Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Request of Family Man

Anyone who knew James knew his life was a living hell. And If they doubted it--this past week would be the strongest evidence there was.

First, Jack had sent him a message to a meeting. The spacer had been drunk off his arse when it arrived, and didn't go. He found out later--that Jack was planning on suicide by Mandalor. Then Gray had parlayed to try and fix thing and--well bull sh1t just got worse. Both men were like brothers to him. Both men were like his family. He was being forced to choose between one and the other. It wasn't enough he had lost his wife, isolated himself from his sister, all but abandoned his children-- the cruel fates of the galaxy were bent on taking his brothers from him now too.

He had to choose one.

And choose, sadly, he had.

He was sober today. He wanted to feel every second of this pain as he was forced to parlay for Jack Raxis, he wanted to feel every sickening second of it. He wanted to hurt and be torn to pieces. His heart couldn't take much more pain these days. He stood on the knife's edge as it was between good and evil, but now--well now he was doing his best to stay alive. He adjusted the leather jacket around his person as he stepped off the Angel's Glory down, onto the surface. He was lead by the quartet of guards to a conference room a door. Another guard at the door stopped them, "You can't walk in here armed, sir."

James glared at him. He wasn't one to be triffled with, even on his good days. Now--well now wasn't a good day.

"If I wanted to kill someone, mate, this city'd be leveled and glassed. The Pistol stays."

The man stared back at James in a stare-down--James stared back, drawing on the darkside to make the man stand down. And--after a moment, he did, "Go ahead, sir. Use that and you're a dead man."

"I already am dead," James said, thinking of the trial that was going on at the moment. "I dun't want any one else to die today."

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