Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Romp in the Dunes

Looking for someone to get lost. That's right, I wanna take someone on a trek across the dune sea.

I'm looking for a willing person to RP with on Tatooine. I am a character who can navigate through the entire planet. You are most likely not a character who can do that. In exchange for safe passage through the trembling and twisting dunes you provide some sort of information to my character. Albeit a FU teaching him to push/pull, a rogue giving him some kind of tech, even a soldier teaching him to grapple, anything will help. down to get lost?

(I promise I'll avoid all Krayt Dragon lairs.)
That sounds fine! sorry it took so long to reply it didn't tell me I was tagged. Would you maybe be interested in having Djinn show you the way to this guy in return for something you consider equal? He doesn't really need credits or anything but does live off of trade.

[member="Nyrrea Danton"]

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