Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Sriluur mystery

The valley was still.

Sempra thought it odd as there was always some wind or rain happening on Sriluur.

Then again the Sriluur canyon was far from a normal place. Sempras sailing barge passed razor sharp rocks and looming rock walls as it made its way toward the location the sith, [member="Quin"], was to meet him.

The barge made a final steep turn and then arrived outside of the temple of Mar.

There the barge lowered Sempra to the ground using an in built repulsor platform located under the belly of the vessel, his entourage fanning out preparing sun umbrellas and drinks as fast as they could.

Sempra himself waited a moment underneath the barge using its cooler shadow until his slaves were prepared. Then he slithered forward the stairs of the temple and the awaiting [member="Quin"].
Quin would exit the temple soon after [member="Sempra the Hutt"] would arrive, the Sith Lord wearing simple clothing which comprised of leather armour with a simple black robe over his body. Lumps on both his hips, one wold notice that one side was more of a cylinder lump as apposed to the other having a larger faced lump. His face no longer covered by the mask, the second lump being realized as his mask upon his hip, his face would be quite unattractive with short brown hair, a large scar over a non-existent eye and a nose that seems to of been broken multiple times.

"Ah Sempra, lovely to see you out of the palace and in the lovely sun of Sriluur."

He would bow his head lightly before looking up at the Hutt with a light smile.

"As you can see, here is the temple that I told you about and utilized your men to uncover, it's an old temple made to praise the force that is all around us."
Sempra smiled at [member="Quin"] and gave him a nod in response.

"The Sriluur nature is indeed a marvel to behold... hrmm... " the hutt replied tilting his head.

"Shall I call Quin know?" Sempra continued having heard about the sith answering to a new name during his last visit to the white palace.

He looked upward inspecting the temple facade before gesturing for [member="Quin"] to lead the way inside.
Quin would nods lightly towards [member="Sempra the Hutt"] as he turns and begins to lead the Hutt into the temple.

"I would much prefer to be called Quin, the title of Darth is an old relic that has served me well no doubt but something that must be put away for these days."

Once entering the temple, they would be met with a staircase with two hallways that continued forward and met after the staircase. The Sith Lord would walk past the stairways and down one of the hallways, until it lead into a large common room which had a sand fighting pit in the middle with a large area that held the food and water, even a cleaning bowl.

"Please, allow me to fetch you a drink. A small custom that I have started, allow the man who enters your temple to drink from your water, it shows respect in the eyes of the force."

Simply he would then make his way to the freely running water, how would this happen in the desert? Who knows, Sriluur holds many mysteries.
Sempra blinked as he let his curiosity show. He nodded as he noticed the water. Of course there would be a well of osrts here, any desert Community needed it. Then, it was a bit odd to find it in the valley - few animals even ventured here. Or so he had been told.

He accepted the water and siped it more out of curtesy. He was seldom thirsty for real these Days, constantly being served. But he understood the Power of tradition more then most and accepted this as such a formality.

" So this is the the temple of Mar..." holding out the emtpy bowl to a servant who immideately took and and placed it where [member="Quin"] had retrieved it.

"I am afraid this is a piece of history that you will have to tell me more about Darth... erhm.. excuse me, mr Quinn. he dodged his own misshap.

"I am unfamiliar with this Mar and why he had a temple errected here on Sriluur. I am also wondering why you have chosen to put down the title Darth. Is that not that a title carrying the might of a true dark lord of the sith? hum?" he wondered and peered at the sith in front of him.
Folding his arms, Quin would allow a short smile to appear upon his face and with a sigh, he speaks solemnly to [member="Sempra the Hutt"] as apposed to his usual cheery tone.

"Yes, it is quite magnificent, though it was not originally named the temple of Mar, I'll have to take claim to that as it was originally not named at all. The temple is a strong point with the force, it is clear that here was the place of worship for the force."

Moving towards the Hutt slowly, he continues to speak.

"Mar is not something one can touch, more of an idea that holds itself to a greater power. That being the force itself."

Stopping in front of the Hutt, he would look up and keep his eye locked upon Sempra's with respect.

"Let me ask you this Sempra, do you know the reason as to why the Sith Lord's of old adopted to using Darth as their title? It's purely because Darth and dark side have a coalition, with the old Sith language. Whilst I have my teachings, and belief, heavily weighed in the dark side I am not someone that may easily denounce that there is a light side."

Cracking a smile, he shrugs a little.

"It's not the title that holds weight, but the one behind such and if someone is foolish enough to consider me weak for not wielding my title... Well, that's their untimely end."
Sempra stretched his back and listened to [member="Quin"] as he spoke. He knew some of the ways of the sith but there was still alot to learn it seemed.

"I see mr Quin."

Sempra moved forward allowing the tip of his tail to be diped in the pool of water, causing ripples..

"The weequay are a religious species. At one point they even worshipped my ancestors." Sempra smiled at the notion. "I suppose a few tricks would have been sufficient to gather a cult of them at a location like this? hum?" he teased. Sempra was fully aware that most present species loathed the Hutts. But times had been different once. A golden age long gone, but not forgotten by Sempra and his Hutt ilks.

"So tell me mr [member="Quin"], what is it that you hope to accomplish here? Do you dabble in jedi as well as sith Powers then? And what is it that you expect from us your new found friends in the White Palace? hum?" he questioned and turned anew to the sith.
Taking in a deep breath, Quin would nod simply and reply to [member="Sempra the Hutt"].

"I wish to accomplish the task of teaching the ways of Mar to those sensitive to the living force, and those who are not. You'll find, dear Sempra, that I was a Jedi Knight in a past life and strayed towards the dark side, I remember my old teachings and even picked up some tricks from the past."

Sighing at the last question, he would answer.

"What do I expect from the cartel? Support in times of need, thus in turn we will give support in times of need. Further more, the cartel surely have those sensitive within the force but fear being ostracized for being who they are but I am here, I can train them and you will have strong warriors of the force under the cartel."
Sempra slithered around the pool for a moment seemingly pondering Quins words.

"And what is your affiliation with the one sith?" he asked with a low tone.

"When you came to me I got the impression you were here on their behalf. Was I mistaken?"
Clearing his throat, Quin would reply to [member="Sempra the Hutt"]'s questions.

"I am still a Sith Lord, so that's my affiliation. I did not come on their behalf, though the cartel have been noted by several of the higher ups."
Sempra nodded. He knew that the Cartel would draw attention if the organisation managed to pull itself free from its dying roots. Perhaps the attention from the larger forces in the galaxy was a sign that they were succeeding. It was sooner then he had expected but not something he was unprepared for.

"Then so be it mr [member="Quin"]. You can use this Place with my blessing and in return you will assist the Cartel when I have need of you."

"When you have discovered more about this Place I wish to learn about it." he added looking at [member="Quin"]

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