from above. But then I felt him... My Master... William. He reached out, reminding me, telling me what I already knew.

I grimaced.

My cheeks burned, the shame crawling up from my chest as I cried out, hauling myself to my feet. Shameful. I'd given up so easily. So what, a knife to the gut? A relentless pursuit? Would so little keep me down? What kind of witch would I be if such meager obstacles could stop me? At that moment, the doors of the elevator were pried open by a staff member, two more flooding in to see me and grab me out, shouting words I couldn't hear.

For now, I let them. allowing them to shepherd me towards the front doors of the building.

My breaths were shallow and ragged. Sweat glistened on my brow. My entire body screamed with pain. But all that echoed in my mind were those words.

hair lay over my face in streaks. The whole world seemed to tilt and shift with every step I took. The men soon handed me off towards the group of injured that had already been pulled from the smoking, crumbling building. I began to make my way towards them

And vanished.

The timing had to be perfect, I had to make sure no one was looking my way when I did it. Pulling together every mote of magic that I had, I waited until I could slip between some debris and a speeder that had arrived, and wrapped the shroud once more around myself.

Maybe I would still die, hells, I'd lost a lot of blood. But if so, then I would have it stumbling towards my Master, having fought until the end.

I belong to the second city.

William the Bloody William the Bloody
The cold smile of satisfied amusement flickered ever so gently upon the hard contours of his features. He had felt the resolve harden within his pet. It would be easy to pass Sylvi off as insubstantial, a weak woman who was no more than a distraction. He saw where her old masters had sought to break her body, teach her lessons of the flesh while failing the instructions of the mind. It was not a failure he would succumb to. Already his careful manipulation drew the hidden worth to the surface to reveal the diamond in the rough.

Still he watched the flames, observing the drama unfold before him. She ghosted, avoiding view and detection as she escaped the loose perimeter surrounding the building. He tapped lightly upon the leather armrest, internally counting down before activating the comlink a second time. An explosive evaporated the lower girders and foundations followed by a secondary explosion on the opposite side. The tower tilted, falling away from where William sat, the building slamming to the ground and crushing several city blocks.

A great plume of smoke and dust filled the air with its thick fog obscuring sight and dropping visibility to a mere arm's length. The giant Dathomiri leapt to the hood of a speeder and focused the Force to find the owner of the blood upon his blade. A feral grin and he leapt into the fog to disappear. He had sensed her close, moving in a pointed direction for a neighboring building. He would fulfill his duty.

Above the destruction, William waited. The flames ceased their vision. Leaning back his hand drifted to the pendant that rested against his chest beneath the shirt. Two jewels locked together. The secret he searched for almost within his grasp. Two dragons entwined to create a whole. It was near, he felt it in his bones.

But it was not yet time for that. And so he waited for the arrival of his pet.



Looking back was tempting.

Oh, so tempting. I could hear the wails and cries of the fallen and the frightened. I could hear the shouting of men above the blaring of alarms, fighting for aid and to organize themselves in the chaos. My eyes burned, my ears rang, blood pounded in my ears and my nose twitched from the acrid, pungent stench of smoke and debris.

But never once did I dare stop to look.

I knew I was stumbling, my arms wrapped around my midsection, the pain coursing through me with every step. My mind felt as though it were swimming, thrown from one side to the other. But I had to continue on. I had to prove that I didn't give up so easily. A slow, deep breath, then another. My fists clenched, my jaw tightening and my brow pulled into a grimace. It took all my strength to keep the glamor up, but it seemed... I'd be home free.

Suddenly, there was a second explosion.

Entirely unprepared, I let out a yelp at the sudden BOOM! I turned, every muscle tightened and ready to flee, the glamour dropping for only the briefest of moments before I regained my composure and pulled it back up. The building, like a struck titan, wavered for only a moment before it buckled, beginning its descent to the ground.

Turning from it, I steeled myself, and continued away. The ground rumbled, the entire block shuddering as the building came down onto it, exploding into a brilliant plume of rubble and smoke. I could only hope that somewhere in all that, my pursuer had been buried. It was sheer luck that I'd been pulled out when I w--


It hadn't. Briefly, I turned my eyes up to my destination; the balcony of William's room. There was no way the foundations had suddenly exploded right when I needed a way out. There was no way the second explosion hadn't triggered until I was free from the building. It was him. It had been him the whole time.

Streaked with soot and ash, my hair a disheveled mess with debris clinging to the strands, my dress torn and covered in blood, I turned to slip into William's building. It didn't matter now, with the shroud over me, no one would see that I looked like anyway. It wouldn't take long to wait by the elevator for someone else to use it, so I could slip inside without drawing suspicion. Then, it would be a quick trip to my Master's floor, to the room one down from his,

Just in case. Just in case, somehow, that assassin made it out.

William the Bloody William the Bloody
The eyes of the great Dathomiri searched for that which was calling to him, the blood that called to him. The blood of the woman whom he had marked with his blade. Prowling through the wreckage from the catastrophic explosion he tracked his prey through the haze of dust and smoke. He would not lose his prey, her scent firmly entrenched he stalked forward into the adjacent building.

William sat in stoic silence in the darkened room. He felt his pet begin to near, the woman entering the high rise from below. Still she clung to her mirage of nothingness, cloaked from sight. She would succeed where earlier she had feared failure. She had overcome her most dangerous obstacle to rise above such deterrents.

Sylvi defeated herself.

Manipulating the young woman was entertaining, yet it was not the sole purpose of the act which on the surface seemed frivolous. She had been forced to face her own limitations as well as what she was capable of. And she had been forced to accept that her opinions of her potential were incorrect as clear vision raised her false estimation of her future from an impossibility to the range of hopeful achievability despite her former masters painstakingly imparting of spirit of worthlessness which became the justification and excuse for the witch being sent to gather knowledge rather the being granted loftier position,

Yes, she would be an interesting and entertaining project.

In the lobby of the first floor a turbolift opened its doors and a Droid appeared waiting for any to come aboard. The Droid was dressed in a long, black trenchcoat and a stetson pushed back on its metal alloyed head. The rainment concealed all but the neck and face which did not gleam from polished finish like the majority of its kind. A matte paint covered the shell of the Droid. A final scan of the lobby and the mechanical lifeform re-entered the turbolift to randomly punch a few floors on the touchscreen controls, just for something to do while completing the letter of his command and programing. It was to be, in essence, a bellboy and custodian.

Above in repose William felt the amulet, which depicted two dragons in perpetual chase, begin to warm upon his skin. A flicker of something he couldn't identify brushed his thoughts before dissipating from his mental faculties. Swiftly he withdrew his mind beneath vastly large barriers while he sought the source of the feeling. The idea that it could have been his pet almost made him reevaluate the wisdom of taking a relatively unknown being into his confidence. The thought passed as he had personally vetted, explored, and vigorously interrogated Sylvi.

Anticipation began to grow as he watched the entrance to the suite . Continuing to ponder the things of necessity he gathered using his personal resources, William knew the time was nearly at hand. His fingers tapped a tempo upon the arm of the throne-like seat as expectation of her imminent arrival began to rise, frustration at his pet not appearing in a timely manner had yet to begin. But would soon if she continued to prolong her return.



It felt good to be back in William's building.

Appearing at the top of the elevator, I stepped out onto his floor. Already I could feel his presence. Perhaps it was wrong to find comfort in that, to be like a pet that - as powerful as one may be - still sought the comfort and shelter of its Master's house. My thoughts turned to his mutt, Doggo, and how I was merely another like her. Different skin, different skills, but still merely a tool for the Crime Lord to use; one who relied on him.

And like Doggo, I was being trained.

Limping down the hall, I stifled a grimace, my breaths becoming more ragged. Ahead of me, the corridor seemed to tilt and sway, my vision blurry. My arms were wrapped around my waist. As the adrenaline wore off, I felt the weakness creeping back in. But... it wasn't like it had been in the other building. I wasn't ready to die anymore. Not... not here, not without fighting.

Instead, I focused on counting the doors; reading the room numbers on them as I shuffled past. I focused on my breathing, on keeping the shroud in place until finally, I came to the door outside of my Master's room. Returning like a faithful hound, I pushed the door open and slipped inside, letting it close behind me.

The shroud fell away, and I approached him, falling to my knees as the strength to stand left me.

"I'm... back... Master." I murmured, holding my stomach.

William the Bloody William the Bloody

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