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A Risky Rendezvous

New Keldabe, Mandalore

He had always wanted to see the Oyu'baat.

After repainting his armor from blue to black, fabricating records of a man named Ordo Fett, using his name as an alias, and smuggling himself onto the planet with the help of an old friend now aligned with the Resistance, he could say that he had drank black ne'tra gal ale in the legendary tapcaf.

He wasn't here for leisure though. He would have never returned to Mandalore if he had been seeking leisure.

He sat in a booth that give him clear view of the entrance, and sipped on the sweet ale he had ordered. It was a nice change in pallet from the tihaar he usually drank, but he didn't want to down the ale entirely. Getting intoxicated in a potential war zone was a really good way to get the osik beaten out of you.

With the rest of his armor minus his helmet still on, his Westar M5 V2 on his back, and the DL-18 at his side, he fit right in with the rest of the Mandalorians at the Oyu'baat - armed and heavily armored.

With the hand not holding his mug of ale, he typed up a message to the contact interested in the Remnant to update their directions:
corner booth, opposite of the entrance

He hoped his message to the contact had provided good enough directions to his booth in the corner, if not this was going to be an extremely risky endeavor for little reward.

[member="Ryker Wylde"]​
He had always felt a but out of place on Mandalore, with being adopted and a force users, and the Oyu'baat was no different. At least outside he could slip off and vanish, but it's not that easy surrounded by the miscreants that inhabit this place.

As per usual the young mandalorian knight had arrived several hours before the meeting was to commence, a feat that was made simpler by the fact that he quite litteraly lived in a small shack in the forrest just behind the Oyu'baat. Upon his entrance he scoped out a nice booth on the second floor that overlooked the main entrance, which is were he currently sat drinking a putrid smelling intoxicant from a small glass before cutting out a line of glitterstim and snorting it.

His state of euphoric bliss, however wonderful, was short lived as the comms device on his hip chimed alerting him to a message....

"Corner booth.. Across from entrance"

It took less than a second for his innate abilities and Jedi senses had locked into the Remnant exile.

With one last glance over to his contact, Ryker snorted one last line of glitterstim before standing and making his way towards the stairs...
Mereel stared at the rest of his ne'tra gal like a man looking down the business end of a blaster barrel. On one hand, he had paid for the drink. On the other hand, he wasn't here to drink.

He put his helmet back on and sealed it to his armor's body glove.

Can't drink through your helmet.

It was a lesson he had learned through experience not too long ago.

Instead of drinking, Mereel resigned to leaning back in the seat of his booth and waiting for the contact. He didn't dare to try to sense him out in the force, even if no one else besides the contact could sense his force sensitivity, he felt like using the force in even unnoticeable ways here was a death wish.

[member="Ryker Wylde"]​
His long confident strides slowly became more wobbly and seemingly intoxicated as he made his way down the stairs. Through the use of a force aura ability he would appear as little more than another drunken togruta, Granted this togruta was adorned in a full beskar'gam with dark robes over top.

His twin lightsabers hidden on a clip tucked at the small of his back. The dual blasters he word however were very viable strapped to each hip.

As he reached the table that his contact sat at he purposely bumped into a big brute of a Mandalorian... Who responded by turning and shoving the young knight into the booth a cross from His contact

[member="Mereel Vaun"]
B1-M60 asked,"I am requesting to land, do I have permission?"
The Docking Bay directory replied,"Yes you do. Head on over to platform F-5L."

He walked out of his Neimoidian Shuttle and began exploring the city. B1-M60 was tasked by General Super TD-T47 to scout New Keldabe for future political reasons. He quickly discovered that none of the civilians were surprised seeing an overage battle droid walking the streets.

There was 5 B2-class droids waiting in his shuttles to be activated if any troubles arise. Luckily though, his task should be completed soon, just a few more days of simple scans and he can return to the Third Luck.
Under his helmet, Mereel arched an eyebrow at the seemingly drunken man who had been pushed into the seat across from him. The figure was in full beskar'gam and robes. "Su'cuy ner vod. Had a little too much to drink?"

He examined the character now across from him, something other than the man's exceptionally inebriated state seemed out of place to Mereel. Maybe this is the guy.

For the first time since arriving to the planet, Mereel opened himself up to the force, and sensed something in the man in front of him that he didn't feel in the other bar patrons. Force sensitive.

He wasn't about to ask the man straight up if he had been in contact with the Republic Remnant. That was a very good way to tell the wrong people the wrong information. Instead, he would just ask about a name.

He lowered his voice a little, "Are you Ry'ker Tal'verda?"

[member="B1-M60"] |[member="Ryker Wylde"]​
Of course he was exactly who the man was searching for, but he was surely going to have a but of fun before confirming his identity

Ryker slowly rose to a sitting position and looked to the man across from him through heavily droop and bloodshot eyes.

"Ye.. Yeah I know that guy.... E stile owes me ten cwedits" came the slurred words in response to the mandalorian's question.. "I'll make you a deawl Merc... You give me twenty cwedits and I'll take ya to the skag"
B1-M60 walked into a nearby bar, luckily they didn't have an anti-droid law. This was a perfect place to scan what type of characters and lifeforms were usually present in a Mandalore. It seems that Mandalorian bars were just like others, except there was more mercenaries and warriors here. This information will be included in his scouting report, but will not be deemed important.

B1-M60 then walked up to the bartender wanting to rest and asked, "Where is the nearest Oil Bath? I'll pay in credits."

"It's 15 credits, here take this pass. It's behind those tables over there."

B1-M60 paid the 15 credits and went directly into the oil bath.
Walking into the bar right after the droid the Zabrak was wearing an all black cloak taking a right and sitting in the corner the Zabrak quickly felt a presense he had known someone he reconized almost instantly he had seen and talked to before not sure what he was doing in Mandalor territory but he was not shocked he sat in the corner watching everyone while he hid in his free time looking for information.

[member="Mereel Vaun"] | [member="B1-M60"] | [member="Ryker Wylde"] |

Savoh Muska

Savoh was already in the bar. Leaned against the wall watching some of the patrons playing some Sabacc. However, from the corner of his eye he saw[member="Darth SiRiDio"] the Sith from before that he saw shock Rex right in front of him. This quickly got him tense. Anyone that could shoot lightning from their hand wasn't someone he wanted to mess with. The Ubese did consider just leaving, but he was here first and watching a good game. So he'd just decide to keep a low profile, and hopefully he wouldn't confront him.

[member="Darth SiRiDio"]@B1-M60@Ryker Wylde[member="Mereel Vaun"]
Mereel wasn't looking to draw attention to himself here, and credits were easily replaceable with the assistance of the Iviin'yc. He decided to temporarily humor the drunk across the table from him.

He pulled out a credit chip from one of his belt pouches and tossed it at the man across from him. "Twenty is on it. Now - "

He stopped speaking for a second as he suddenly sensed a familiar presence in the bar. He started subtly casing the joint with his eyes as he resumed talking, "I would appreciate any direction you can give me."

[member="Savoh Iaht"] |[member="Darth SiRiDio"] |[member="B1-M60"] |[member="Ryker Wylde"]​
Still in the corner, the Zabrak had known the man from a couple different worlds how their paths keep meeting he was not sure but he did consider the man a friend even though he has little of them he would consider [member="Mereel Vaun"] his friend and would raise his hand to signal the waitress to come to him " Honey I'd like whatever your strongest is " handing her the credits and looking for any meals although none looked appealing to him.

[member="Mereel Vaun"] | [member="Savoh Iaht"] | [member="B1-M60"] | [member="Ryker Wylde"] |
[member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Darth SiRiDio"]

It hit his senses like a metric ton of bantha hoodoo, Sith, So hard he could quite nearly taste the stench of such vile scum. Normally it would be his immense pleasure to rid the galaxy of such a creature... But today he had other business.

As soon as the credits landed in his hand they were almost instantly slipped into a pocket in his robes. His entire demeanor also changed just as quickly as the credits had vanish.

With his eyes now keen and his voice now holding a confident and sober tone Ryker spoke once more.... "I am Ryker, Of Clan Tal'verda..... You really came all this way and didn't even know who I was first? I knew what you looked like two minutes after we set up this meeting.."
The character sitting across from him changed before his eyes.

Mereel was glad that his helmet was hiding his expression. Remnant intelligence had given him a description of the man he was supposed to be meeting, and had set up a time and place, but he had no involvement in any previous communications with Ryker Tal'verda. He was sent to meet the contact not because of his own prior knowledge, but because he was one of a handful of people in the Remnant who could sneak onto Mandalore without drawing too much suspicion.

He popped off his helmet, revealing his hair which had now been dyed blond, and his eyes, which had been changed in color from brown to blue with the help of some special contacts. He picked up the mug of ne'tra gal and took a hearty gulp.

"You'll have to forgive me. I wasn't expecting you to approach in such a .. well, quaint fashion."

He said, referring to the Togrutan's entrance via shoving by other Mandalorian.

"Call me Ordo."

He extended his arm for an arm-clasp.

"I hear you're looking to expand your spiritual horizons?"

He decided to leave the intent of his message behind cryptic wording. He had started noticing a few odd folk in the bar, including a droid, a Ubese, and a pal he had met on Teth. Small galaxy.

[member="Ryker Wylde"] | [member="Darth SiRiDio"] | [member="Savoh Iaht"] | [member="B1-M60"]​
[member="Mereel Vaun"]

Though skeptical he extended his own arm and firmly grasped the forearm of the other and with a shake he would release him.

"You and about a thousand others on this rock alone I'd say" he retorted in response to an obviously fake name.. "And yeah you can say my spirituality is shall we say....... Lacking something" He stated, taking time during the small pause to scan around the room at all those watching.
Still, in the corner, the Zabrak drank his drink before pulling a hologram projector out of his cloak " Both the subjects stats where recorded and they failed they were not strong enough to survive " looking down like he was angered " They, never do always too weak to be my apprentice starting to think it's useless " ending the hologram call and putting it away he raised his hand for another drink.

[member="Mereel Vaun"] | [member="Savoh Iaht"] | [member="B1-M60"] | [member="Ryker Wylde"] |
He picked his mug back up and took another swig of the drink, draining the last of the ale.

"I've got good news then. Lots of clergymen around where I'm from."

He looked the Togrutan in the eyes, he could have sworn they looked much clearer than when he had arrived.

"They've even formed their own order. You got a ship?"

[member="Ryker Wylde"] | [member="Darth SiRiDio"] | [member="Savoh Iaht"] |​
Not wanting to blow his cover... Or the really sweet buzz he had, Ryker gently pulled a black vial from his pocket and from it poured a but of glitterstim into the back of his hand and quickly snorted it off before replacing the vial and looking back up to the man.

He let out a sigh as the euphoria washed over him... "Oi yeah I got me an old scrap heap I use from time to time when I need to run errands" The scrap heap in question being a Jocasta class light corvette the he had docked at the port.... "give me some coordinates and I'll be glad to go speak with your clergyman about my spiritual issues"
He put his helmet back on and called up the coordinates of the Jedi Enclave on Nadiem using his HUD. He pulled out a datapad from his backpack, and transferred the coordinates of the enclave to the datapad using a short-wavelength transmission.

"That's nasty stuff ner vod. Might need clergymen in more ways than one.."

His father was deeply involved in the spice trade in the Unknown Regions. One day he was going to return home and kill him for it, amongst other reasons.

A notification popped up on the datapad and alerted him that the data transfer had been completed. He handed the Togrutan the datapad with the coordinates.

He lowered his voice, "Don't lose it, please. I don't think I want to make a return trip anytime soon."

He still had one order of business to attend to here. He couldn't not ask the familiar Sith what he was doing here.

[member="Ryker Wylde"] | [member="Darth SiRiDio"] [member="Savoh Iaht"]​

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