Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Reunion Most Unholy

Underground Lava River

Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

The Outer Rim. An area seeped in history and mystery. And possibility. Oh yes, the possibilities were endless as they drifted through Maestus mind. She was moving alongside the underground lava river that ran under Nevarro City. Dark and oppressively hot, the Lethan Twi'lek seemed unbothered by the current atmosphere. Quite the contrary. Her every step was smooth and graceful. Her arms swayed at her side in an easy, comfortable rhythm as she walked along the flowing magma. If anything, the hotter it seemed, the more at ease the Sith became.

Skittering nearby was a small pack of lava meerkats. Small rodents that were as adapted to the heat as Maestus. There were 4 of the critters trailing the Sith. One in particular, either the little pack's alpha or just one very curious rodent, crept closer and closer to the walking emanation of the Dark Side.

Not far ahead, she could see the opening where the lava river spilled out into the lava fields that blanketed so much if the planet. She strode that way, and the brave lil meerkat followed.

Standing in the mouth, she surveyed the landscape before her. So far away from the Core, she was contemplating the ecology of the planet. The different flora and fauna found only here. As it always did, she began to daydream of the research and experimentation to be done. Adding more tasks to her already unfathomable To-Do List.

It didn't take long before her thoughts shifted to her master, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis . She had felt his resurrection through the Force. When he awoke in that strange body, it was almost as if she had seen what he saw. Felt what he felt. Erratic though, those few moments after Rebirth were and she was quickly evicted from her master's senses.

She found her thoughts shifting. This new Dark Empire he was creating. Time would tell if they would be effective. Solipsis was a genius at strategizing and plotting, Maestus would never slight him in those aspects. One could never be fully assured of where they stood with the Dark Voice. The moment you let you guard down, an invisible knife struck unseen.

Thoughts shifted again. She was still pondering the Dark Empire, though she was considering her own options for best utilization of the assets the small faction encompassed. The New Sith Order held little interest for her as it currently stood. To her, its members represented the wanna-bes. Those seeking to ride the coat tails of their betters for their own glory. This elicited a slight growl from deep within the Twi'lek's chest. The weakness and ego were running rampant through the Sith. And the galaxy as a whole. Since the Maw's defeat, the universe had been thrown out of balance.

The brave lil lava meerkat had crept close. So close, it sat on top of one of Maestus boots. It held its body similar to Maestus. Be damned if the critter didn't share her look of contemplation. She stared at the creature intently.


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