Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Sitting Duck

Location: Space near the Kessel Sector

Xieza, kicked back in his pilot's seat, is fast asleep as his ship travels through hyperspace. He fell asleep after he set the ship in hyperspace. He figured he would get some rest before he arrives at the Order of the Silver Jedi. He is headed to the Order for training, guidance, and a better understanding of the force. There is one thing that Xieza forgot to check before he fell asleep... the fuel.

The ship cuts out of hyperspace in an unknown location around the Kessel Sector. There are no planets, or any celestial bodies, in sight. This is truly a bad situation. The ship has run out of fuel and does not have any long range communications. Xieza mean't to add that feature in a long time ago, but never came around to spending the money for it. Although, the ship does have short to medium range communications.

Xieza awakes from his chair, wondering why his ship has stopped. He looks down at the fuel gauge and notices that it is empty. Crap... I forgot to re-fuel before entering hyperspace. Well, let's see if there is anyone nearby. Xieza turns on the communications unit and broadcasts over an open medium range channel. "I have run out of fuel, is there anyone out there that can lend a hand?" Xieza sets this message on repeat and sits back in his chair, waiting for a response and hoping that it will be someone friendly.

(Anyone can join in)
Kessel Sector

Much of it is not what I wanted. But it was work none the less. Being an Initiate within the Mando'ade, I had to run errands for those who were higher ups. Currrently this one was transporting a dead Rancor back to Mandalore. I shook my head as K, a hologram droid, sat co-pilot with me on an old Templar-class Light Freighter.

I just continued on as the droid was reading off systems. Telling me if they were on or off. If on she would also tell me how well they were functioning. I had left the com link open because you never knew what might happen out here. Someone might attack, or they could try and trick you. Steal from you and your vessel. I had to be careful out here considering that Kessel was close by, and was known as a prision planet. A place where all happiness and fun go to die.

Well that might also have been the same place as.... nevermind. Sitting there, a voice came on over the speaker. Speaking a little bit of gerberish. I tuned it in to the last few words.

".... lend a hand?"

I picked my end up, clicked it on and spoke into it.

"This is the Carrick's Sword, Please restate your condition?"

Letting my end go silent, I waited for a responce.

[member="Xieza Blade"]
Xieza leaned forward in excitement. He did not expect an answer so soon. It had only been a few minutes since he had sent his message for help. He decided to reply. Xieza pressed the button to broadcast.

"Carrick's Sword, this is Xieza. My ship has run out of fuel and I am in need of some assistance."

Xieza releases the button and waits for another response.

[member="Xander Carrick"]
Xieza. Some guy who ran out of fuel for his ship. I knew all too well how that feeling was. I have been through this before. And well, I didn't like it. So with that in mind, I decided to straight up tell him everything what I was thinking, and the information that I needed to go and get him.

"Alright, I am going to be frank with you. I don't know if I can trust you. Never heard of you in my life. So here is what I am going to do. I will come to pick you up. I won't have enough space to take your ship with you. So either, I can give you some fuel from my own reserves, and give you only enough to the nearest planet for you to fill up yourself. and then pay be back, or I pick you up, take you to get some fuel, and then bring you back to wherever you are."

I closed it off for a second before continuing on. Dominating the situation.

"First, I will need your cordinates. Second, Turn off all unnecessary systems on the ship to preserve power. Third, I want you to be unarmed when I meet you. I will be unarmed as well. If you don't find these terms to your liking, I can just leave you here."

This was his only chance. While I loved to help people, and to bring them to safety. I needed to know that my own life was safe at the same time. I wanted to live so I could fight another day of life. I just hoped that he too understood.

[member="Xieza Blade"],
Xieza listened closely to all of the information that his ship was receiving. He seems to be a trustworthy guy... He's my only hope out of this situation, anyways. Xieza pulled out a sliding keyboard that was located under the ship's console and typed in his current coordinates. He then selected the signal that has been replying to his messages and sends the coordinates. After he had sent the coordinates, he presses the button to broadcast yet again.

"I have sent you my ship's current coordinates."

He then turns off all of his ship's systems that are not in use.

"Just turned off all of the unnecessary systems. I will be unarmed when you get here."

He ends the broadcast. Then, he takes his lightsaber and places it in a lockbox next to the pilot's seat. Now... let's see if this guy is as trustworthy as he seems.

[member="Xander Carrick"]
If anyone ever stopped him to check for customs, they'd most likely be extraordinarily confused. He and Taps were enjoying a bit of sub-light sight-seeing now that they'd been relieved of work on Kessel. That space in hell where some of the gnarliest men in the universe feared to travel, but for Ten, it was another station in need of an engineer's help. The pay was both safe passage and a small sum, but now he was on his way out.

Beginning to pilot the ship so that the ship would be lined up for hyperspace. However, it seems Taps had other ideas as he buzzed in alarm and removed his spike from the panel. Ten waited a moment for the translation to register before he sighed. Stopping the nav-computer's calculations. Instead he grabbed the comm systems to phone ahead, since showing up out of the blue would probably end terribly for him or someone else.

Ten Loop, hailing Xieza and Carrick's Sword. Recently fueled up, need any additional assistance? I'm a mechanic, though I don't think my expertise is needed in the even of refueling.

Then he sat back and relaxed as Taps gave a satisfied trill at the reply. Ten chuckled and tapped the droid's domed head with his tail. "Calm down you silly thing. We don't even know if he'll have a new ship for your catalog." Of course, the ever hopeful Taps beeped a retort and plugged himself back in to monitor communications.

[member="Xieza Blade"]
As Zarkath and his ship approachings gently through space, his pilot picks up the radio signal. Find him. The pilot quickly sends a radio message to the signaling ship. Hello? Hello? You are in need of fuel? We- have some in reserve or can bring you to the nearest space station if you so desire. We are an unarmed cruiser and are here to help any in need.

((//How do you quote their name to who you are doing your action towards?//))
([member="Zarkath"] : By using the @.Mention button below people's pictures)

While Xieza waits for [member="Xander Carrick"] to come and assist him, more broadcasts have been coming in. Xieza listens carefully to each broadcast. He knows that he must be careful around these parts of the galaxy. Many dangerous things are known to wander these parts. Xieza decided to take the risk and answer these calls.

"Ten Loop, this is Xieza, I have received your message. I have another guy coming to assist me currently, but you are welcome to come and help, too. And by the way, no weapons are allowed when you get here."

Xieza releases the button to take a breath. He then presses it again to reply to the other ship that hailed him.

"I am in need of fuel, yes. You are the third person to respond to my message. There may be two other guys coming to help me out, but you, too, are welcome to come and assist. One condition, no weapons allowed if you come."

Xieza releases the button and types in his coordinates. He sends the coordinates to both of the other ships. If things go bad, Xieza knows that he can defend himself. The only problem is... if things go bad before he refuels.

[member="Xander Carrick"] [member="Ten Loop"] [member="Zarkath"]
I look towards my pilot, thinking. Ask him if he is apart of the republic, and if the ones attempting to assist him are apart as well. I turn and sit down, as my pilot re-contacts you Hello? Hey, before we come and help, are you apart of the republic or the empire? Are the two others by chance republic as well? we await a message slowly making our way towards the coordinates
Zarkath said:
I look towards my pilot, thinking. Ask him if he is apart of the republic, and if the ones attempting to assist him are apart as well. I turn and sit down, as my pilot re-contacts you Hello? Hey, before we come and help, are you apart of the republic or the empire? Are the two others by chance republic as well? we await a message slowly making our way towards the coordinates

Xieza Blade said:
([member="Zarkath"] : By using the @.Mention button below people's pictures)

While Xieza waits for [member="Xander Carrick"] to come and assist him, more broadcasts have been coming in. Xieza listens carefully to each broadcast. He knows that he must be careful around these parts of the galaxy. Many dangerous things are known to wander these parts. Xieza decided to take the risk and answer these calls.

"Ten Loop, this is Xieza, I have received your message. I have another guy coming to assist me currently, but you are welcome to come and help, too. And by the way, no weapons are allowed when you get here."

Xieza releases the button to take a breath. He then presses it again to reply to the other ship that hailed him.

"I am in need of fuel, yes. You are the third person to respond to my message. There may be two other guys coming to help me out, but you, too, are welcome to come and assist. One condition, no weapons allowed if you come."

Xieza releases the button and types in his coordinates. He sends the coordinates to both of the other ships. If things go bad, Xieza knows that he can defend himself. The only problem is... if things go bad before he refuels.

[member="Xander Carrick"] [member="Ten Loop"] [member="Zarkath"]

[member="Xieza Blade"]
Xieza sits back at such an odd question. There is something up with this guy. Xieza presses the button to broadcast.

"I am currently not aligned with the Republic and I do not know much about the others."

Hmm.. Continue anyway. the ship begins on its way toward the coordinates, and is visible from his ship. Mine appears completely unarmed, and begins drawing close.
Looking, I could see as K was getting the preperations ready as I was now flying towards the message sent to me. However, the others who were flying across the line with their fast words were taking up the possible time I could be telling him that I was on my way. And I didn't trust people. I had a feeling that this wouldn't be too good either. Taking the message, I inputed it into the navi computer.

After that was done, I made my way. Popping around the drive of a planet, I could see two ships close in the distance. One that was drawing ever so closer, and the other was lights out. Trying to preserve energy like I said he should. I growled as the other guy got to him first. This was going to be tough. However, I knew it would work this way.

Drawing closer I got onto the com as it was now silent.

"I see you. Coming in."

Pressing on the throttle, I moved my way towards the downed ship. Why were these other guys helping him? I am sure there wasn't really this many people who truely wanted to help someone all in one place. And they all happened after I had given the almost orders to the man. I shook my head. Reaching into the console, I grabed something that was going against what I would have said. But with two new parties in the equasion. I had to be careful.

"Alright, go ahead and turn back on your systems so I can connect my Force Cylinder to you."

[member="Zarkath"], [member="Xieza Blade"], [member="Ten Loop"],
Xieza sees both ships moving in. He listens to the recent message and turns his ship's systems back online. The closest ship to him seems unarmed, but, you never know. The person communicating to him from that ship sounds quite suspicious. Why would someone ask me if I was apart of the Republic or the Empire. Xieza didn't like this feeling. He pressed the button on the communications unit and replied to Carrick's Sword.

"My ship's systems are coming back online. They should be up in the next minute or so."

[member="Xander Carrick"] , [member="Zarkath"] , [member="Ten Loop"]
My ship comes ready to board, and we let out a signal Permission to board when ready?

[member="Xieza Blade"] [member="Xander Carrick"]
Xieza replies to this message.

"Let's wait for at least one more person to show up. I don't have much trust when there is only the two of us. When there are three different ships that are strangers to each other together, that should discourage one of them from doing something bad."

[member="Zarkath"] , [member="Xander Carrick"]
Ten just nodded to Taps as he relayed they were given coordinates. "Alright, bring us in nice and slow. Don't move to board, if the other ships are well armed, you're in charge of weapons. Don't let them blow up the ship." The reply of course was a few beeps of how Taps was a much better gunner anyways. This earned a knock on the dome with his knuckles. Of course there was an irritated buzz, but Taps just kept hooked in. It was in play, but Taps was the better shot.

As he came into view of the other three ships he sighed. "A regular party." Ten didn't grab a blaster, but his did make sure to grab one of his torches, it would serve as a weapon if things got hairy.....and Taps would make it hell to take out the ship...or board it. So he hailed the other three ships in his best Basic "Hello gents. This is Ten Loop, shipwright, engineer, Sluissi. Seeing as how I just got paid, I'm willing to do a bit of volunteer work in my good mood. One of you is in need of fuel, but who wants a free check-up?"

Now, he waits. Doesn't hurt anything to be honest, and who turns down free stuff?

[member="Xieza Blade"] [member="Zarkath"] [member="Xander Carrick"]
Xieza noticed the ship leaving. He didn't know why it was leaving, but he was kind of glad that it was. That ship felt suspicious. Something about it seemed like it would have been a threat. Xieza still needed to get his fuel so that he could be on his way. He pressed the communications button.

"I'm in no need of a check-up, just fuel. Not sure about Carrick's Sword, though, and that other guy seems to be leaving."

[member="Zarkath"] , [member="Ten Loop"] , [member="Xander Carrick"]
Slowly the three ships came in close. Each one wanting to help this man. Standing on the edge, I smiled as his systems came back on. K was piloting the ship for now as one of the other two started to leave. Apparently two other ships were too much. Activating the communications link. I spoke across the line to both men.

"Ten Loop, good to have you. Xieza and I agreed that we wouldn't have weapons with us to make sure we aren't all that bad. I hope you can agree. I myself will be unarmed."

And I was. There was no reason for me to. Even if they did try, I was very adept at hand to hand combat, as well as the force. Seeing as how, you know, I am a master? Either way, I doubt he would say no to that. if he really didn't mind in helping.

"Xieza, I am going to open up a force cylinder. I need you to open up your ramp. and face it towards mine. Can you do that?"

[member="Xieza Blade"], [member="Zarkath"], [member="Ten Loop"],

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