Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Side of Terror with that Speech Please? (Open)

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
The crash had left Iris unconscious. Due to not strapping himself in, Iris had been hit in the head by on of the heavy metal support beams, very hard aswell.

His lifeless body was covered in a foot of rubble and various ship parts. He was in fire need of a rescue, no matter who it was from, friend or foe. The only visible part of his body was his afro, a small portion of it could be seen under the rubble, but someone would have to look closely to find it.

[member="Korin Undoli"]
[member="Robb Killian"]

(OOC Note: Sorry for my lack of replies, I didn't get any notifications)
Robb smiled at [member="Korin Undoli"] and was glad to see that his friend was ok, or at least in one piece...more or less. As of now only Korin, [member="Snipes"], and himself were conscious, and time was running out.

Robb hated the idea of leaving any comrade behind, but this was becoming a matter of life and death, everybody knew what they were getting into when they signed up for this, and it looked like most of them wouldn't be making it home, provided they remained within the wreckage. Man, did this job go south fast. We havn't even heard form our evac looks as if we're on our own. It was time to come up with an exit strategy.

Robb withdrew a small holo-projector from a pouch on his pelt and uploaded a map of the city. Robb pointed his finger at the miniature metropolis, somehow the gesture helped him make sense of the shimmering blue map. The plaza is that mean's we must The Starport is the only way any of are getting off of this rock and it, roughly two-and-a-half kilometers from this position. The Starport was not nearly as close as Robb would have liked, and even if they got there it would most likely be locked down, meaning they would have to get creative in order to escape. One problem at a time. This was not going to be easy, but complaining about it would have been about as useful as nipples on a chest plate.

Robb looked at Korin, weight shifted heavily on one leg. There is no way he's making that distance on foot in any kind of hurry, we need transportation...this is a city, there has to be something we can use...

Storing the holo-projector back into it's pouch, Robb jogged away from Snipes and Korin and into the nearby intersection, passing a conspicuously large pile of rubble on the way. Something was sticking out from underneath it but Robb didn't have time to go digging. Once in the intersection he looked straight ahead for parked speeders, nothing big enough... He looked left, nothing at all. Finally he looked right, damn! noth- AHAH! Not only was there a speeder large enough to carry Robb, Snipes, Korin, and one more, parked not twenty strides away, but an apparently abandoned security force cruiser no less. Robb sprinted over to get a better look.

The occupants must have been parked here or on patrol when the shooting started. I have no idea why they went on foot, but hey, who am I to question police procedure? Robb tried the door and, to his great surprise, the karking thing opened. He couldn't help but beam at his sudden change of luck. He eased himself into the driver's seat, heh, never been on this side of the glass before...surprisingly comfortable. Robb found the ignition quickly enough and tested his luck once more...and frowned at the result, nothing happened. Can't have everything can we?

If Robb and the others were going to escape in this speeder, he would have to hot-wire the damned thing, and that could take a minute. He keyed his comm and raised the others, "I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I've found a way out of this karking hellhole, the bad news is that I have to hot-wire the damn thing. Snipes, help Korin over here so he can cover me while I get started, I'm around the corner, to the right of the intersection. After you get him here I'd appreciate it if you could head back and look one last time for survivors, we can fit one more in here and I'd hate to leave anyone behind if I don't have to." And with that he set to work.

[member="Iris Tyrad"] [member="Snipes"] [member="Korin Undoli"] [member="Kallion"] [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Z3AL"]

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
(( OOC Note: Is this thread dead or what?))

[member="Snipes"] [member="Kallion"] [member="Robb Killian"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Korin Undoli"] [member="Z3AL"]
(OOC Note: Not sure about dead, but apparently forgotten :p I know that Snipes has some personal stuff going on, and Korin is around, but as far as I can tell everyone else just left this thread alone to go off and write in other threads, which is fine.)

[member="Iris Tyrad"]

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
((OOC Note: Yeah I've been checking up on it for a while and just wondering if my PC was broken or the thread was moved somewhere :p))

[member="Robb Killian"]

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
((Oh, Iris is still under a pile of rubble, but whatever, I guess he could've got out of it or something))

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
[member="Robb Killian"]


Expert Sniper
((Yeah sorry about my lack of posting. My job and 5 other characters are catching up to me. So is it concluded?))

[member="Iris Tyrad"]
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
[member="Robb Killian"]
(Well this turned into an OOC thread didn't it? But yea, all is good, 'twas fun RPing, now I have to search for another thread :p)

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