Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Seed of Information

Janeth's physiology and armour allowed her no special treatment in the face of a powerful stun blast. She proved helpless as the stun batons wailed down on her with blunt fury, bruising and fracturing her numb body. The electrical surges forced her muscles to jolt with tension each time, before returning to a quasi-paralyzed state. At some point during this brutal affair she had lost consciousness, and remained entirely at their mercy.

Without protest or awareness, they finally took her deep within. To be frozen in carbonite for a purpose, or perhaps to be forgotten in a storage room somewhere.

On board her ship the navicomputers had been wiped frequently. A common theme on smuggling vessels like hers. Only the most recent path she took from Nar Shaddaa showed, along with a couple of pit stops en route where she refueled.

Her personal effects included a small assortment of civilian clothing, a blaster rifle, a vibroblade, and replacement filters for her rebreather. Other than that the ship held little value save for its parts. A common freighter without any special features or unique technology. Quite likely a personal vessel, and not one given to her by the Collective.

However, a small astromech droid could be found in the engine room. It appeared torn apart by an unskilled mechanic attempting to fix it. Its primary components--along with its memory core--had been fried by a power surge as the result of improper handling. Poor thing.

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